The pitch-black treasure seal was wrapped in a force and went straight to the White Snake Demon King.

The space rippled.

The latter opened its giant mouth, and terrifying energy gathered in it, and then a huge ice pick was spit out by it.


The two collided abruptly, emitting an earth-shattering roar, and the spiritual power storm swept around, drowning the figures of the two.

After the spiritual power storm dissipated, everyone immediately fixed their eyes on it.

I saw the ice pick and the treasure seal, which had long disappeared.

Qin Zhentian was still standing proudly in the air, but his face was slightly pale.

On the other hand, the White Snake Demon King, a small part of the scales on his body fell off, and Yan red blood flowed out, obviously he was not lightly injured.

It can be seen from this that Qin Zhentian's strength is stronger than that of the White Snake Demon King.

"Demon King."

The Red Snake and other demons who retreated to the back of the valley changed their faces, and their eyes showed worry.

The human side is excited.

"Human, you have completely angered King Ben."

The White Snake Demon King roared, his spiritual power boiled, and a terrifying cold aura spread out from his body.

The surrounding vegetation quickly became frozen.

The terrifying cold aura gathered above his head, turning into a huge ice snake that was thousands of feet long.

"Human, die."

The White Snake Demon King roared, and the Qianzhang Ice Snake immediately rushed towards Qin Zhentian in the sky.

The latter's face was extremely solemn, and he did not dare to be careless, and his hands quickly pinched the seal, exerting one of his most powerful means.

The power of qi and blood rushed up and turned into two thousand-zhang blood-red divine dragons.

The divine dragon roared and roared and rushed towards the ice giant snake.

In the next moment, the three behemoths fought each other, and the power of the explosion was several times more terrifying than the previous collision.

But in the end, the ice snake was defeated first, and was torn to pieces by two divine dragons transformed by the power of qi and blood.

The two somewhat faint Qi and Blood Divine Dragons roared and rushed towards the White Snake Demon King below.

After a fight, the White Snake Demon King's injuries were even more serious.

"Wicked beasts, take your life."

Qin Zhentian burst into a roar, ready to completely solve the White Snake Demon King.

But the latter was quick to respond. It turned into a gust of demon wind and quickly fled, leaving only a scene sentence.

"Human, this time the Hatred King remembered."

Seeing that his own demon king was defeated, the demon beasts at the back of the valley could only retreat unwillingly.

"Haha, the chief won."

Everyone in the military looked excited, they thought there would be a vicious battle this time, but they didn't expect it to be so easy.

Everyone in the live broadcast room was also shocked, and they all marveled at Qin Zhentian's strength.

Qin Zhentian frowned slightly, he always felt that winning was a little easy, and the other party didn't even use the field, so he lost and left.

He always felt that there was something tricky in it.

Just as he was thinking, Yun Shan flew over: "Chief, are you all right?"

Qin Zhentian shook his head: "It's just that the consumption is a little big, just recover it."

Before he had time to recover from his breath, he immediately ordered: "Follow me, pick the treasure medicine first, and avoid long dreams at night." The

two immediately flew towards the valley below.

In the middle of the valley, there is a small cold pool.

In the cold pool, three emerald green lotus leaves floated, and in the middle of the lotus leaves, a blue ice lotus bloomed.

The breeze blows, and the ice lotus gently swayes.

A refreshing fragrance pervades the cold pool.

At the same time, there was a biting chill.

"What a terrifying chill, it is worthy of being a thousand-year treasure medicine!"

Yun Shan looked shocked.

Everyone in the live broadcast room also saw this scene, all of them were surprised, most of them saw the Millennium Treasure Medicine for the first time.

Just as they wanted to watch further, the live screen suddenly stopped.

"What's going on? Why did the live broadcast suddenly stop? The

crowd was puzzled, but no one was destined to give them an answer.

In Western Base City, Xiao Qianjue's face changed: "Oops, something happened."

Just when he was anxious, a voice came from behind.

"Deputy Chief Xiao, don't worry, chief, they have their own natural appearance, there will be no trouble, our task is to guard the base city."

The person who came was Lin Wuyang.

Xiao Qianjue nodded, but there was still a trace of worry in his eyes, and he always had a bad premonition in his heart, as if something big was about to happen.

He turned to look into the distance and whispered, "I hope my brother-in-law will be fine."

Suddenly, his face changed, and he felt a sharp pain in his chest.

Looking down, a bloody hand came out of the heart.

Xiao Qianjue turned his head with difficulty, just in time to meet Lin Wuyang's sneering face.

"You... Why? "


Deep in Shu Mountain, Ye Xiaofan saw that the battle was over, put on his hood, and was about to go out to practice justice, but suddenly heard countless sounds of breaking the air in the distance.

Looking up, a group of figures in the sky were quickly flying towards this side of the valley.

As far as the eye could see, there were about thirty or forty people, all dressed in black robes, covering their true faces.

"Hey, it's not just us a yellow finch?"

Ye Xiaofan was a little surprised.

I thought it was a praying mantis catching cicadas, and the yellow finch was behind.

As a result, I did not expect that in addition to them, there was a yellow finch.

Oh no, it seems like 4.

Looking closely, the visitors were divided into 4 teams.

Qin Feng's voice was gloomy: "It should be the people of several big chaebols, this group of damn guys really came to rob while the fire was fired."

The centipede demon king squinted: "Young man, why are you so excited?" There

was a hint of curiosity in its eyes.

Along the way, Qin Feng rarely spoke, and it was the first time it had seen the former so excited.

"None of these chaebols are a good thing, and in the old century, they exploited the people at the bottom everywhere."

"Now that the new century has arrived, they do not seek how to defend mankind, and they always like to engage in these things that take advantage of the fire and robbery to fight."

Qin Feng almost gritted his teeth and said this.

"One day, I'm going to destroy these disgusting chaebols."

The centipede demon king pouted: "Young man, this king supports you, come on, dispel all the darkness in this world, and help the great proletariat usher in a new dawn, for this goal, you must not forget your original intention and forge ahead." The

Golden Toad Demon King slapped a big pocket on the centipede Demon King's brain, scolding and cursing: "With a mouth full of smooth mouth, you want to go to graduate school?" The

Centipede Demon King looked resentful.

Ye Xiaofan turned his head and scolded lightly: "Don't be noisy, watch the play seriously." In

the field, a group of black-robed people surrounded the valley.

Qin Zhentian's face was gloomy: "I know who you are, it's best to retreat now, otherwise don't blame my subordinates for being ruthless?"

A black-robed man at the head smiled and said: "What is the word of the chief, since the ancient treasure can live there, this thousand-year-old treasure medicine belongs to the ownerless, can't you military grab us?" Everyone

else spoke up.

"This brother is right, the treasure belongs to the ownerless, and who spends it in the end depends on their own abilities."

"As for what kind of rebellion, Chief Qin should not say nonsense, we are loyal to the Terrans and the country."

Listening to these shameless words, Qin Zhentian's face became more and more cold.

He Qin Zhentian, how can he be a person who can be kneaded by others?

"Very well, since you want to die, I will fulfill you."

Qin Zhentian's voice was cold, and his eyes scanned the group of people with extremely unkind eyes.


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