Hearing Ye Xiaofan's words, everyone in the live broadcast room was speechless for a while.

Are you sure you did something righteous?

They really want to ask, do you have any misunderstanding of the word justice?

It's a pity that they weren't on the scene and couldn't ask.

Just when everyone felt speechless, Ye Xiaofan suddenly made a commotion gesture towards the camera.

"Hello everyone, I am the messenger of justice "Diga", from M78C Cloud, it is a pleasure to meet everyone. Everyone

in the live broadcast room was dumbfounded, and they couldn't help but complain after reacting.

God's special Diga.

Is it from the M78 Nebula?

What about fooling ghosts?

Really play everyone like monkeys?

If the aura had not been revived, it would have been possible for everyone to believe it.

After all, there were no supernatural things at that time.

But since the revival of Reiki, too many incredible things have happened.

In the present worldview of mankind, nothing is impossible.

Even if those gods of antiquity appear one day, they can accept it.

Because it's a camera, you can't see the barrage.

After Ye Xiaofan said a few more words, he then turned off the live broadcast.

"You kid did a good job." Ye Xiaofan patted Wednesday Tong's shoulder and said with a grin: "This kind of righteous thing should be reported."

"It is a small honor to serve the seniors." Wednesday Tong hurriedly patted the rainbow fart.

Ye Xiaofan bowed his head gently, and then gave an eviction order: "You can go, and cooperate again when you have the opportunity in the future."


Wednesday Tong nodded and bowed, and then flew away with the camera.

Don't dare to stay here for long.

Ye Xiaofan glanced at the Golden Toad Demon King: "Akin, the next thing will be left to you to handle, let's talk about it first, I won't help."

"Don't worry, master, I can solve it myself."

The Golden Toad Demon King looked confident, removed the hood, and then his golden light soared and he recovered his true body.

When they saw the golden toad demon king stone that appeared in their true body, the demons were stunned, and there was stunned, shocked and incredulous in their eyes.

The White Snake Demon King lost his voice and said, "Golden Toad, how could it be you?" The

Golden Toad Demon King smiled strangely: "White girl, I haven't seen you for many years, I don't know if you miss me?" The

White Snake Demon King came back from the shock, his face became extremely ugly, and his voice was cold: "Stinky toad, less nonsense, if you want to kill or kill, listen to the respect, if this king frowns, it is your grandson." The

several demon generals next to them also spoke, looking like they were dying.

This can make the Golden Toad Demon King angry.

Without saying a word, it rushed up and gave a few big demons to force a few big pockets, and cursed even more in its mouth.

"I let you see death as if you were dead, I let you listen to you, you hateful white-eyed wolves, this king will kill you."

Snap ....

Its toad palms kept shooting, hitting several demons with Venus in their eyes, bleeding from their mouths and noses.

But even so, none of the several great demons begged for mercy.

Seeing this, the Golden Toad Demon King was so angry that he jumped violently.

"You dogs, what kind of soul soup did this lady pour into you?"

Seeing that several great demons did not say a word, it rolled its eyes and said: "As long as you kowtow and confess your mistakes and confess to King Ben, King Ben will not be blamed for your betrayal." Several

demons were silent for a long time, and the silver toad demon was the first to stand up and said: "We are not wrong, we want to kill and kill, listen to the respect."

"Yes, yes, we are not wrong, if you want to kill, listen to the respect."

The other demon generals also spoke in unison, with an attitude of looking at death as if they were at home.

Ye Xiaofan pouted: "Akin, making a toad like you is really..." The

golden little dragon returned to its original form and mocked unabashedly: "Gee, stinky toad, these subordinates of yours are indeed loyal and courageous, but unfortunately not to you." The

Centipede Demon King and Qin Feng also flew over.

The Golden Toad Demon King's face was livid, and a killing intent flashed in his eyes.

"Since you want to die, the king will fulfill you."

The Centipede Demon King hurriedly stepped forward to stop it: "Boss, don't be impulsive, in fact, you can't blame them."

The Golden Toad Demon King's eyes widened: "Don't blame this group of dogs, do you blame King Ben?" "

Or do you think?

The centipede demon king complained in his heart, and said with a smile on his face: "Boss, speaking of which, it really has such a "billion" relationship with you. "

The golden toad's eyes widened: What are you called, don't make it clear to King Ben today, King Ben wants you to look good."

The centipede demon king carefully explained: "Boss, back then, you were not too cruel, grabbing territory everywhere, causing your brothers to die and suffer heavy injuries, countless demon beasts lost their brothers and blood relatives, and then disappeared without a word, so that the brothers suffered the revenge of the enemy, and some resentment of the brothers was inevitable.

The Golden Toad Demon King was stunned, something it didn't expect at all.

It touched its pimple-ridden head and muttered, "So, it seems to be really my fault?" "

How else?

The Centipede Demon King muttered in his heart, and then continued: "At that time, it was white... The white girl accepted them regardless of previous suspicions, so..." Although

the words were not finished, the meaning was already obvious.

"Hmph, then you can't blame me, King Ben didn't disappear on purpose."

The Golden Toad Demon King snorted coldly, wanting to excuse himself.

Ye Xiaofan smiled and narrowed: "You mean to blame me?" The

Golden Toad Demon King was full of excitement, and his head shook like a rattle.

"Master, don't think about it, I didn't mean that."

Ye Xiaofan snorted and urged: "Hurry up and solve these broken things, you can't even get a few old ministries, what do you say you have to use?" The

Golden Toad Demon King nodded repeatedly, and then faced the group of demons with both hard and soft.

The general effect is to first admit that he was wrong, and then promise a lot of benefits, in an attempt to pull several demon generals back under his command again.

But what it never expected was that this not only did not succeed, but triggered the emotions of a group of demon generals.

"Stinky toad, you don't have to draw a big pie here, when you attacked the western base city, all 6 of my sisters died, and you promised a lot of benefits afterwards, but the result was no hair."

Black Widow cursed, and a pair of spiders flashed with bitter hatred in their eyes.

The poisonous lizard also spoke: "The black girl is right, you cruel, lustful, greedy, petty, and dead toad who doesn't count, we will never believe you again."

Even the silver toad who was of the same race couldn't help but say: "Jin Wanjin, don't say this nonsense anymore, you are still so good at fooling us back then."

Qin Feng and the golden little dragon were stunned.

The latter couldn't help but say: "Lying groove, stinky toad, how unpopular are you?" Will it be sprayed like this by the former subordinates? The

Golden Toad Demon King was a little embarrassed to say, he didn't feel it before, but now that he thinks about it, the things he did back then seem to be really not authentic.

With a light sigh, it waved its hand at the demon generals: "Forget it, for the sake of those past feelings, you guys get out, King Ben doesn't want to see you again in the future." The

demon generals were stunned for a moment, as if they didn't expect that the Golden Toad Demon King would actually let them go?

After hesitating for a moment, a group of demons turned around and left.

Although they are loyal to the White Snake Demon King, if they have a chance to survive, the demons will naturally not let go.

Before leaving, all the demons said in unison to the White Snake Demon King: "Lord Demon King, thank you for taking care of you over the years, take care." "

As for the Golden Toad Demon King, they didn't even look at it.

This made the Golden Toad Demon King's face darken, and he suddenly regretted it a little in his heart.

TND, knowing this, simply be a wicked person again.

Taking a deep breath, it looked at the White Snake Demon King with malicious eyes: "Bai Susu, King Ben will give you another chance, as long as you are willing to follow King Ben, King Ben will definitely treat you well in the future." "


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