"Shut up."

The Golden Toad Demon King scolded with a black face, anger erupting in his eyes.

"This group of dogs and things, actually dared to betray King Ben, and they all waited for King Ben."

Ye Xiaofan looked surprised: "Ah Jin, what did you do back then?" So unpopular?

Qin Feng's eyes also showed surprise.

If a demon betrays, it may be the other party's problem.

But now it's a bunch of demons who have betrayed.

This may be a question worth pondering.

"Hmph, King Ben has always loved the people like a son, and he has no words to say about treating his subordinates, this group of guys is a white-eyed wolf that can't be raised." The Golden Toad Demon King said viciously, anger erupting in his eyes.

"Is it? That can only mean that you can't look at the demon's eyes, and you can't blame others.

Ye Xiaofan spread out his hands and continued to pay attention to the battlefield movements.

The centipede demon king secretly pouted on the side, saying in his heart, boss, won't your conscience hurt when you say this?

Present, only he knew the evil deeds of the Golden Toad Demon King.

The Golden Toad Demon King was extremely brutal back then, and if he didn't, he wouldn't have taken the demons to attack the Western Base City.

Above the valley, the fighting intensified.

The two sides fought back and forth, and it was difficult to tell the winner or the loser for a while.

Terrifying fluctuations spread out, and the terrain around the valley was destroyed.

The battle between kings is comparable to nuclear war, and the destruction of the terrain is terrifying.

In the distance, a group of people from the World Society pointed their cameras at the battle above the valley.

They use the latest cameras, even if they are 10 miles apart, they can still shoot clearly.

"Connect me to a satellite and broadcast the big battle here."

Wednesday Tong ordered loudly.

Such a big war, if it is not broadcast live and seen by the outside world, wouldn't it be a pity?

A group of people operated quickly, and after a while, they connected to the satellite and broadcast the battle here live in real time.

And put a striking title on the live cover.

#惊, a thousand-year-old treasure medicine appeared in the depths of Shu Mountain, causing a shocking war between humans and monster beasts!! #Outside

, soon someone noticed the title full of gimmicks and clicked in.

When they saw the big battle in the live broadcast, they were all shocked.

Suddenly, barrages flew all over the sky.

"Shhh! It turned out to be a war between kings, could it really be that a thousand-year treasure medicine appeared!?

"That is a rare super treasure medicine, if it can be obtained by my human race, another super strong person will be born."

"That's right, but there are two top demon kings in the depths of Shu Mountain, and it is very difficult to get them."


The people in the live broadcast room were talking a lot, curious about who would get the thousand-year-old treasure medicine?

With the spread on the Internet, more and more people pay attention to live broadcasts.

In Western Base City, Xiao Qianjue, who stayed here, also saw the live broadcast.

His face was a little gloomy: "Damn, the news really leaked."

Then, his face returned to calm: "This is good, there are a group of guys from the World Society, and if you want to come to a few big chaebols, you will also have some convergence." "

Somewhere on the outskirts of Mount Ba, on a flat peak, there are many makeshift tents.

A group of trainees sat outside their tents to rest.

They were the students of the Nancheng District Martial Arts Academy who were conducting actual combat training in Bashan.

Ye Xiaoman's daughters were also among them.

Xiao Luoli, who was browsing the news with her mobile phone, suddenly saw the live broadcast, clicked in to take a look, and sure enough, saw the fierce battle in the town deep in Shushan.

"Look, it's the military people, they are fighting with demon beasts in Shushan to snatch that thousand-year-old treasure medicine."

Ye Xiaoman and Su Qingxue immediately looked over.


The several chaebols who were hiding in the dark also knew about the live broadcast, and their faces couldn't help but look a little gloomy.

"Damn, how come there are those dogs from the World Society everywhere."

In the Li family's team, Li Yundi cursed in a low voice.

They originally wanted to reap the benefits of the fisherman in secret, but now that the battle scene was livestreamed, they could no longer strike at will.

Otherwise, they would be settled by the high-level of the Dragon Kingdom afterwards, and they could not afford that kind of anger.

"Yun Di, what are you anxious about?" An old man smiled lightly and said, "Later, before making a move, don't you just send someone to destroy the group of guys in the World Society." Looking

at his flat expression, he didn't take this matter to heart at all.

Li Yundi was stunned, and then came back to his senses and saluted the old man: "Thank you Second Grandpa for teaching." "

The other big chaebols all have similar ideas.

Above the valley, the fighting intensified.

Both sides fought real fire, without the slightest sparing hand, the move was fatal, and they were all killing each other.

In the end, it is still human beings who are superior.

After all, there are many strong people who have come to mankind this time.

Not only did the military dispatch most of the strong, but also the support of the central base city.

The blood-covered Red Snake Demon King roared: "All the demons obey the order, block the valley for me, and don't let this group of miscellaneous things in."

As soon as the voice fell, countless demon beasts surged from all directions to block the entrance to the valley and block a group of human powerhouses.

"A bunch of beasts looking for death."

Yunshan's voice was cold, and he took the lead in killing the demon beast.

He cast his magical powers, and a hundred-meter-tall ancient mountain appeared behind him, and in a rumbling noise, he blatantly smashed towards the many demon beasts below with unparalleled might.

The next moment, the blood and flesh of the demons were blurred, and the deaths and injuries were heavy.

The rest of the human powerhouses also shot one after another, and the monster beasts they killed suffered heavy losses.

The pungent smell of blood permeated the valley.

Just as the situation was on the sidelines, a roar came from behind the valley.

"Human, you are looking for death."

Before the words fell, a behemoth appeared from the misty valley.

It was a white python many times thicker than a water tank, with scales the size of a basin shimmering in the sunlight.

The figure exposed outside the clouds alone is thousands of meters long.

The clouds and mist were stirred up by its huge body, and from a distance, it looked like a white divine dragon soaring through the clouds.

It gives people a strong sense of oppression.

Just when everyone was shocked, a huge white snake tail cave pierced through the clouds and mist, heading straight for several people in Yunshan.

A few people only felt the strong wind, and before they could react, they were violently pumped out.

Bang bang bang....

Several people smashed heavily on the towering peaks outside the valley.

The terrifying force smashed the mountain peak.

"Deputy Chief."

A human powerhouse exclaimed, with horror in his eyes.

As soon as he saw it, several people in Yunshan were completely defeated.

It can be seen from this that the White Snake Demon King is powerful.

When everyone in the live broadcast room saw this scene, they all gasped.

"My God, is this the strength of the top demon king, it's too strong, right?"

"It is said that the White Snake Demon King has been enlightened for thousands of years, and before the revival of the aura, he left many legends in the Shu Mountains."

"It is worthy of being a thousand-year-old demon, this strength is really terrifying!!"

Ye Xiaofan, who was hiding in the secret, looked surprised: "Akin, the strength of your first love is not bad."

The Golden Toad Demon King touched his head and smiled: "The master is right, this lady does have a few brushes, otherwise this king would have conquered it long ago." "


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