"Hehe, how is it, are you surprised by my brother's appearance?"

Ye Xiaofan took off his mask and winked at the stunned person and demon.

One person and one demon came back to their senses, the corners of their mouths twitched secretly, although they wanted to complain in their hearts, but they could not nod and flatter on the surface.

"The master's look is really handsome, the most handsome I have seen in my life."

"There are also two eldest brothers, they are simply too handsome, and they are simply envious of the little brother."

The corners of Qin Feng's mouth twitched again.

I really want to ask the Centipede Demon King, how did you say such a thing that violates your conscience?

He also forced a smile and said: "The senior is very handsome, and those children will definitely like it." "

In fact, Ye Xiaofan's outfit looks good overall, but when paired with the two next to him, it's not like that.

"That's for sure, not only children will like it, but it is estimated that thousands of girls will be charmed." Ye Xiaofan's eyes showed smugness.

There should be no such possibility... Qin Feng silently complained in his heart, and asked curiously: "Senior, why are you dressed like this?"

"Of course, for the better doing of justice."

Ye Xiaofan explained while taking out an Ultraman hood and a black cape from his backpack.

"Come, I also have a set for you."

Qin Feng's body trembled, and he said with a dry smile: "Senior, that... Can that not be worn?

"You don't like Ultraman?"

Ye Xiaofan looked surprised, and then took out a few head covers, including the senior brother and the second senior brother, the green head fish, and the husky.

"Come on, come on, you pick one from the inside."

Ye Xiaofan pushed several hoods all in front of Qin Feng.

Qin Feng opened his mouth, but finally did not dare to say the words of refusal.

After looking around, he picked up the hood of the senior brother.

While dressing, he was a little curious: "Senior, I don't know what you mean by righteous things?" The

Golden Toad Demon King slapped Qin Feng's head.

"Ask so much for what, you'll know later."

Qin Feng did not dare to ask more, silently put on a hood, and tied his cape.

Ye Xiaofan was very satisfied with Qin Feng's new look.

"Not bad, very handsome."

"Master, what about mine?" The Centipede Demon King looked impatient.

Ye Xiaofan glanced at the huge body of the Centipede Demon King and spoke, "You haven't transformed into a form for the time being, let's talk about it later." The

Centipede Demon King looked dejected when he heard this, but he was relieved in his heart.

Finally, there is no need to lose face.


Ye Xiaofan jumped above the centipede demon king's head, and Qin Feng and the two demon kings also followed closely.

The centipede demon king thousand feet crawled quickly on the ground, like a speeding high-speed train, shuttling between the reckless mountains.


In the depths of Shu Mountain, Qin Zhentian brought a group of human powerhouses to the outside of the valley where the thousand-year-old treasure medicine was grown.

Yun Shan said in a deep voice: "Chief, according to the news, people from several major chaebols should also come.

Qin Zhentian's brows frowned slightly, and said coldly: "Don't worry about them, just a few grasshoppers, they can't turn over the wind and waves."

Yun Shan nodded, and then said, "Chief, let me go to the first battle."

Qin Zhentian bowed his head slightly: "Be careful." Yun

Shan stepped out, his spiritual power boiling, and a palm print went straight to the valley ahead.

"What kind of madman, dare to come here to be presumptuous."

A huge crimson snake tail swept out from the valley, smashing the spiritual power giant palm to pieces.

Then a crimson python flew out of the valley, and the triangular pupils flashed with icy light.

"Wicked beasts, take your life."

Yun Shan roared, his figure jumped out like lightning, and the next moment he fought with the red giant python.

Both of them were very powerful, and the terrifying spiritual power boiled, shattering the clouds in the sky.

On a hilltop dozens of miles away from the valley, a group of people gathered here.

They wore uniform uniforms, and each had a camera on them.

Look at what they are wearing, like a group of war correspondents.

If there are outsiders here, they will definitely be able to recognize their identity.

It was the people of the Blue Star First News Organization "Monde".

At the head is a middle-aged fat man with a shrewd face.

His name was Wednesday Tong, and he was a small leader in the World Society war correspondent corps.

He likes to record and report on big events around the world.

"Give me a twelve-point spirit, and I can't miss any details."

Several of his subordinates nodded solemnly.


On the other side, Ye Xiaofan and the others also arrived not far from the valley.

Several people did not rush out directly, but first found a place to hide.

Qin Feng was a little puzzled: "Senior, why don't we strike directly?" The

Golden Toad Demon King reprimanded: "You kid is stupid, haven't you heard a word called mantis cicada catcher, yellow finch behind?"

Qin Feng was a little confused.

With your own strength, do you need to be a yellow finch?

Although he didn't understand, he didn't dare to ask more.

Several major chaebols are also hiding in the shadows, ready to reap the benefits of the fishermen.

The battle above the valley intensified.

Red Snake and Yunshan are equal in strength, and it is difficult to distinguish between victory and defeat for a while.

"Red snake, this kid is not bad, I haven't seen it for a few years, but my strength has increased a lot."

The Golden Toad Demon King commented.

The Centipede Demon King explained: "This kid is lucky, he ate a treasure medicine that is not low grade a few years ago, and his strength has increased a lot.

The Golden Toad Demon King nodded, and then sighed: "I don't know how those subordinates of this king are doing now, have they been suppressed by the white snake girls?" The

centipede demon king's eyes were strange, and just as he wanted to speak, he heard a loud shout from the valley.

"Brother Red Snake, I'll help you."

A huge lizard soared into the air, opened its mouth and spat out a purple poisonous mist, heading straight for Yunshan.

The latter's face changed and he quickly retreated.

The Golden Toad Demon King's expression froze, and then he cursed angrily: "This poisonous lizard of dog day actually dares to betray this king."

The golden little dragon mocked: "Stinky toad, didn't you say that your subordinates are loyal and will not betray you?

The Golden Toad Demon King defended, "Just an exception, the other demon generals will definitely not betray this king." The

centipede demon king on the side stopped talking.

With the entry of the poisonous lizard, Yunshan was defeated, and seeing this, another strong man was sent from the human side.

As time went on, the war became more and more intense, and the number of people on both sides participating in the war increased.

After the poisonous lizard, a black spider also joined the battlefield.

With its mouth open, he spat out a cobweb, and swept towards several human powerhouses.

The Golden Toad Demon King's face was ugly: "Damn, this mother-in-law of the black widow actually betrayed this king?" Just

as he was angry, a huge scorpion flew high in the air and joined the fight.

After it, a silver toad also soared into the air, opening its mouth to spit out a gray poisonous mist, and also joined the battle.

"This... These two bastards actually betrayed King Ben!? After

seeing the scorpion and the toad, the Golden Toad Demon King was so angry that his face turned green.

Especially the betrayal of the silver toad, it is really unacceptable.

The other party was his most loyal horse boy.

Because it is of the same race, the Golden Toad Demon King also takes good care of the former.

As a result, I didn't expect that this dog day actually betrayed it.

The golden little dragon smiled and said, "Stinky toad, are these subordinates of yours really loyal? It can simply be called "loyal and courageous", and this king is admired. "


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