"Su Wan'er, who gave you the right to send Nanshan Villa No. 1 out privately."

The Su family, all the high-ranking officials were furious, glaring angrily at Su Wan'er.

Not long ago, the Su family learned about Su Wan'er sending Nanshan No. 1 Villa out, and this was the scene at this moment.

Because of that incident not long ago, the high-ranking members of the Su family were already on fire.

Knowing this at this moment, the anger in my heart suddenly burst out.

Finally, everyone turned their eyes to the first white-haired old man in a Tang costume in the hall.

The old man's name was Su Dinghua, and he was the head of the Su family.

Su Dinghua rubbed his eyebrows, frowned at Su Wan'er, and asked in a deep voice: "Wan'er, you need to give me a reasonable explanation, otherwise the family law will deal with it."

Su Wan'er said solemnly: "Father, I must do this for the good of the Su family, if you believe me, don't ask more." She

gave Villa No. 1 to Ye Xiaofan, naturally wanting to further befriend each other.

But he did not dare to expose Ye Xiaofan's identity to his family, so he did not tell everyone the truth.

As soon as she finished saying this, a brightly dressed woman next to her sneered.

"Hehe, Su Wan'er, you blatantly gave away our Su family's property, and you still call it a family, are you really a fool?"

The woman's name is Su Wenfang, and she is Su Wan'er's eldest sister, because Su Wan'er is favored by Old Master Su, so the relationship between the two has always been bad.

The rest of the people also sneered, obviously not believing what Su Wan'er said.

"Wan'er, what's going on? You make it clear.

A middle-aged man with a resolute face said in a deep voice, his name was Su Wenlong, he was Su's patriarchal son and Su Qingxue's father.

"Big brother, don't ask, I can't say it for the time being."

Su Wan'er bit her red lips, with no intention of saying.

"Hmph, I see you're just teasing me and waiting."

An old man with gray hair next to Su Dinghua drank loudly, and a cold color appeared in his eyes.

The old man's name is Su Dingxia, and he is Su Dinghua's younger brother.

This time, it was Shushan that he led the team to.

Not to mention that he didn't get the thousand-year-old treasure medicine, he also touched a nose of ash, and even the precious storage ring was robbed.

He was already holding a fire in his heart, but when he came back and heard this kind of thing, how could he not be angry.

"Big brother, this kind of unfilial descendants who harm the interests of the family must be served by family law."

He said in a deep voice to Su Dinghua.

A flash of hesitation flashed in the former's eyes, Su Wan'er was his most beloved little daughter.

"Wan'er, I will give you another chance at the end, as long as you are honest and promise not to pursue this matter for your father."

Su Wan'er hesitated, and then gritted her teeth and said, "Yes, but I can only tell my father that you are alone."

Su Dinghua nodded: "Yes."

Then he waved at the crowd: "You all go down."

Although everyone was a little curious, they did not dare to disobey Su Dinghua.

Even Su Dingxia got up and left the hall after hesitating for a moment.

After everyone left, Su Lihua looked at Su Wan'er and said, "Can you say it now?"

Su Wan'er nodded and stepped forward to quickly tell something about Ye Xiaofan.

Su Dinghua's pupils shrank after hearing this, and his eyes stared at Su Wan'er sternly: "Do you take this seriously?"

Su Wan'er nodded solemnly: "It's true, if my father doesn't believe me, he will know when he goes to see it."

Su Dinghua nodded, he had to personally go to confirm this kind of thing.

Su Wan'er glanced at the blood-red sunset outside the window and said, "Father, it's late today, let's disturb the seniors in the past at this time, let's go again tomorrow."

Su Dinghua nodded with a deep sigh.

Early on the morning of the 2nd day, the two drove a hovercar to Ye Xiaofan's house.

Soon after, the two arrived outside Villa 1.

As soon as he arrived, he met Su Qingxue and Ye Xiaoman.

The former was surprised: "Hey, sister-in-law, grandpa, why are you here?"

Su Dinghua did not answer the rhetorical question: "Qingxue, when did you come back from school?" "

Just came back." Su Qingxue replied.

Not long ago, Ye Xiaofan called to inform Ye Xiaoman of the move.

Because she couldn't find a road, Su Qingxue drove Ye Xiaoman to the Nanshan villa area.

It turned out that Ye Xiaofan's new home was villa No. 1.

She was still surprised just now, isn't this their Su family's villa? How did Ye Xiaofan move here?

As a result, I met two people in a blink of an eye.

After seeing Su Wan'er, she probably understood.

"I'll bring my father over to take a look." Su Wan'er explained casually: "Let's go, let's go in and say."

"(⊙o⊙) Wow, it's so beautiful here."

When he saw the luxurious arrangement in the villa, small stars appeared in Ye Xiaoman's eyes, and his eyes looked up and down.

Hearing the movement, Ye Xiaofan wore a pair of red pants with a pattern and walked out of the house with his upper body bare.

There was still a hint of saliva hanging from the corner of his mouth.

He looked like he had just woken up.

He rubbed his eyes, and when he saw several people in the courtyard, he jumped up in surprise.

"Xiao Man, when did you come back?"

Ye Xiaoman didn't care to answer, rushed forward and asked, "Brother, where did this villa come from?"

Ye Xiaofan smiled: "How is it, do you like it?" "

Like like, super like."

Ye Xiaoman waved his small fist with an excited look.

"Tell me quickly, where did it come from?"

Xie Xiaofan's chin lifted: "Of course, I saved money to buy it."

Ye Xiaoman pouted: "Okay brother, bragging is not as much as you brag, how capable you are, can I not know this sister?" Hurry up.

"You don't believe your brother so much?"

Ye Xiaofan looked frustrated, and then in the girl's questioning eyes, he could only honestly explain.

When she learned that it was sent by Su Wan'er, Ye Xiaoman was surprised, and stepped forward and asked, "Aunt Wan'er, you... Why did you give us such a nice villa??

After asking, without waiting for Su Wan'er to answer, she said to herself: "I know, you must want to invite me to join your Su family, that's why you will send such an expensive villa, right?" "

Don't blame the girl for misunderstanding, after all, there is the Li family's affairs ahead.

At the beginning, Li Yunzhi also said to her, the same thing, as long as she joins the Li family, he will give her a single-family villa.

Where did the girl know that what the other party said was just the most ordinary single-family villa, which could not be compared with the villa in front of her.

The corner of Su Wan'er's mouth twitched, and she nodded with a strong smile: "Yes... That's right.

Ye Xiaoman looked moved: "Aunt Wan'er, I didn't expect you to value me so much."

"But let's say it first, it's not impossible to join your Su family, but I won't leave my brother."

"Don't worry, it won't be like this."

Su Wan'er quickly assured.

Just kidding, she didn't have time to tell Ye Xiaofan, how could she do such a stupid thing?

"Thank you, Aunt Wan'er, you are so good, much better than that Li family."

Ye Xiaoman looked excited, turned his head to Ye Xiaofan and said arrogantly: "Old brother, see no, this is the benefit of genius, you are all stained with my light, to live in such a luxurious villa." Seeing

the girl's arrogant expression, Ye Xiaofan forced a smile and nodded hurriedly.

"Yes, yes, I must have cultivated for eight lifetimes in my last life to have such a good sister as you."


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