Are you still a righteous man? I see you're a bandit or almost... Qin Zhentian complained in his heart, but on the surface, he nodded again and again, with an embarrassed expression: "Let the senior see the smile."

"I'm a person who doesn't like to take advantage of others." Ye Xiaofan said solemnly, "In this way, these black-robed people who were uneasy and kind to you and the others before will be handed over to me to deal with, which can be regarded as a little compensation for you."

Qin Zhentian was stunned for a moment, and after reacting, he felt the urge to scold his mother.

How could he not tell? Ye Xiaofan didn't think about letting go of several chaebols at all.

Knowing that Gui knew, but he didn't dare to say it, he had to accompany the smiling face: "More... Thank you seniors.

Ye Xiaofan waved his hand lightly, with a generous expression: "You're welcome, this is my responsibility." Hearing

this, both the people present and the people in the live broadcast room were speechless for a while.

I only felt that Ye Xiaofan was too shameless.

It's really good and stand.

Qin Zhentian didn't want to speak anymore, turned around and left here quickly with a gloomy face and a group of military people.

Next, Ye Xiaofan looked at several chaebols who were hiding their identities.

The bodies of several chaebols trembled, and they had a bad premonition.

Sure enough, he only listened to Ye Xiaofan smile and said: "Fellow rats who hide their heads and tails, I saved you in the hands of that big bird, I don't know how you want to thank me?"

He rubbed his hands, revealing a look like he was about to eat.

It can be clearly seen that he has a thick expectation in his eyes.

Hearing that he and the others were compared to rats hiding their heads and showing their faces, the hearts of several chaebols were extremely angry.

But they did not dare to show the slightest.

A black-robed man at the head stood up and said politely: "Seniors are right, we should thank you, I don't know what seniors want?"

Ye Xiaofan tilted his head and thought for a while: "Seeing that you have nothing else on your body, take out all the storage items on your body." The

people of the four chaebols did not dare to refuse at all, and after the four leaders glanced at each other, they stepped forward with respectful faces and took off the storage ring on their hands and handed it to Ye Xiaofan.

Ye Xiaofan took it.

After checking it carefully, I made sure it was correct, and then I put it in my pocket.

Then looked at the four people with some dissatisfaction: "What, didn't I say you, you are also from a chaebol, are you so poor?" The

four were stunned for a while, and then they also had the urge to scold their mother.

It's a precious storage ring, not a cabbage.

Where did so much come from?

And there are countless precious resources in the storage ring.

That's their life's asset.

Just give it up, the other party is actually not satisfied.

A black-robed man suppressed his anger and said: "Senior, we really only have this, I don't believe you can search your body one by one."

Ye Xiaofan slammed a big pocket on the black-robed man's brain.

"Hugh wants to talk nonsense, how could a righteous person like me do such a thing as a body search?"

The black-robed man was beaten so that his eyes flashed with gold stars, which frightened the other three black-robed people into fear, for fear that Ye Xiaofan would not give them a punch without saying a word.

Seeing that the four people only promised, Ye Xiaofan put away other thoughts, and said solemnly again: "Xiancai also said, I don't like to take advantage of people, these monster beasts who attacked you before, let me help you solve it, it can be regarded as a little compensation for you." Hearing

these shameless words again, the crowd no longer knew what to say.

Just like this, he actually said that he was a righteous person.

It's obviously a bandit.

On the foothills in the distance, Qin Feng and the Centipede Demon King widened their eyes.

One person and one demon did not expect that Ye Xiaofan was such a person.

"This... This is what the predecessors said about the righteous thing??

Qin Feng's eyes showed a hint of confusion.

Suddenly, he remembered what Ye Xiaofan said that day that he was suitable to go out and rob.

I thought the other party was joking, but I didn't expect it to be true.

Bashan, Ye Xiaoman looked at the live broadcast and couldn't help but complain: "This guy is so shameless, how can he be like this." The

corners of Su Qingxue and Xiao Luoli's mouths twitched secretly.

I don't know how the girl will feel when she learns the truth in the future?

Although the four black-robed men were extremely unwilling and angry in their hearts, they did not dare to complain in the slightest, and they had to be grateful with a smile: "Thank you senior."

"No, no, I'm human, that's what I'm supposed to do." Ye Xiaofan looked generous.

The four black-robed men gritted their teeth in their hearts, and then silently turned around, and the people with several chaebols also quickly left the place.

Finally, Ye Xiaofan looked at the group of demon beasts present.

The demons felt a chill in their hearts, and their hearts were scared to the extreme.

The White Snake Demon King took a deep breath, forcibly endured his fear, and stepped forward and said: "Senior, I am willing to bear all the previous things, and please open the net and release them." "

Lord Demon King."

The hearts of the demon beasts were extremely moved, but they did not expect that the White Snake Demon King was actually willing to bear it for them.

Several demon generals stepped forward and said in unison: "Lord Demon King, I am willing to live and die with you."

"I would like to too." The Red Snake Demon will stop breathing fire and shout at the White Snake Demon King.

The Golden Toad Demon King slapped his head on the door and scolded: "What's wrong with you, be your tool snake." "

The Golden Toad Demon King is angry at the moment.

This group of guys betrayed it without hesitation, and at this moment they were actually willing to die for the White Snake Demon King.

What the is this called?

Is it just that bad?

Not as good as a?

Ye Xiaofan looked at the demons, and then at the Golden Toad Demon King, and sighed: "Ah Jin, can you tell me what this is all about?"

"Master, these white-eyed wolves must have been confused by the white snakes, and King Ben woke them up."

The Golden Toad Demon King was so angry that he forgot to change his voice.

(Previously, Ye Xiaofan deliberately changed their voices when they spoke, so Ye Xiaoman who watched the live broadcast did not notice the abnormality, why hiding his identity is also very simple, Ye Xiaofan is a lazy and casual person, if it is known to the whole world, then it must not be annoyed to death.) Hearing

this slightly familiar voice, the White Snake Demon King's face changed slightly.

The angry Golden Toad Demon King is ready to take off his hood and show his original form to teach this group of ungrateful demon generals a good lesson.

The golden dragon immediately stopped: "Wait.

The Golden Toad Demon King was even more angry: "Stinky carp, Hugh must be nosy, otherwise don't blame me for being unkind to you."

"King Ben has no mind to mind your business." The golden little dragon said angrily: "There is a guy over there who peeps with a camera, let me solve it first." With

that, its figure suddenly disappeared in place.

A few seconds later, he turned back again, and he still carried a person in his hand, it was Wen Tong.

Ye Xiaofan immediately came up and said suspiciously: "Who is your kid, what do you want to do with a video camera?" "

Wednesday Tong is about to pee, and this is a ruthless person in front of him.

"Ex... Seniors, small ... The small ones are the people of the World Society..." He

did not dare to hide the slightest, and revealed his purpose in the future and what he had done before.

Ye Xiaofan was surprised: "So, everything just now was broadcast live?"

Wednesday Tong stiffened, "Yes... Yes.

Ye Xiaofan's eyes lit up, and his head wearing an Ultraman hood came to the camera.

"So, the righteous deeds I did earlier were seen by countless people?"


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