At the same time, Qin Zhentian also set off for Shushan with a group of experts.

Several major chaebols who learned the news also secretly sent people to prepare to fight the autumn breeze.

In an office on the top floor of Bashu Star, Lin Wuyang looked at the distant team, a smile flashed in the depths of his eyes, and whispered in his heart: "It's finally about to begin." "


Ye Xiaofan and the others did not go to the depths of Shu Mountain at the first time, but under the leadership of the Golden Toad Demon King, they went to the Centipede Demon King's cave mansion.

"Big brother, you're finally here."

The centipede demon king's face showed joy.

The golden toad pointed at Ye Xiaofan and introduced: "Little brother, this is my master, hurry up and come to greet you." The

Centipede Demon King raised his head and looked at Ye Xiaofan carefully.

I don't see the slightest peculiarity.

It couldn't help but have some doubts: "Big brother, are you mistaken?" This is clearly just a mortal. The

golden toad slapped the centipede demon king's brain, and scolded: "You know a hammer, the depth of the master is not something you can know, hurry up and salute." The

Centipede Demon King secretly pouted, but due to the Golden Toad Demon King's lustful power, it reluctantly stepped forward and called "senior".

A hornless golden dragon crawled out of Ye Xiaofan's clothes, and looked at the centipede demon king with a displeased face: "I said little centipede, what kind of attitude are you, if it weren't for the sake of the stinky toad, this king will teach you to be a human in minutes." "


The Centipede Demon King was taken aback, and it felt a deadly threat from the golden dragon in front of it.

Ye Xiaofan waved his hand: "Forget it, don't worry about a small centipede."

The little golden dragon snorted, and then stopped.

The Centipede Demon King put away the shock in his heart, took a deep look at Ye Xiaofan, and then invited everyone to enter his cave mansion.

Then he ordered his subordinates to bring wine, melons and fruits and entertain everyone.

All the demon beasts also looked at Ye Xiaofan and the two curiously, wondering how their own king could interact with humans?

"Who the hell is this bald head? It seems that the origin is not small?

"What kind of human powerhouse is it?"

"It doesn't look like ah, dumbfounded, I have seen a lot of human powerhouses, most of them are amazing aura, I have never seen this!"

The demons whispered below, and some people felt that Ye Xiaofan was an absolute powerhouse among the human races.

There are also demon beasts who do not think so.

After all, Ye Xiaofan looked too ordinary, and even a little natural, and he seemed to be completely incompatible with the peerless powerhouse.

Qin Feng came to the Demon King's cave mansion for the first time, and he couldn't help but feel a little nervous in his heart.

Ye Xiaofan was extremely relaxed, not caring at all about the eyes of the pair of demon beasts around him, and he was eating happily at the moment.

The Centipede Demon King's brows frowned slightly, and he became more and more suspicious of Ye Xiaofan's strength in his heart, and looked at the Golden Toad Demon King and asked, "Big brother, when are we going to snatch the treasure medicine?" The

Golden Toad Demon King picked up a plate of special silkworm chrysalis and fed it to his mouth, and said vaguely: "What's the hurry, wait until you have enough to eat and drink."

After speaking, it patted Qin Feng: "Boy, relax a little, why are you so nervous, come, a whole plate of Shushan specialties, old fragrant."

Looking at the silkworm chrysalis that was still squirming slightly in the plate, Qin Feng felt a chill, and hurriedly waved his hand to refuse: "No need for senior, I'm not hungry for the time being." The

Golden Toad Demon King did not persuade much, poured the silkworm chrysalis in the plate into his mouth, and then swallowed it.

"Damn it, it's really uncomfortable to have no teeth, and you can't chew anything to eat."

The Golden Toad Demon King scolded and cursed, with an unhappy face.

Just as everyone was eating happily, a scorpion demon general suddenly rushed in and reported: "King Chen, that person came again last time. The

centipede demon king's eyes froze, and he couldn't help but look at the golden toad demon king.

Although the former had already said that Ye Xiaofan was the boss, the centipede demon king did not put Ye Xiaofan in his eyes, and he still centered on the golden toad demon king.

The Golden Toad Demon King looked at Ye Xiaofan.

"You let him in, let's avoid it first, see what the other party's purpose is?"

Ye Xiaofan said, and then hid inside with the two demon kings and Qin Feng.

As soon as they left, a black-robed man flew in from outside.

He wore a wide black robe, and his face was covered by a hood, so he could not see his specific face.

"Your Excellency the Demon King, long time no see."

A hoarse voice came from under the hood.

The centipede demon king sat on the throne and said lightly: "Human, what happened to you?" The

black-robed man said unhurriedly: "Why is Your Excellency the Demon King so rude, my old friend is here, and there is not even a place to sit?"

The centipede demon king's eyes flashed slightly, and he ordered the demon beast on the side: "Watch the seat." The

black-robed man sat down on the stone chair, and then slowly said, "Your Excellency the Demon King, I came here to ask you for a favor?" The

centipede demon king's eyes condensed slightly: "What busy?"

"As long as His Excellency the Demon King helps me take the Western Base City together, I will be thanked afterwards." The black-robed man stated his purpose.

The centipede demon king's pupils shrank, and then sneered: "Hehe, this king doesn't want to send him to death." The

black-robed man said with a smile: "Your Excellency the Demon King said seriously, at this moment, most of the masters of the Western Base City have gone to Shushan, it is a good time to take it, as long as His Excellency the Demon King is willing to help, the benefits will definitely not be less than yours afterwards."

The Centipede Demon King shook his head and refused: "This matter is not mentioned, this king does not want to be retaliated by humans."

"So, His Excellency the Demon King refused?" The voice under the hood was a little gloomy.

The centipede demon king sneered: "Why, can't you refuse?" The

black-robed man slowly stood up, and his voice was cold: "Since His Excellency the Demon King does not know how to lift, then don't blame me for being unkind."

"Hmph, what a big breath." The Centipede Demon King snorted coldly: "Sano doesn't look at the place, immediately kneel down and apologize to King Ben, otherwise he won't want to leave here today." "

A small reptile is also worthy?"

The black-robed man sneered, and the next moment a powerful aura emanated from his body.

The surrounding demon beasts looked horrified, because this aura was too strong.

The centipede demon king's pupils shrank, and his face became solemn.

"It turned out to be a peak martial king, no wonder he dared to be so arrogant."

The black-robed man said in an indifferent voice: "It's a pity that it's too late to know now." Just

as the atmosphere was tense, a lazy voice suddenly resounded in the cave mansion.

"Don't worry, let me ask a few words."

The demons looked for sounds, and saw a bald young man walking out from the depths of the cave mansion.

Behind him, Qin Feng and the Golden Toad Demon King followed.

The pupils under the black-robed man's hood shrank, and he couldn't understand why there were humans here?

At the same time, his eyes were attracted by the Golden Toad Demon King, and his face under his hood became solemn.

Ye Xiaofan looked at the black-robed man in front of him and asked curiously, "What kind of force are you?" Why do you want to capture the Western Base City? The

black-robed man was silent, obviously having no intention of answering.

The Golden Toad Demon King said coldly: "Hidden rat generation, you better explain honestly, otherwise you will regret coming here today." The

black-robed man's voice was disdainful: "Just by you two animals?

"Rats, you're looking for death."

The Golden Toad Demon King was furious, but when he was about to strike, he was stopped by Ye Xiaofan.

"I warn you, it's best not to hit the attention of Base City, if I can't stew when I go back then, I want you to look good."


The black-robed man was stunned, and he didn't bother to talk nonsense, his spiritual power was boiling, and his hands quickly froze.

The next moment, darkness spread from all around him, instantly covering the entire cave mansion.


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