Ye Xiaofan looked at the spirit of the mirror, that is, the beautiful woman in black, and asked, "What is the place in the mirror, and how far is it from us?" The

beautiful woman in black immediately gave feedback.

"Back to the master, the place in the mirror is the Western Region, and we are here in the eastern part of the Southern Region, with an extremely long distance in between, and if you want to rush over, I am afraid it will take a certain amount of time."

Ye Xiaofan was a little curious after hearing this: "What is the Western Regions and the Southern Regions, why can't I understand a little?"

The three-legged crow on the side immediately explained: "Master, the lost land that merged with the ancestral land of the Terran race not long ago, called the Tianchen Continent, was divided into five major regions in the southeast, southwest, northwest, and the middle of the fusion before the fusion, as well as the endless sea.

"Although it is now fused with the Terran Ancestral Land, it can still be roughly distinguished by the five major domains."

The four Zao Wou-ki people next to them were a little surprised after hearing this, because they had been dormant in the Immortal Demon Cave, completely cut off from the outside world, they didn't know for the time being, the Tianchen Continent and the ancestral land were fused together.

It's not that they didn't pay attention to the outside world, the main thing is that they had calculated that it should take some time before the two places merged.

I don't understand how it is ahead of schedule now?

In other words, the young man in front of him is likely to be a strong man in the ancestral land.

Thinking of this, the four people trembled in their hearts.

It is worthy of being the most original place, and it is indeed a crouching tiger, hidden dragon.

They were originally still wondering, when did a strong person like Ye Xiaofan appear on the Tianchen Continent?

Ye Xiaofan nodded when he heard this, and could only give up his plan to go to the Western Regions.

At present, there is no danger for one person and one dog.

Although Qin Feng went to the Buddha Gate, with the attitude of those two monks, he obviously would not hurt each other.

Although the big black dog is outside, with the other party's cunning as a fox, it is estimated that something is unlikely to happen.

He was going to see how everyone else was doing first.

Then, he told the situation of the ichthyosaurus.

As before, the picture in the creation mirror first flickered, and finally a vast sea appeared.

Then the picture flashed and came underwater.

There, there is a magnificent and luxurious crystal palace complex.

On the most central palace, a five-clawed golden dragon winds around.

The dragon head is tall and looks extremely domineering.

Around the Crystal Palace, countless shrimp soldiers and crabs will patrol.

With just a glance, everyone recognized where this place was.

Underwater Dragon Palace.

Then the screen turned and came to one of the crystal palaces.

In the open room, a young man with a defiant face sits on a colorful coral bed.

He wore a black dragon robe and a bushy blonde hair shawl.

The whole person is handsome and extraordinary, full of dignity, and Tianxuan may be talking about him.

It's just that between the young man's eyebrows, there is a melancholy aura.

It seems that I have encountered some trouble.

Ye Xiaofan was stunned, wasn't he looking for a fish dragon? How to show him a guy he doesn't know?

As if seeing what he was thinking, the beautiful woman in black immediately explained: "Master, the fish you are looking for should be in shape."

Ye Xiaofan reacted suddenly, carefully looked at the appearance of the young man in the mirror, and muttered in a low voice: "It's not bad, it's almost enough to catch up with me." "

A few people next to each other looked at each other, and they wanted to complain, can you look in the mirror?

In the room, the fish dragon sighed softly: "Hey! I don't know how long such days will last, I want to be free, I want to breathe fresh air, I want to feel the free wind of the outside world.

Ye Xiaofan frowned when he heard this, and guessed in his heart, could it be that the fish dragon was imprisoned?

A coldness flashed in his eyes.

If that's the case, he must make the other party look good.

At this moment, the door was pushed open, and a girl with dragon horns on her name walked in.

Look at what she wears, like a maid and maid.

The girl came to the fish dragon and bowed slightly: "The slave has seen a horse."

The fish dragon waved his hand and asked, "Something?" The

girl said respectfully: "Pony, it seems that there are distinguished guests visiting today, His Majesty has set up a banquet on the side of the main hall, and the princesses have asked the slaves to come and invite the colts to come over and participate in the banquet together." The

fish dragon nodded, got up and said, "Lead the way." The

two left the room and soon after arrived in another crystal palace.

There, five women who looked almost identically, were looking forward to it.

The faces of the five are as delicate as jade, their bodies are bumpy and graceful, and they look almost identical.

If it weren't for the completely different clothes and temperament on the body, it would be difficult for outsiders to tell the difference.

The clothes of the five people are just white, blue, red, black and yellow, corresponding to the color of the five elements.

Although the 5 people look almost the same, their temperaments are completely different.

The woman in white at the head on the left, with a silver long hair shawl, has a noble and cold temperament, like the eldest princess of the empire.

Next to it is a woman in blue clothes, with long light green hair and a shawl, and a gentle and cordial temperament on her body, which makes people can't help but want to get close.

Next to the woman in blue is a woman in black and blue hair, her beautiful eyes are watery, and her body is full of water-like temperament, which makes people can't help but want to pity.

Next to the woman in black is a red-haired woman in red, she is the best figure among the five, not only that, but her body also exudes a hot and enchanting temperament, like a hot-tempered female tyrannosaurus.

The last one is a woman in a yellow dress, she has light blonde hair, and her whole temperament is calm and restrained.

Like a steady elder.

Seeing the arrival of the fish dragon, the eyes of the five women all lit up.

The woman in the red dress among the five people immediately pounced and said excitedly: "Husband, I don't see you for a few days, I want to kill you." A

smile suddenly appeared on Yuhualong's face, holding the girl for a circle, and spoiling the girl's nose: "Yan Yao, I miss you too." The

other four women also walked up with a smile on their faces.


The four of them all screamed, and their eyes were full of love when they looked at the fish dragon.

The woman in white at the head spoke: "Fourth sister, okay, it'll be your turn soon, let's go to the banquet first."

Ao Yanyao let go of the fish dragon: "Husband, you can accompany me in two days."

"Good, good, I will definitely accompany you when the time comes."

Yuhualong nodded quickly, and a spring breeze smile appeared on his face.

It's just that deep under his eyes, a trace of helplessness flashed.

Not long ago, the ichthyosaurus was swimming in the endless ocean, enjoying the feeling of unrestrained freedom.

But suddenly the world changed.

By the time he came back to his senses, the ocean that had allowed him to swim had changed dramatically.

Among them, there are many powerful sea beasts.

During the Ichthyosaurus, he encountered several crises, and finally when he was chased and killed by a powerful sea beast, he panicked and entered a large crack in the seabed.

Then he followed the undercurrent under the crack and accidentally entered a ruin.


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