"You dog men and women wait for me, sooner or later King Ben will take revenge on this."

The Golden Toad Demon King grinned, and then limped to follow.

By the time it arrives at the scene, the Red Snake Demon will have finished processing the bird feathers.

Ye Xiaofan touched the head of the Red Snake Demon General with a "kind" smile: "You have worked hard, little red snake."

The Red Snake Demon General hurriedly shook his head and said in horror: "Senior is polite, it is the honor of the little demon to be able to do things for the senior."

Looking at the big red snake that was close at hand, Ye Xiaofan subconsciously licked his lips.

"I really want to eat the whole snake soup."

The Red Snake Demon General was so frightened that he hurriedly begged for mercy: "Seniors spare their lives, seniors spare their lives, little demon... The little demon belongs to poisonous snakes, and the meat is not delicious.

Looking at the pitiful appearance of the other party, Ye Xiaofan waved his hand painfully: "Forget it, for Xiaobai's sake, I'll spare you this time, let's go." "

The Red Snake Demon will be amnestied, turn around and leave here quickly.

The White Snake Demon King on the side secretly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

Ye Xiaofan stepped forward to hold up the bare corpse of the Golden Eagle King, turned around and returned towards the valley.

With a bang, the body of the Golden Eagle King was placed by him on the edge of the pool.

"Xiao Qin, little centipede, you deal with it, I'll go to collect medicine first."

Ye Xiaofan ordered Qin Feng and the Centipede Demon King, and then jumped into the pool and swam towards the ice lotus in the center.

The several demon kings next to this operation were stunned.

Very puzzled, why didn't Ye Xiaofan fly over, but swam over?

The golden little dragon explained at the right time on the side: "Don't believe it, in fact, the master can't fly." "

(⊙o⊙) What?

Everyone looked confused, one punch can kill the existence of the Golden Eagle King, you say he can't fly.

How is this possible?

It's just?

This is like a man who is two meters tall, burly, and looks as lean as an ox.

Everyone thought he was brave and powerful, but in fact he couldn't.

But seeing the golden little dragon's serious face, everyone had to believe it.

I can only sigh at the world, and there are no wonders.

Ye Xiaofan swam to stop in front of the ice lotus, then looked for a long time in the storage ring, took out a jade box, carefully removed the lotus flower, put it in the jade box, and then closed the lid and put it in the storage ring.

Later, he found a few jade boxes and picked the lotus leaves and the lotus roots under the pool.

By the time he arrived on the shore, Qin Feng and the Centipede Demon King had already disposed of the Golden Eagle King's body.

Ye Xiaofan waved his hands quickly, and with a slap of his hand, he cut the huge Golden Eagle King's corpse into small pieces.

Collect most of the pieces of meat into the storage ring, leaving a small part to say to the several demon kings.

"Stop watching, make a fire and roast meat."

Several demon kings looked embarrassed, because they did not have fire powers.

In the end, the centipede demon king came out and captured the red snake demon general who had not gone far again, frightening the other party's face pale, and thought that Ye Xiaofan had repented.

After learning that he only wanted to borrow its flame to use it, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Under Ye Xiaofan's orders, several demon kings divided their work, and the Golden Toad Demon King and the Centipede Demon King went to find mutant bamboo that was not afraid of fire, preparing to cut through the bamboo skewers of roasted meat.

Qin Feng and the Red Snake Demon General set up a barbecue grill.

Ye Xiaofan took out a large pile of bottles filled with seasoning bottles and jars, and beckoned the golden little dragon and the White Snake Demon King to come and marinate the meat pieces.

Looking at the spice bottles on the ground, the corners of the White Snake Demon King's eyes twitched secretly.

This operation is obviously a habitual offender.

It was very happy in its heart, fortunately he followed Ye Xiaofan with interest, otherwise he could only be accompanied by these spices in the end.

Under everyone's busyness, it was not long before the aroma of barbecued meat rose in the valley.

Because the strength of the Golden Eagle King has reached the half-step inscription realm, the meat quality is particularly good, and it took most of the day to bake it.

Subsequently, under the leadership of Ye Xiaofan, several demon kings and Qin Feng began to feast.

The tool snake red snake demon will hide in the corner to watch the saliva flow.

This is the meat of a half-step inscription realm demon beast, and if you can eat a piece, it is definitely worth bragging about for a lifetime.

Although its heart was extremely longing, it did not dare to make the slightest sound.

I was afraid that Ye Xiaofan would be unhappy and roasted it.

After eating a barbecue, Qin Feng broke through again, condensed the power of a divine dragon, and reached the power of two dragons.

If he absorbs all the remaining essence in his body, he will definitely make another breakthrough.

Qin Feng's eyes showed ecstasy, and he finally saw the hope of catching up with Qin Zhentian.

As long as he honestly follows Ye Xiaofan in the future and surpasses his father, it is only a matter of time.

"Good, good, this roast is really good."

Ye Xiaofan patted his bulging belly, with a satisfied face.

The four demon kings also looked satisfied.

Especially the Centipede Demon King and the White Snake Demon King.

This is the first time they have eaten such a delicious and high-quality roast.

The Red Snake Demon General who was hiding in the corner stepped forward cautiously, and said in a humble voice: "Front... Senior, that... That goblin can... Can you go?

Only then did Ye Xiaofan think of the tool snake.

"Oops, I forgot about you."

He reached out and patted the shiny brain door, looked at the empty barbecue grill, and the bamboo skewers all over the ground, feeling a little embarrassed.

People worked hard for most of the day, and they didn't eat a single piece of barbecue.

He took out several large pieces of golden carved meat from the storage ring and threw them to the honest tool snake.

"I'm sorry ha, I just accidentally forgot you, give you a little compensation, take it back and bake it yourself."

The Red Snake Demon King was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes showed excitement.

"Thank you, senior."

It stepped forward and picked up the piece of meat, bent over Ye Xiaofan again, and then turned around and left here quickly.

Ye Xiaofan got up and patted the dust on his body, and said to several demon kings: "Let's go, it's time to go back." "


There were several demon kings, and the group naturally sneaked into the western base city with ease, and the defenders on the periphery did not notice it at all.

But soon after, Ye Xiaofan was directly dumbfounded.

In front of him, there was a ruin.

Large areas of the original residential area have been destroyed.

Judging by the level of destruction, it can be expected that there must have been a terrorist war here not long ago.

Security teams are clearing the rubble, including some surviving residents, searching for the remains of their loved ones.

Seeing this picture, Qin Feng's face was extremely gloomy.

He clenched his fists and clenched them, thinking of the black-robed man not long ago, and the killing intent rose in his eyes.

Ye Xiaofan followed his memory to his small courtyard, but found that the small courtyard was long gone, leaving only a broken wall.

"Lying groove, which Wang Eight Calf did it? What about my home?

Ye Xiaofan was so angry that he cursed, he never expected that he would go out by himself and come back without even having a home.

Xiaoyuan has a special feeling for him.

When he had just fled to Base City, Ye Xiaofan was just an ordinary person.

In order to obtain a place to live, he suffered a lot.

After a last effort, he obtained a small courtyard with a single house.

Although dilapidated and rudimentary, he worked hard to earn it.

Because of this, he did not move away later.

The result was never expected, but it was gone.

"Damn big black dog, how does it look at home?"

Ye Xiaofan cursed angrily, his eyes searching for the figure of the big black dog.


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