Ye Xiaoman's chin lifted, and he said arrogantly: "Then don't hurry up and cook for your good sister."

"Okay, here we go."

Ye Xiaofan turned around and rushed into the house, put on the T-shirt with justice, quickly rushed into the bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth, and then entered the kitchen to start cooking.

Su Dinghua had been paying attention to Ye Xiaofan from the moment he entered the villa.

The appearance is average, not outstanding, and a little natural.

There is a laziness all over his body, like the kind of degenerate young man who does not seek advancement and chooses to lie flat.

It can be said that he did not see the slightest outstanding place in Ye Xiaofan.

It was hard for him to believe that such a person would be the senior master in Su Wan'er's mouth?

Ye Xiaoman invited the three: "Aunt Wan'er, don't be polite, go into the house and sit."

Su Wan'er smiled and waved her hand: "Don't worry about us, we can just sit in the courtyard."

The three sat down on the leisure chair on the side, and Su Dinghua couldn't help but ask, "Wan'er, are you sure you're not teasing me?"

Su Wan'er smiled and shook her head: "Father, what are you talking about, I tease no one and dare not tease you."

Su Qingxue also followed: "Grandpa, what my sister-in-law said is true, you will know later."

Su Qingxue knew that Ye Xiaofan would definitely make food for Ye Xiaoman.

If her guess was true, Ye Xiaofan was really the one who wore the Ultraman hood.

They are very likely to eat the flesh of the golden eagle king in a while.

As soon as she thought of this, she couldn't help but lick her tongue.

Seeing that the two swore an oath, Su Dinghua suppressed the doubts in his heart and prepared to take another look.

"Oh, where did this snake come from?"

Suddenly, Ye Xiaoman's exclamation was heard not far away.

Su Qingxue stepped forward curiously and saw that in the open-air swimming pool, a white snake with a length of one meter was floating on the surface of the water basking in the sun.

The girl's pupils shrank, and she suddenly thought of the white snake demon king in the Shu Mountain.

There is no doubt that the current white snake is mostly the former.

Su Wan'er whispered a few words in Su Dinghua's ear.

When the latter heard this, his pupils shrank and immediately got up and walked towards the pool.

When I got closer, I saw a white snake the thickness of an adult's thumb floating in the pool.

The white snake floats lazily on the surface of the water, its white scales shining dazzling in the sunlight, and it looks like it has a unique beauty.

He concentrated on the white snake, and sure enough, he felt a hint of danger on his body.

"Is this!?"

He was a little incredulous.

"This little snake is so beautiful, it won't be my brother's new pet, right?"

Ye Xiaoman's face was full of curiosity, and just at this moment, Ye Xiaofan walked out.

Seeing everyone gathered around the edge of the pool, he also came up and said, "Hehe, this little white snake is beautiful, right?" "

Uh-huh." Ye Xiaoman nodded vigorously and said curiously: "Brother, where did you get it?"

Ye Xiaofan casually said nonsense: "When I went to the supermarket to buy specials a few days ago, I saw a middle-aged uncle selling snake medicinal wine at a roadside stall, and I saw this little white snake in his hand. "

I saw that he was really beautiful, and his eyes were full of spirituality, like the legendary White Lady

, so..." Ye Xiaoman preemptively said: "I know I know, so you bought it back, planning to form a good relationship, and wait for it to repay you later?" Like the white lady Xu Xian, make a good story, right?

In the young man's expectant gaze, Ye Xiaofan decisively shook his head.

"No, I want to buy it back for stewed snake meat soup, but it looks too small, so I plan to raise it for a while."

The girl's eyes widened, and then she pouted: "Brother, how can you be so cruel, the snake is so cute, you actually want to eat it, eat your future wife." "

Turning around, I saw that the white snake had sunk to the bottom.

"You see, it's scary."

The corner of Ye Xiaofan's mouth twitched, and his heart said that this girl was too deep into the play?

"Stop yelling, I won't eat it."

Ye Xiaofan said angrily, turned around and entered the villa to continue cooking.

Su Wan's two daughters were also speechless for a while.

I really want to tell Ye Xiaoman. The cute snake in your mouth is the White Snake Demon King of Megatron Shu Mountain.

I really want to know how the other party will react when he knows the truth?

Ye Xiaoman looked around, and found carp swimming happily in the pool, and was a little worried: "Brother, how to keep them together, what if Xiaobai attacks the little carp?" "

It should be fine, Big Brother Ye should be measured."

Su Qingxue rolled her eyes and pulled Ye Xiaoman to the side.

"Let's call Luo Li quickly, we have to tell her that you have moved here."


Ye Xiaoman remembered this and immediately called Xiao Luoli.


The big black dog ran over from the backyard and barked twice at Ye Xiaoman, and its tail shook quickly.

"Da Hei, it's great that you're okay."

Ye Xiaoman hugged the big black dog with a happy smile on his face.

Not long ago, when she saw the destruction of her own area, the girl was worried about it.

What she was most worried about was Ye Xiaofan and the big black dog, and the two meant completely different to her.

The former is his brother who depends on him, and the latter has saved his life, and they are all inseparable relatives.

Su Wan'er was speechless in her heart, the Lord in front of her was mighty not long ago and saved the base city that almost fell.

It was also at that time that she learned that Ye Xiaofan had raised more than two demon kings in the courtyard.

Think about it, how can the other party's kind of existence welcome ordinary animals?

When he saw the big black dog, Su Dinghua was taken aback again.

The big black dog in front of him gave him a more dangerous feeling.

It even gave him a creepy illusion.

It seems that the big black dog in front of him can take his life at any time as long as he wants.

Thinking of what happened not long ago, his emotions fluctuated.

At this moment, Su Dinghua somewhat believed what Su Wan'er said.

Thinking of Su Wan'er's thousands of instructions when she came, he forcibly suppressed the shock in his heart and did not dare to ask more.

Ye Xiaoman touched the head of the big black dog and said softly: "Big black, I am now a martial artist, and when I become powerful in the future, I will definitely find you many treasure medicines, so that you can also become a demon beast and always accompany me." "


The big black dog barked twice in response.

The corners of Su Qingxue and Su Wan'er's mouths twitched secretly, and the two of them were suddenly a little worried about the girl.

When the other party knows the truth later, will it die in society?

Thinking of that scene, the two women actually had some expectations in their hearts.

After a while, Xiao Luoli and Qin Feng came.

When the two arrived, a tempting fragrance was already wafting in the courtyard.

Xiao Luoli was curious: "What is delicious that Big Brother Ye makes?" That's too fragrant, right?

"I don't know, I'll go in and ask."

Ye Xiaoman entered the villa after speaking, and soon after walked out and said to everyone.

"I just asked, my brother made chicken soup stew with lotus root today."

When everyone heard this, their eyes froze, and a possibility suddenly occurred in their hearts.

"Could it be ????"


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