The military people were stunned to hear this, and some people couldn't help but say.

"This... How could such a terrifying demon beast be hidden in the base city!? "

According to what Xiao Qianjue said, the strength of that big black dog is even stronger than Qin Zhentian.

Facing the incredulous and skeptical gazes of some people, Xiao Qian nodded affirmatively: "I know you can't believe it, but it's true." Speaking

of this, he instructed the person next to him to turn on the projector.

The next moment, a picture appeared in the office.

In the picture, a large black dog with a huge body and a shocking spirit shuttles through the base city, its speed is as fast as lightning, and enemies will be destroyed with every claw.

In the end, it went straight to the Star of Bashu, and those rebels were not its opponents at all.

After seeing it with their own eyes, some skeptics finally believed that what Xiao Qianjue said was true.

"Okay, we'll talk about that later."

Qin Zhentian raised his hand to stop everyone's discussion, and then looked at Xiao Qianjue and asked, "Qianjue, do you know who those black-robed people who are with Lin Wuyang are?" Everyone

looked over and wanted to know.

What kind of thief dared to openly attack the western base city?

Xiao Qianjue took a deep breath and said in a solemn voice: "According to Lin Wuyang's traitor's words, it should be the people of the 'Temple of Gods' who attacked Base City this time. Hearing

these three words, the eyes of most of the people present showed dazedness, and only a small number of people showed horror in their eyes.

Apparently they knew about the temples.

Qin Zhentian's face was grim: "It's really this group of guys." Someone

was curious: "Chief, what is the temple of the gods?"

Qin Zhentian did not hide any longer, and opened his mouth to explain: "The Temple of the Gods is an organization established by human rebels, who believe in personal force and feel that they are gods, so they call themselves the Temple of the Gods.

"The theory of the temple of the gods is to destroy most of the useless humans, leaving only a small number of elite humans, and the elite humans they call are people with warrior talents, and then these elite humans will form new city-states and establish a new order."

Everyone took a breath of cold air when they heard this.

This idea of the temple of the gods is crazy.

Since the revival of Aura for so long, only a small number of human beings have the talent to cultivate martial arts.

Take the Dragon Kingdom as a metaphor.

At present, there are almost 500 million people left in the Dragon Kingdom.

Among these 500 million people, there are at most 10 or 20 million who have the talent of warriors, and most of them are just ordinary people.

The other human realms are in a similar situation.

If all ordinary people were to be wiped out, how many people would have to be killed?

"Chief, the thoughts of this temple are too dangerous, why don't the high-level eliminate it?" Someone couldn't help but ask.

Qin Zhentian sighed helplessly: "Of course, the high-level wants to eliminate them, but they can't do it, because the strength of this temple is very strong. "

It is said that the weakest members of these temples are in the Golden Pill Realm, and there are even rumors that the lord of the temples has surpassed the Vientiane Realm."


Everyone gasped when they heard this, and their eyes were filled with disbelief.

There are three known cultivation realms.

Qi and blood, purple mansion, Vientiane.

These realms are not taken casually, but are recorded in the unique books of ancient books handed down from ancient times.

According to records, in the pre-Qin era, it was not uncommon to practice this kind of thing.

At that time, cultivators were not called warriors, but had their own names - alchemists.

The pre-Qin alchemists recorded in ancient books are talking about them.

Later, the aura gradually dried up, and there were fewer and fewer cultivators who were exposed, and in modern times they almost disappeared.

Qi and Blood Realm: Temper the qi and blood in the body, and release it outside, so that the qi and blood are like a dragon.

Purple Mansion Realm: Open up a purple mansion in the body to store spiritual power, and then use spiritual power to further temper the body.

Vientiane Realm, also known as Vientiane Realm, is different from the previous two realms and is more special.

It is divided into 4 small realms, and the gap between each small realm is not much different from the gap between the previous two large realms, so it can be called four independent realms.

They are Jindan, Awakening, Divine Power, Inscription.

When you reach the Jindan Realm, you can be called a king, but it is only the most ordinary king, such as the original Crow Demon King.

The realm of awakening can be called the elite king.

The realm of supernatural powers can be called the top king.

Like Qin Zhentian and the White Snake Demon King are in this realm.

The last inscription realm is known as the emperor.

Very few can reach this realm.

Those who cultivate to the Golden Pill Realm are the mainstay of human beings.

This kind of person is one in a thousand existences.

There are not many demon beasts that can evolve to this level of strength.

And in the temple of the gods, the weakest members have reached this realm.

It is possible that its leader can also surpass the Vientiane Realm, which is a terrifying thing.

For now, in this part of the Eastern Hemisphere, except for the first powerhouse of the Dragon Kingdom, "Dragon War", and the whale emperor in the ocean, he has never heard of anyone else surpassing the Vientiane Realm.

Oh, doesn't seem right.

It seems, as if, they had just met one not long ago.

Although not sure, he can easily solve the half-step inscription realm with one punch.

Everyone speculates that the funny existence with Ultraman is likely to surpass the Vientiane Realm.

Of course, it is only possible.

Whether it is or not, no one knows.

After all, no one present had ever seen the existence beyond the Vientiane Realm make a move.

I don't know how powerful that existence really is? No specific comparisons are possible.

"Okay, the meeting is over for the time being, you go down to help the security team rebuild the destroyed base city, by the way, check if there are any traitors in the military, I will go and report this matter."

After Qin Zhentian finished speaking, he left the conference room, and the rest of the people also left.

As soon as Xiao Qianjue returned home, he received a call from Qin Feng.

Soon after, the two met.

Seeing Xiao Qianjue's pale face, Qin Feng was shocked: "Uncle, are you injured?"

Xiao Qianjue waved his hand: "Don't worry, you can't die."

Qin Feng breathed a slight sigh of relief and asked curiously, "Uncle, what happened in the base city?"

Xiao Qian never hid it and said something about it.

Qin Feng was shocked after hearing this: "What is the origin of this temple of gods, so powerful?"

"I don't know the specifics." Xiao Qianjue shook his head, and then asked, "You don't seem to be in Base City these days, where have you gone?"

Qin Feng didn't hide it either, telling the other party that he had gone to Shushan.

Xiao Qianjue's eyes froze, and then he scolded: "How did you kid mess up all day, don't you know how dangerous Shushan is?"

Qin Feng touched his head: "I just want to see who will get the Millennium Treasure Medicine?"

"Your kid still went to the depths of Shu Mountain?" Xiao Qianjue's eyes widened.

Seeing Qin Feng nodding, Xiao Qianjue no longer knew what to say.

Then, he asked with some curiosity: "I heard that a group of guys who claim to be the Righteous Heavenly Group have appeared in the Shu Mountain this time, but they are doing the work of bandits, can you tell me about the specific situation?" Earlier

, Qin Zhentian just told him about it.

The corner of Qin Feng's mouth twitched lightly twice, but he didn't expect that outsiders would actually give Ye Xiaofan such a nickname.

But thinking about it carefully, what Ye Xiaofan did was really similar to that of a bandit.

He did not hide it and told the other party the details.

Xiao Qianjue's eyes were extremely shocked after hearing this, and his voice trembled with a hint: "The world... The world is really... Is there really such a powerful existence!?

"There should be."

Qin Feng gave an ambiguous answer.


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