The dragon phantom gently bowed his head, and a smile appeared in his eyes: "Junior, you are very good, come on, let this seat see how many moves you can support?" The

fish dragon's expression became solemn, and the spiritual power around his body boiled, and he adjusted his state to the best.

Its body surface erupted with brilliant golden light, and its body rose to meet the storm, turning into a hundred zhang dragon.

A dragon groan shook the dragon's nest, and it killed the dragon phantom without fear of death.

It rushes and flies fast.

In the blink of an eye, it was slapped out.

Slammed into the white bone-filled dragon's nest.

I fell and my nose was blue and my face was swollen.

"The guts are good, but your strength is some..." The

dragon phantom slowly shook his head, looking very disappointed.

The fish dragon got up with difficulty, gritted his teeth and shouted: "Come again." "

It rushed up again.

If you can't even get through this ordeal, why talk about the dragon?

But no matter how many times it was defeated and knocked down, it still had a determined look in its eyes, and it did not give up in the slightest.

In the end, the golden dragon's eyes showed a hint of relief.

"Funny little fellow, let Honza see how big your potential really is?"


Meanwhile, below the dragon's nest.

The people of Dragon Tiger Mountain and Sanqing Mountain are waiting.

Feeling the coercion coming from time to time above the dragon's nest, the two sides frowned from time to time.

"Old Ancestor, the coercion above is so strong, then the little dragon should be fine, right?" Some

people looked worried, afraid that something would happen to the fish dragon.

Zhang Huai'an also frowned slightly, and there was also a trace of worry in his eyes.

If something happens to the fish dragon, where can he find another dragon?"

He said in a deep voice, signaling everyone not to panic.

Time passed slowly, and I don't know how long it took.

The coercion above finally gradually disappeared, and then completely disappeared.

Just when the two parties were in shock, a brilliant golden light suddenly erupted from above.

Immediately after that, a dragon groan shook the sky.

A huge golden dragon rushed out of the dragon's nest, flew into the nine skies, and shuttled through the clouds.

The dragon is about a thousand feet long, and the tattoo emits a dazzling golden glow, like a blazing sun.

"Five... Five claws!?" When

he saw the full picture of the golden dragon, the eyes of everyone below suddenly widened.

Because the golden dragon above is suddenly a real five-clawed golden dragon.

The five-clawed golden dragon, also known as the pure-blooded true dragon, is the highest status existence in the dragon clan.

The potential is amazing, comparable to the supreme Tianjiao among human beings.

"This breath is!?" Zhang

Huai'an's eyes narrowed slightly, sensing the familiar aura on the golden dragon.


his eyes moved, and there was some speculation in his heart.

At this time, everyone else also noticed the familiar aura on the golden dragon.

A disciple of Dragon Tiger Mountain said uncertainly: "Old ancestor, this

five-clawed golden dragon seems to be the same guy as the dragon before?" Zhang Huaien nodded and said in a deep voice: "If the old man guessed correctly, there should be a dragon pool on it, and that dragon should have turned into a five-clawed golden dragon through the dragon pool."

As he said this, there was a little doubt in his eyes.

As far as he knew, ordinary dragons entered the Dragon Pool and turned into three claws at most, and some talented people also had up to four claws.

The small dragon that had fallen into a weak slag before, had actually successfully turned into a five-clawed golden dragon, which was simply incredible.

"Could it be that there are any other opportunities other than the Dragon Transformation Pond!?"

Zhang Huai'an whispered, his eyes showing thoughtfulness.


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