At this moment, a large black dog with a large body rushed out from the ruins not far away.

Ye Xiaofan stepped forward with a dark face: "What do you think of the home, who did this?"

"Master, you can't blame me for this."

The big black dog looked aggrieved, and then began to tell what happened not long ago.

It turned out that not long ago, Xiao Qianjue, who was severely damaged, fled to this area, and was later caught up by the mysterious gang that attacked the base city, and a big battle broke out between the two sides.

The battle between the top kings is naturally terrifying.

The area was suddenly devastated.

The big black dog was shocked and immediately struck, and finally destroyed several black-robed people.

However, this also led to further damage to this area, and the small courtyard was directly destroyed.

The opponent has a large number of people, and even if the big black dog is powerful, it cannot kill all of them in one blow.

"Alas, forget it, I really can't blame you."

Ye Xiaofan sighed, not to mention how bad the mood was.

The centipede demon king lying on Ye Xiaofan's shoulder raised his head and said in shock, "Who are those guys?" Did he really dare to attack the Western Base City? The

other demon kings were also curious.

Qin Feng stepped forward and said, "Senior, come and live in my house."

Ye Xiaofan nodded and did not refuse.

As soon as the two of them walked out of the ruins, a luxurious hovercar drove over and stopped in front of them steadily.

The car door opened, and from above came a beautiful woman with a plump figure, it was Su Wan'er.

She stepped forward quickly and said joyfully: "Senior, you are finally back." She

had been letting people stay here secretly, and as soon as Ye Xiaofan returned here, she immediately received the news, and she rushed over as soon as possible.

Ye Xiaofan nodded depressedly.

Because this harvest is quite rich, he is quite happy.

But after seeing his home destroyed, he couldn't be happier.

Seeing that Ye Xiaofan was in a bad mood, Su Wan'er immediately said: "Senior, I have prepared a new residence for you, please move."

Ye Xiaofan's eyes lit up: "Yes, then thank you."

Su Wan'er quickly waved her hand: "It is my honor to serve my predecessors."

As he spoke, he glanced at the small white snake wrapped around Ye Xiaofan's wrist, and a flash of shock and abruptness flashed in his beautiful eyes.

She guessed correctly, the group of mysterious people who appeared in the Shu Mountain not long ago were really Ye Xiaofan and them.

Obviously, that terrifying White Snake Demon King was subdued by Ye Xiaofan.


Soon after, the group came to a luxurious villa area in the southern city area.

The entrance is written with several big characters in Nanshan villa area.

Nanshan villa area, one of the most luxurious places in the western base city, is invested and built by the Su family, one of the four chaebols.

People who live here are either rich or expensive.

Su Wan'er took the group to villa No. 1 on the top of the mountain.

Villa No. 1, the king of Nanshan villa area, is built on the top of Nanshan Mountain at an altitude of 1 km, standing on it you can overlook the entire base city.

Originally, the Su family prepared to live by themselves, but in the end it was idle for some reasons and has been put until now.

There were once people who bid five billion dragon national coins, but the Su family was not willing to sell them.

It can be described as a veritable super mansion.

Su Wan'er introduced with a smile: "Senior, this villa has a quiet environment, the nearest neighbor here is nearly 100 meters, and few people come here on weekdays, I specially selected it for you."

Ye Xiaofan looked around and nodded with satisfaction: "It looks quite good, but it is quite far from the place to buy vegetables, and there is no supermarket outside, and if you want to grab special dishes at that time, it is estimated that there is no chance." The

corner of Su Wan'er's mouth twitched, she really couldn't understand Ye Xiaofan's powerful existence, why was she so fond of such a sesame trivial matter as grabbing special dishes?

She hurriedly smiled and said: "Don't worry, senior, I have already arranged it, and then someone will come to your door every day to deliver dishes." "


Ye Xiaofan's voice answered lazily, only feeling that there was no fun in that kind of life.

But when others are kind, he is not good to say anything.

"Well, thank you for thinking so thoughtfully."

Ye Xiaofan collected his mind and invited Su Wan'er: "When Xiaoman and them come back, you come to my house for dinner."

Su Wan'er was overjoyed when she heard this: "Thank you senior, I will definitely bother me at that time."

After saying a few more words, Su Wan'er left.

Qin Feng also stepped forward to leave: "Senior, I will go back first, and I will come back tomorrow." He

was a little worried in his heart, wanting to know what was the situation in Base City today?

After Qin Feng left, Ye Xiaofan took several demon kings to familiarize himself with his new home.

The Golden Toad Demon King jumped down from Ye Xiaofan and looked around: "Not bad, this king likes it here." "

The villa has three floors and occupies a large area, which is not only full of all kinds of expensive vegetation, but also has an open-air pool in the courtyard.

Soak in the pool and overlook the entire base city, don't mention enjoy.

The golden dragon turned back into a carp, flew into the pool, and then jumped out of the water and announced: "King Ben officially announces now, this place will be King Ben's territory from now on." "

The other demon kings are too lazy to deal with it at all, and they all went to find their own territory.

The villa was huge, so they didn't have the heart to argue with the former.


On the other side, after Qin Feng returned to his home, he called Xiao Qianjue as soon as possible, wanting to inquire about the specific situation.

But it didn't get through, and he guessed that the former should be in a meeting, so he waited patiently at home.

His guess was indeed correct, Xiao Qianjue was in a meeting with the high-level military at the moment.

Qin Zhentian sat on the head, looked at Xiao Qianjue and said in a deep voice: "Qianjue, you tell everyone in detail what happened" Xiao Qianjue

did not hide it, and said: "Everyone, Lin Wuyang's guy is a traitor, after the chief and them left, he led a group of mysterious people to sneak up on me and other high-level officials, took advantage of the chaos to control the military command, and slandered us as traitors, and sent a large number of people to hunt us down.

Everyone's eyes widened, and although they had heard about it earlier, when they heard the details, they still felt a chill in their backs.

A big man in a position like Lin Wuyang is actually a traitor.

It's just terrible.

"We dodged several waves of pursuit, but the other side was outnumbered and eventually caught up."

Speaking of this, an unforgettable shock flashed in his eyes, and then continued.

"When we were cornered by the pursuers, a terrifying demon beast suddenly appeared, and it took less than ten moves to wipe out a group of pursuers."

Everyone was shocked when they heard this, and Yun Shan lost his voice: "Demon beast? How could there be demon beasts in the base city? And it also came to the rescue of you, how is this possible? The

rest of the people who went to Shushan were also in disbelief.

The high-ranking people who remained in the base city had palpitations, because they had also seen the terrifying big black dog not long ago.

It was an unforgettable scene, a big black dog with a shocking demon qi suddenly appeared, and a few paws went down to kill several martial kings.

In the end, he even entered the military, wiped out Lin Wuyang and the group of black-robed people, and disappeared without a trace afterwards.


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