Such a big movement made other life on Blue Star notice.

When the high-level officials of other major countries saw this terrifying picture through satellites, they were all shocked.

"Ohmygod, God, what's going on??"

In the Free Federation, inside the Space Agency's observation center, a group of scientists were stunned, unable to believe that everything in the picture was real.

"Quick, find out what's going on here?" A senior executive said urgently.

Soon after, there were results.

One of the staff members said with a slight hesitation: "This... This seems to be an attack, as if it came from the side of the Dragon Kingdom!?

"What, how is this possible? How can there be such a horrific attack in the world? "

The crowd was in disbelief.

Shushan, Ye Xiaofan closed his fist, a little embarrassed: "Oh, accidentally confiscated the force, sorry and embarrassed."

Everyone came back from their shock, and then they all looked at Ye Xiaofan with shocked eyes.

Then he looked at the huge ravine with no end in sight, and the throat unconsciously stirred.

They couldn't believe that someone could launch such a horrific attack.

Not to mention the people in the live broadcast room.

"God, how could there be such a horrible attack?"

"Is he a legendary god!??"

"It's possible, only gods can be so terrifying!"

The barrage was overwhelming, all curious about Ye Xiaofan's origin and identity.

It's just a pity that they are not destined to know the answer.

The Golden Eagle King, who avoided at all costs, glanced at Ye Xiaofan with jealousy in his eyes, and then turned around and fled.

It knows very well that it can never be a match for the person in front of it.

"Evildoer, who allowed you to go?"

Ye Xiaofan kicked his feet on the ground, and his body shot out like a cannonball.

In an instant, he was in front of the Golden Eagle King.

In the former's face changed greatly, he flicked a finger at his brain.


The Golden Eagle King's head exploded on the spot, and blood was spilled all over the sky.

Ye Xiaofan pulled out a fist-sized golden bead from the broken flesh and blood, which was none other than the Golden Eagle King's demon pill.


The huge body of the Golden Eagle King fell down, and the earth was smashed out of a hole.

Ye Xiaofan landed in front of the headless corpse, snorted, and then beckoned to the Golden Toad Demon King and the Golden Little Dragon.

The two demon kings immediately flew over and landed in front of Ye Xiaofan.

"Pull out my hair, I haven't eaten barbecue for a long time, I have to eat a full meal today."

Hearing this, everyone present was stunned.

The golden eagle king of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau died like this, and he had to be roasted when he died.

This encounter is estimated to be the most miserable among the top demon kings.

The Golden Toad Demon King glanced at the headless corpse of the Golden Eagle King, and there was a hint of embarrassment in his eyes.

Then he looked at the big crimson snake not far away and beckoned to it.

"That little snake, come here."

The red snake demon shook his body and almost peed in fright.

It stiffened and asked, "Great... My lord, there is... What are the commands?

"Don't be nervous." The Golden Toad Demon King's voice was gentle: "Don't you breathe fire, and burn the bird feathers on this miscellaneous bird for me." The

Red Snake Demon King breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and did not dare to refuse at all, opened his blood basin and spewed out a fiery flame, and began to burn the plumes on the Golden Eagle King's body.

"Master is in no hurry, it will be fine in a while."

The Golden Toad Demon King had a chrysanthemum smile on his face.

Ye Xiaofan nodded in satisfaction, and then jumped into the valley with a vertical leap.

The demons and people in the valley suddenly trembled, and fear appeared in their eyes.

Ye Xiaofan first glanced at the ice lotus in the pool, and his eyes couldn't help but brighten.

"Hahaha, lotus root stewed chicken soup, the most delicious."

Hearing this, everyone was speechless for a while, and they didn't know what to say.

The thousand-year-old treasure medicine was actually used for stew.

This operation is also nobody.

Ye Xiaofan glanced at Qin Zhentian and the others, as well as several chaebols who were hiding their figures.

See the fear and fear in the eyes of all.

He coughed and said sternly: "Well, don't be afraid, I am a righteous man and never kill innocents." "

Everyone did not dare to be careless in their hearts.

A generation of overlords, the Golden Eagle King, said to kill and kill, and when it was over, it would be roasted and eaten, and everyone was not afraid to see a ghost?

Qin Zhentian plucked up his courage and said, "Senior, thank you for coming to the rescue, I won't disturb your meal later, and then leave." "

He gathered the military crowd together and prepared to leave here.


Seeing a group of people looking at him, Ye Xiaofan coughed and said a little embarrassed: "What, I helped you so much, should I give some reward?"

Qin Zhentian was stunned, and then hugged his fists and asked, "I wonder what the senior wants?" "

He didn't dare to refuse at all.

"I heard that your military has developed a spatial spirit treasure that can store things?"

After Qin Zhentian hesitated slightly, he nodded: "Senior, there is indeed such a thing.

"How many do you have there?" Is it okay to give me the whole 100 pieces? Ye Xiaofan asked bluntly.

The corner of Qin Zhentian's mouth twitched a few times, and he said hard: "Senior, that kind of thing is extremely precious, and at present, only a very small number of people in my western base city have it. "

So little?" Ye Xiaofan raised his eyebrows: "How many pieces do you have here?"

Qin Zhentian did not dare to hide it, and said truthfully: "We have five pieces here.

He flew over to Ye Xiaofan, took out a black ring on his finger, and said respectfully: "Senior, this object is called a storage ring, it is an extremely rare space stone refining, and it requires the existence of the inscription realm to engrave the heaven and earth inscription in it before it can be refined, so it is very scarce.

Ye Xiaofan was curious: "How much space is inside?" How to use it?

Qin Zhentian replied honestly: "My storage ring has about 100 square spaces, just drop blood to recognize the Lord."

As he spoke, he erased his imprint, and then respectfully handed it to Ye Xiaofan.

Ye Xiaofan reached out and took it, bit his finger, and dripped a drop of blood on it.

The next moment, he felt a connection with the storage ring.

As soon as the mind moves, you can see a dark space.

It was filled with all sorts of things.

At a glance, they are all extremely precious things.

There are meritorious codes, and several spiritual treasures of not low quality.

"These things are also given to me, no problem, right?"

"Didn't... No. Qin

Zhentian was embarrassed, did he dare to have an opinion?

He didn't want to follow in the footsteps of the Golden Eagle King.

"Well, for the sake of your daily service for the country, I just want this storage ring, let's go."

Qin Zhentian's heart was relieved, although he was a little unwilling, but there was no way to do it.

"Thank you, senior."

He hugged his fist, and then was about to turn around and leave, but was suddenly stopped by Ye Xiaofan in front and behind.

Qin Zhentian's body trembled slightly, and he turned his head and asked cautiously, "Former... Senior, what else do you have to order?

"Well, don't be so afraid, they all say that I am a righteous person and never kill innocents."

Ye Xiaofan patted Qin Zhentian's shoulder, and his voice was extremely gentle.


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