The white snake did not have the slightest fear in his eyes, and said coldly: "Jin Wanjin, you don't want toads here to eat swan meat, and this king will not look at you even if he dies." The

Golden Toad Demon King was angry: "Bai Susu, don't you toast or eat and punish wine?" The

White Snake Demon King tilted his head to the side, too lazy to respond.

The golden little dragon mocked: "Stinky toad, can you do it or not?" "

The Golden Toad Demon King really wants to have an overlord the bow and loudly tell the other party that he is very good.

But the other party is a snake, how do you let it get it?

At all, the bull's head is not right for the horse's mouth.

The Centipede Demon King whispered, "Boss, or... Or forget it, anyway, the twisted melon is not sweet.

"Senior, forget it, love is mutual." Qin Feng also persuaded.

"You..." The

Golden Toad Demon King was angry, but there was really no way to do it for a while.

In the face of the White Snake Demon King, he had only two choices, either kill the other party or release the other party.

Ye Xiaofan took off his hood, revealing a shiny bald head, and stepped forward and slapped it on the head of the Golden Toad Demon King.

"Useless things, even a snake can't get it, what do you say you have an egg for?"

Ignoring the ugly Golden Toad Demon King, he stepped over to the White Snake Demon King and said with a smile: "Little chick, I'll give you two choices, either I will kill it and boil it into snake soup, or follow me to be an obedient pet." What

he didn't expect was that the White Snake Demon King actually nodded gladly.

"Thank you seniors for their love, I, Bai Susu, am willing to saddle the horse with my seniors in the future."

Ye Xiaofan blinked.

What's going on?

This agrees?

What about the previous arrogance?

After thinking about it, he added: "I forgot to say it, and I have to tie the knot with my pet."


The White Snake Demon King nodded decisively, and then his body quickly shrunk and turned into a meter long.

Just when everyone was shocked and puzzled, and the Golden Toad Demon King was excited, he saw the White Snake Demon King fly to the golden dragon, and shouted shyly: "Susu has seen Fujun." The

Golden Toad Demon King was dumbfounded on the spot.

The Centipede Demon King and Qin Feng were equally dumbfounded.

Ye Xiaofan opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say.

The little golden dragon blinked and looked at the White Snake Demon King with a confused expression.

Shenma situation?

Aren't you eating melons?

Why does this suddenly have an extra wife?

After the Golden Toad Demon King reacted, he glared and roared: "Bai Susu, you don't have to take things out of context, the master doesn't mean this, he is letting you and..." Before he

finished speaking, he was interrupted by the cold voice of the White Snake Demon King.

"What out of context? The owner said let me follow his pet? Isn't Fujun the owner's pet? Only you? The

Golden Toad Demon King was speechless when asked.

Unwillingness flashed in its eyes, and it just wanted to open its mouth to refute, but heard the White Snake Demon King say aggrieved at Ye Xiaofan.

"Master, Susu did what you said, you are a respected and respected senior, you should... Shouldn't talk and don't count, right? "

The voice is soft and weak, like a little lady who has been bullied, and it is pitiful.

The corners of Ye Xiaofan's mouth twitched lightly, the other party said so, what else could he say? He could only say sternly: "Don't worry, I will never regret what I say." The

White Snake Demon King immediately bent down and thanked: "Thank you master."

This time, there was a clear joy in his voice that could not be concealed.

The Golden Toad Demon King's face was full of unwillingness: "Master, this mother-in-law she..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted impatiently by Ye Xiaofan: "Okay, don't say it, there is no herb anywhere in the world, why bother with a flower in unrequited love, just find you one next time." "

Although I am a little sorry for the golden toad, he really can't regret it.

Previously, it was indeed a slip of the tongue that he caught the loophole in his words by the other party, and no one else is to blame.

Repent in public, where will his face go?

Compared with the happiness of the Golden Toad Demon King, it must be his face that is more important.

The Golden Toad Demon King could only shut up, but there was a thick unwillingness in his eyes.

He looked viciously at the White Snake Demon King and the golden dragon.

Like the White Snake Demon King, the Golden Toad Demon King was psychic hundreds of years ago.

In the same Shu Mountain, after a long time, he naturally met the White Snake Demon King.

It has always dreamed of catching the White Snake Demon King and coming back as a wife.

I thought this time it was a sure thing.

The result is a thousand calculations, never expected that this would be the result in the end?

It was actually picked up by the golden dragon.

The golden little dragon blinked, looking innocent: "Stinky toad, don't look at me like this, this has nothing to do with King Ben." The

Golden Toad Demon King's eyes spewed fire: "Fish Transformation Dragon, today's wife-robbing hatred has been written down by this king." "

The little golden dragon is so angry that it is a bird.

"Hey, come with Lao Tzu to this set."

It flicked its dragon's tail and quickly wrapped the white snake next to it, and the dragon's mouth kissed the white snake's head and lips wildly.



, haw..." This sudden scene, Ye Xiaofan and the two of them and the two demon kings were stunned.

Lying groove, is Brother Long so fierce?

The centipede demon king complained in his heart, and at the same time looked at his boss with pity.

The Golden Toad Demon King was blinded, his eyes were bloodshot, and he couldn't wait to rush up and unload the golden dragon in eight pieces.

At the same time, there was also the White Snake Demon King.

It just said that in order to completely get rid of the Golden Toad Demon King, it originally wanted to make the golden dragon a shield, but it didn't expect...

The golden little dragon kissed fiercely for a while before stopping, and after finishing the incident, he looked at the golden toad demon king with a defiant expression.

That look is clearly saying, what can you do with me?

"Fish Dragon, ahhhhhh

The Golden Toad Demon King's anger was completely ignited, and he rushed forward desperately, trying to fight with the golden dragon.

"Hmph, I'm afraid you won't make it."

The former was not afraid, his body emitted golden light, and it quickly grew in size, turning into a hundred-meter-long golden dragon.

The next moment, the two demon kings fought together.

Qin Feng was dumbfounded, he never expected that the two would actually fight because of a snake.

Sure enough, it was a curse.

The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and the chastity he had maintained for more than a thousand years was gone.

It quickly enlarged its body, flew up to join the battle group, united with the golden dragon, and mixed doubles against the golden toad demon king.

In the end, the weak Golden Toad Demon King was beaten by the couple and his nose was blue and his face was swollen.

The corners of the eyes of the Centipede Demon King and Ye Xiaofan twitched secretly.

One thing is true.

Husband and wife work together, and their profits break gold.

"Don't bother with them, let's go see how the bird is doing?"

Ye Xiaofan greeted Qin Feng and the Centipede Demon King, kicked his feet on the ground, and his figure was like an off-string arrow, and he flew out in an instant, heading straight to the location where the Golden Eagle King's body was located in the distance.

It is worth mentioning that he does not fly.

In addition to the amazing strength, defense, and speed, Ye Xiaofan will not know anything about other skills.

The Centipede Demon King and Qin Feng also quickly followed.

"Stinky toad, in the future, dare to be arrogant in front of King Ben, and I promise to beat you to cry and call your mother."

The golden little dragon glanced at the Golden Toad Demon King with a blue nose and swollen face, and then followed with the White Snake Demon King.

Only the Golden Toad Demon King was left to suspect the frog in place.

His grandmother's, I'm afraid I didn't read the Yellow Calendar when I went out this time.


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