The fat monk was the first to ask, "What the benefactor said is true?"

The big black dog said seriously: "Naturally, it is true, if the two senior monks believe it, they will know it with the emperor." The

fat monk immediately looked at the thin old monk.

The latter bowed slightly.

The fat monk immediately said: "Donor, please lead the way." The

big black dog was suspicious for a while, not understanding how these two bald donkeys believed it so easily?

Suppressing the doubts in its heart, it looked at the two monks and said, "But we have to say it first, the emperor will take you to find the Buddha, and you must let the emperor leave."

The two monks immediately nodded, and the fat monk assured: "Don't worry, don't worry, if the person you said is really that powerful, my senior brother and I will definitely talk and count, just let you leave."

The big black dog was a little uneasy, and continued: "No, this emperor can't trust you, unless you make a poisonous oath to the Buddha." The

two monks frowned, and finally made a poisonous oath to the Buddha in the sky.

The big black dog was slightly relieved at this time, and then led the way ahead.

Although it still felt in its heart that the two monks might regret it, but at this point, it could only gamble.

Seeing this, the two monks immediately followed.

The fat monk transmitted, "Senior brother, did you say that the person the other party said would be the person that Xiaoleiyin Temple was looking for?"

The thin old monk replied, "Yes or no, if you see it, you will know." "

It turned out that not long ago, the first force in the Western Regions, "Little Leiyin Temple", came out with news that a uniquely talented Buddha might appear in the Western Regions recently, allowing ancient temples in various places to launch forces to find it.

Therefore, as soon as they heard the big black dog say that, the two monks planned to go and take a look.

In case the other party is the person Xiaoleiyin Temple is looking for, then they can be regarded as having made a great achievement.

If not, how could the two easily believe the words of the big black dog?

In front of the creation mirror, the rest of the people were curious, and some wanted to know who the big black dog was talking about?

Is it really that demon?

Ye Xiaofan guessed some, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching a few times.

This dog thing, in order to escape, really did everything.

Even their own apprentices can be betrayed.

How did you raise such a thing?

I don't know how long it took, the big black dog finally brought two people to the place agreed upon with Qin Feng.

It was a cliff surrounded by clouds, and somewhere in the cliff, a stone chamber was carved out.

Hearing the movement, a handsome young man in white walked out.

The youthful temperament is gentle and dusty, and there is a calmness between his eyebrows.

It was Qin Feng.

After a long time, his temperament has been completely different.

Today's Qin Feng is more restrained than not long ago, and the whole person is no longer so sharp.


After seeing the big black dog, Qin Feng's eyes lit up, but then his face changed.

Because he saw that behind the big black dog, there were two monks.

There was a sudden vigilance in his eyes.

At this moment, the last thing he wanted to see was the monk.

Because not long ago, he and the big black dog accidentally entered an ancient temple sealed underground, and got a strong inheritance in it.

It is precisely because of this that the strength of the big black dog will grow by leaps and bounds.

Qin Feng was even more terrifying.

It may be because of the Buddhist inheritance, he has gained more benefits, his strength is equal to that of the big black dog, and he has also reached the realm of the Dao.

The big black dog smiled hehe: "Don't be afraid, these two masters are strong friends on the road to the master." Hearing

this, Qin Feng's tense mind relaxed slightly.

After seeing Qin Feng, the two monks, one thin and one fat, their eyes suddenly lit up, and they immediately dispersed their thoughts and carefully examined them.

After Xu Yu, the two gasped slightly.

The fat monk said excitedly: "Hahaha, if it is really amazingly talented, this son is a natural Buddha." The

thin monk also nodded, already eighty percent sure in his heart, the person in front of him was the person Xiaoleiyin Temple was looking for.

Seeing this scene, Qin Feng suddenly felt that the situation was a little bad.

He subconsciously looked at the big black dog with inquiry in his eyes.

The big black dog sighed and said with some sadness: "Apprentice, now your strength is equal to that of the master, and the master has nothing to teach you, so I thought of finding a strong master for you, no, I just met two senior monks on the road, so I decided to introduce you to them." Hearing

this, the corners of Qin Feng's mouth twitched violently.

He also immediately understood that the big black dog should have done something again, and he couldn't get out of the way, and then he sold himself.

For this cheap master's temper, he couldn't understand it.

He really wanted to greet the other party cordially, but in the end he held back.

"Two senior monks, the people have been found, can this emperor leave."

The big black dog looked at the two monks, and at the same time his body tensed, ready to immediately run away if something was wrong.

The two monks had the mind to embarrass the big black dog at this moment, and their eyes were all on Qin Feng.

The fat monk waved his hand: "Don't worry, the monks don't say anything, since they said to let you go, they will let you go." The

big black dog nodded, but his body was still tense, and then looked at Qin Feng, who had an ugly face: "Apprentice, don't thank the teacher, after going to the Buddha Gate, cultivate well, and strive for him to become a Buddha and an ancestor."

The corners of Qin Feng's angry mouth twitched, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Master, I will definitely remember your kindness today."

With these last words, he deliberately accentuated his tone.

"Haha, that's not necessary."

The big black dog snorted, and then said to the two monks: "Two senior monks, my apprentice will be handed over to you, you must not snub him, otherwise he will definitely hit the Buddha gate and seek justice from you."

The thin old monk chanted the Buddha's trumpet: "Amitabha Buddha, donor, rest assured, the Buddha is of great significance to my Buddhist sect, and naturally will not be neglected." The

big black dog pretended to nod, and then waved at Qin Feng.

"Apprentice, I don't know when we will meet each other, you have to take good care of yourself, Master will miss you."

It said that it missed, but it did not stop at all under its feet, turned around and ran away with a cigarette.

That look, it seems that I am afraid that I will walk slowly.

The two monks shook their heads funny, and then looked at Qin Feng, and the fat monk said, "Buddha, please come with us."

Although Qin Feng didn't want to go, he knew that it was impossible for him to refuse.

I could only scold the big black dog in my heart, and then nodded expressionlessly.

The three then left as well.

In front of the creation mirror, everyone had strange faces, and their eyes subconsciously looked at Ye Xiaofan.

First of all, what kind of dog does the other party raise like this?

It's too pitted.

In order to escape for his own life, he even pit his own apprentice.

Doesn't its conscience hurt?

The corner of Ye Xiaofan's mouth twitched, and he wanted to say, why are you looking at me?

What does that dog thing do with him?

One more chapter first, a little later


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