The golden little dragon mocked: "Don't make excuses for your incompetence, a snake can't conquer, you say you have an egg."

The Golden Toad Demon King was furious: "Stinky carp, shut your dog's mouth and fuck your eggs."

The golden little dragon responded with a sneer: "Everyone has the freedom to speak, just because you a toad also want to control the king?" "

Messing with stuff, what do you say? Kind of say it again? The

Golden Toad Demon King's eyes erupted with raging anger, and with that look, he couldn't wait to slaughter the other party and make a plate of sweet and sour carp.

The golden little dragon was not afraid at all: "Of course you are mentioned, do we have other toads here?" The

Golden Toad Demon King trembled with anger, and he couldn't wait to rush up and fight with the other party.

Qin Feng and the Centipede Demon King were speechless for a while.

Only then did I find that these two goods actually like to fight so much.


Ye Xiaofan scolded lightly, and the two demon kings immediately quieted down.

"Stinky carp, King Ben cursed you not to think about turning into a dragon for the rest of your life."

The Golden Toad Demon King drew circles on the ground with a toad palm.

Above the valley, just when the White Snake Demon King was about to kill several people in Yunshan, Qin Zhentian made a move and blocked the White Snake Demon King's attack.

"Your Excellency the Demon King, I am only here for the treasure medicine, and I have no intention of killing, as long as Your Excellency the Demon King is willing to give up the treasure medicine, I am willing to leave immediately."

Qin Zhentian looked at the White Snake Demon King with a calm expression and said his request.

The White Snake Demon King looked at him indifferently: "Do you think this is possible?"

Qin Zhentian squinted slightly, and then suddenly opened: "Since that's the case, let's fight."

Before the words fell, his figure had already disappeared from the place, turning into a bolt of lightning and killing the White Snake Demon King.

The White Snake Demon King was not afraid, and the giant tail swept and went straight to Qin Zhentian.


The two collided, like a comet hitting the earth, making a deafening loud noise.

The terrifying wave of air swept away like a tsunami, blowing off countless vegetation around it.

It also rolled up the fallen leaves and dust between the woodlands.

The power is terrifying.

The next moment, the two supreme powerhouses clashed together.

The roar was continuous, and the qi wave was like a rising tide, constantly sweeping in all directions.

The speed of the two is extremely fast, one moment they are still in the valley, the next moment they are thousands of meters away, and the next moment they are back in the valley.

Everyone in the live broadcast room was shocked, and the barrage rolled quickly.

"It is worthy of being a top king, this strength is simply terrifying!!"

"It's hard to imagine that the body of that white snake is as big as lightning, and the speed of movement is comparable to lightning!!."

"And Chief Qin, he can actually collide with the top demon king!!


"Chief Qin is so powerful, he is worthy of being the number one master in Base City."

Ye Xiaoman said with a cold breath, with adoration in his eyes.

"If only I could become so powerful one day."

Su Qingxue and Xiao Luoli rolled their eyes, and they really wanted to complain that there were several such strong people in your yard.

Xiao Luoli smiled and said, "Xiao Man, you are so talented, you must be able to."

Su Qingxue also said: "Yes, yes, it will definitely be possible."

Ye Xiaoman nodded vigorously: "Uh-huh, when I become strong in the future, no one will want to bully my brother."

The two women rolled their eyes again.

With Ye Xiaofan's unfathomable strength, who dared to bully him?

I'm afraid it's not too long.

Xiao Qianjue frowned and looked at the live broadcast, and puzzlement flashed in his eyes.

Qin Zhentian had clearly told him that the White Snake Demon King was injured.

But looking at the situation in front of you, it's not like ah.


"The strength of this lady of the White Snake has actually increased so much over the years?"

The Golden Toad Demon King was a little surprised.

When it ruled Shu Mountain, the White Snake Demon King couldn't beat Qin Zhentian.

The centipede demon king said: "It's just, I don't know how this lady has been cultivating over the years, and her strength is rising faster, faster than riding a rocket."

The golden little dragon squeezed his eyebrows: "You guys say, could it be that you are looking for a male snake double cultivation?"

The Golden Toad Demon King glared angrily: "Stinky carp, you want to talk nonsense, the white girl is pure." "

Gee, it's still a white girl." The golden little dragon pouted: "They are all thousand-year-old monsters, what shit is pure?" Are you supposed to be a schoolboy in love? The

centipede demon king mended the knife in time: "In the past few years, I have heard some rumors that the ladies will leave Shushan every three to five, not to mention, it is possible that they really raised love snakes in other places." The

golden toad demon king's face turned blue, and he only felt that the top of his head was green.

"You two shut up for me, although the white snake lady has a cold and hot personality, she is by no means a snake that does not abide by the way of women."

The Golden Toad Demon King shouted angrily, still believing in the beauty in his heart.

Ye Xiaofan turned his head and looked: "Ah Jin, in fact, you don't need to be so excited, I feel, the other party may not look at you."

Qin Feng also followed and said, "Senior, actually... Actually, I feel this way too. The

centipede demon king glanced at the white snake fighting in the distance, and then at the ugly golden toad in front of him, and also wanted to say a few words, but in the end, he still endured it with great perseverance.

With the lessons of the last time, it knows that disaster comes from its mouth.

The Golden Toad Demon King was not hit in the slightest, and said confidently: "Don't worry, master, I believe that my own charm will definitely be able to conquer that lady." Ye

Xiaofan really wanted to ask seriously, do you really know what charm is?

But after thinking about it, forget it.

In any case, the golden toad is also his own pet.

Sometimes you still have to take care of their feelings a little.

The golden little dragon was merciless, and laughed: "Stinky toad, can you not insult the beautiful word charm." "

Stinky carp, Buddha's patience also has a limit, don't go too far." The Golden Toad Demon King gritted his teeth.

"Oh, the king is so afraid."

The golden dragon's voice was despicable, and it was completely a hateful face that was angry and unworthy.

Seeing that the two were about to pinch up again, Ye Xiaofan hurriedly persuaded: "Okay, okay, don't argue." "

He had some headaches.

It is said that dragons and phoenixes do not deal with it, and I have never heard that dragons and toads do not deal with it.

Could it be that the two had a feud in their previous lives?

Ye Xiaofan looked suspicious.

In the field, the battle between the two became more and more intense.

Qin Zhentian's brows furrowed, and he said in a deep voice, "You're not injured?" The

White Snake Demon King sneered: "Hehe, is it a little late to find out now?"

Qin Zhentian's brows furrowed even tighter, originally thinking that he would be caught by this hand.

But the result was this, he was deceived by the other party.

"Hmph, whether you are injured today or not, I must get this treasure medicine."

Qin Zhentian snorted coldly, quickly distanced himself from the White Snake Demon King, and ended the hand-to-hand fight.

He squeezed the seal with both hands, and the spiritual power of heaven and earth around him frantically surged towards his body.

After the pure spiritual power was transformed in the body, it quickly erupted along the pores, and converged on the top of its head into a huge treasure.

The treasure seal was pitch black, like a huge mountain, and a faint black light emanated from it.

"Zhen Tianyin, give me the town."

As Qin Zhentian drank lowly, the mountain-like treasure seal fell with a bang, and it went towards the White Snake Demon King below.


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