The originally bright cave mansion was instantly eroded by darkness, which made the demons feel even more frightened.

Not only have they lost their light, but they have also lost their sense of hearing and smell.

It was as if you were in an endless hell, where you could hear nothing and see nothing.

Even the great demon kings are like this.

"This is the field?!"

The centipede demon king was shocked in his heart, and quickly called the golden toad, but did not respond in the slightest.

It knows that the matter is in order, and the other party's field is very terrifying, and it can actually block people's five senses.

Just when it secretly screamed bad in its heart, it suddenly felt a huge force coming from its body, and its back body involuntarily flew out upside down.

The centipede demon king knew that he was attacked, but what scared him was that even if he was attacked, he couldn't even feel pain.

Don't say anything about the other demon beasts, they were terrified in their hearts.

In the darkness, a pair of playful eyes watched all this.

After opening the dark realm, he is the master of this realm, almost invincible.

The next moment, his figure moved abruptly and rushed towards Ye Xiaofan.

"Abominable boy, give me death."

He slapped out a fierce palm, and the palm print condensed by the spiritual power wind slapped heavily on Ye Xiaofan's body.

But what shocked the black-robed man was that the young man who looked a little natural was not moving, and there was no scar on his body.

"Hey, didn't you eat, just with this strength, you dare to learn people to engage in sneak attacks without talking about martial virtue?"

A voice full of ridicule reached the ears of the black-robed man, making his face livid with anger.

Just as he was about to make a move, he saw the young man in front of him take a stance, and his fist gently swung out towards the front.

The black-robed man only felt a deadly crisis hit and quickly hid aside.

The next moment, the wind was raging, and the terrifying fist tore through the darkness, blasted through the cave mansion, and swept towards the distance.

Everything that stood in the way was shattered by the fist.

When everything calmed down, a deep ravine appeared on the ground hundreds of feet wide and hundreds of meters deep, with no end in sight.

As soon as the five senses of the demons recovered, they saw this scene, gulped a mouthful of spit, and then subconsciously looked at Ye Xiaofan, who closed his fists, and there was extreme shock in his eyes.

Looking at the huge ravine with no end in sight, the centipede demon king was terrified.

At this moment, it finally believed what the Golden Toad Demon King said.

Ye Xiaofan was really unfathomable.

If this punch hits it, it is estimated that it will kill it in minutes.

Qin Feng's eyes widened as well, although he had long known that Ye Xiaofan was very strong.

But this punch still exceeded his expectations.

As for the black-robed man, he had already lost his soul.

Just when everyone was shocked and frightened, Ye Xiaofan said lightly: "See it, this is called a fight."

The black-robed man who came back to his senses asked in a trembling voice, "You... Who are you? How... How could it be so strong!?

Ye Xiaofan pouted: "You don't tell me, why should I tell you." The

black-robed man secretly swallowed his spit, and then turned around and fled.

"Akin, it's over to you."

Ye Xiaofan clapped his hands, not planning to make a move.

The figure of the Golden Toad Demon King flashed and disappeared in an instant.

Soon after, he returned again, bringing back the dying black-robed man.

At this moment, his black robe was tattered, revealing his true face.

It was an old man with a gloomy face and gray hair.

The centipede demon king's eyes widened, the top martial king, he was actually cleaned up by the golden toad demon king so quickly.

The strength of the other party seems to be far beyond his imagination.

"Master, this guy can't get in the oil and salt, and he can't ask anything."

The Golden Toad Demon King reported to Ye Xiaofan.

Ye Xiaofan waved his hand: "If you can't ask, forget it, you can see and deal with it yourself." The

Golden Toad Demon King looked at the group of little demons and said lightly: "Take it down and divide it." When

the demons heard this, they immediately thanked the Golden Toad Demon King, and then rushed up and dragged the old man down.

As for the result, there is no need to say more.

The flesh and blood of the top martial king is a great supplement for the demon beast.

Qin Feng said worriedly: "Senior, the base city is afraid that there is danger, let's go back and tell the military the news."

Ye Xiaofan waved his hand: "Don't care so much, there are still so many masters in the base city, it will definitely be fine, let's hurry up and find that treasure medicine, I can't wait to go back to boil the soup."

Qin Feng's expression froze, thinking that there was still a big black dog, so he didn't say anything more.

At this time, the centipede demon king quickly climbed over and bowed to Ye Xiaofanna.

"Meet the master, wish the master Hong Fu Qi Tian, Shou and Tianqi, Wencheng Wude, and unify the blue star."

Seeing this scene, the surrounding monster beasts were all dumbfounded.

They never expected that their own king would have such a side.

Facing the strange gazes around him, the centipede demon king was not afraid at all.

Although this is a bit of a loss of face.

But what is face?

Is it worth it?

As long as he can follow Ye Xiaofan, he will definitely soar in the future.

Don't you see your big brother, now it's beautiful.

The top Martial King is a scumbag to it.

Ye Xiaofan looked strange, first glanced at the Golden Toad Demon King, and then at the Centipede Demon King.

"It's worthy of being a brother, this cheeky is exactly the same."

Back then, the Golden Toad Demon King was also like this, how much he dragged at the beginning, how much he licked later.

The old face of the Golden Toad Demon King was a little red.

The centipede demon king's eyes were a little surprised, curious about what the golden toad demon king had done?

"Get up, for Akin's sake, I'll reluctantly accept this pet of yours."

Qin Feng was speechless for a while, accepting the top demon king as a pet, he was actually reluctant to do it?

This operation, it is estimated that only Ye Xiaofan has done it.

Ye Xiaofan ordered, "You go and arrange it at once, let's leave later."

"Yes, master."

The centipede demon king agreed, and the fart went down to arrange.


Soon after, Ye Xiaofan left here with Qin Feng and the three demon kings.

When approaching the depths of Shu Mountain, Ye Xiaofan stopped at the foothills of a mountain.

"Akin, Aaron, it's time to change clothes."

As soon as Ye Xiaofan finished speaking, the Golden Little Dragon and the Golden Toad Demon King quickly took action.

I saw bursts of golden light burst out of the two of them, and their figures squirmed in the golden light, and finally turned into two half-orcs.

One is the head of the dragon, and there is a long dragon tail behind it.

One is the head of the toad.

The Centipede Demon King was shocked, but he didn't expect that the two could actually take shape.

Although it is only half-formed, it is no less terrifying.

Because the top demon king cannot be transformed.

This further proves its speculation that the strength of the two has exceeded the realm of the demon king.

Ye Xiaofan took out two green fish hoods and two black capes in the backpack behind him and threw them to the two demon kings.

The two demon kings took it and dressed them neatly.

Ye Xiaofan took out a Diga Ultraman hood and red cape, and quickly put them on.

"I'm a rusher."

"I'm Babolben."

"I'm Digga Ultraman."

"We are the Righteous Heavenly Group."

The three spoke almost at the same time and assumed a coquettish pose.

Qin Feng and the Centipede Demon King froze, and some did not react from this sudden painting style.


What kind of shape is this?


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