The western base city is located in the Bashu Basin of the Dragon Kingdom.

Bordering Shushan on one side and Ba Mountain on the other, it can be said that the surrounding area is basically wrapped in primeval forests, and the monsters and beasts are crisscrossing inside, which is very dangerous.

The place where Ye Xiaoman and the others experienced this time was an area outside Shu Mountain.

Several hovering cars drove towards the vast primeval forest.

In the car, a group of students curiously looked at the outside scenery.

Since the establishment of Base City, they have not come out again.

The land is verdant and full of lush vegetation, and occasionally you can see some abandoned buildings from the old century.

From time to time, some flying monsters will attack the flying car, but they are all solved by the 5 teachers flying above.

The five of them were all powerhouses in the Purple Mansion Realm, and they were more than enough to deal with the demon beasts on the outskirts of Shu Mountain.

On one of the speeding cars, while Ye Xiaoman was watching the scenery outside the window, Su Qingxue asked Xiao Luoli in a low voice: "Luoli, why did you say that the golden toad followed, could it be that something would happen during this experience?" I had a bad premonition in my heart.

Xiao Luoli said speechlessly: "Qingxue, I see that you think too much, then naturally you should be worried about Xiao Man's safety, the school sent 5 teachers this time, what can happen."

"With such a lineup, as long as you don't encounter the demon king and the beast tide, you don't need to be afraid of any demon beasts."

Su Qingxue nodded when she heard this, and also felt that she should have thought too much.

Soon after, the hovercar stopped on a mountain peak, and a group of trainees got out of the car.

Looking at the reckless mountain range in front of them, everyone's eyes showed eagerness, and they looked like they were rubbing their hands.

For them, who have never been out of the base city, now that they have finally come outside and can hunt demon beasts, this is undoubtedly something worth looking forward to.

A burly male teacher spoke: "The drill begins, the rules have been told to you yesterday, remember that whether you hunt a demon beast or not, you must return here before dark."

A graceful female teacher followed with advice: "You should only move within a radius of ten kilometers of this mountain, don't go too far."

All the trainees nodded, and then rushed towards the bottom of the mountain.

Some formed squads, others acted separately.

Ye Xiaoman's three daughters formed a team and headed down the mountain together.

Looking at the scrappy students, a teacher smiled and said: "There are a few talented seedlings in this batch of students, I don't know which of them can win the first place?"

The graceful female teacher said with a smile: "I am optimistic about Su Qingxue, she already has the power of an elephant at a young age, she is calm and calm, she is a leader among her peers, and she is likely to come out on top."

Another teacher gave a different opinion: "Xiao Luoli is also good, except for a little impulsive personality, her strength is similar to Su Qingxue, and she is a popular candidate to win the championship."

"Ye Xiaoman is not bad either." Another teacher spoke: "Although I come from an average background, I may be even better than the first two in terms of talent alone."

"I think Zhang Baishan has the best chance of winning the championship." Among the five, a middle-aged man with gray hair slowly spoke: "Although the three people you mentioned have good talents, they are all too young, and they are even worse than Zhang Baishan."

The graceful female teacher pouted: "Teacher Zhang, you can pull it down, your nephew only awakened the power of an elephant when he was eighteen, the talent is really not good, although he has gone out with you to practice, a little practical experience, but how do you know that others have not gone out?"

"Don't you forget who is behind Su Qingxue and Xiao Luoli, if they want to leave Base City, it is just an easy task."

Although the other people did not speak, the smile in their eyes was self-evident.

The gray-haired teacher's face was a little gloomy, and he snorted coldly: "Hmph, then we'll wait and see." "


Below the mountain, in the dense jungle, the sound of elephants vibrates, the trees tremble, and the leaves fall.

Countless trainees exerted the power of qi and blood, condensed the power of gods and elephants, and fought with demon beasts, and the sounds of fighting were endless.

In a mountain stream, Su Qingxue punched out like a dragon, the god elephant behind him roared, and the air roared.

A huge gray wolf was punched by her and slammed into a bluestone.

Tens of thousands of pounds of bluestone were smashed to pieces on the spot.

But the gray wolf was unharmed, one rolled over and got up again, staring at Su Qingxue with a grin.

Behind her, Xiao Luoli and Ye Xiaoman were dealing with other gray wolves.

Soon after they arrived, they were besieged by wolves.

Su Qingxue reminded: "Luo Li, Xiao Man is coming out for the first time, without any actual combat experience, you pay attention, don't let her get hurt."

"Don't worry, Xiao Man's strength is not weaker than ours, what is in front of him is just a group of first-order little wolf cubs, and it will be fine." Xiao Luoli didn't care, and killed the gray wolf with a loud shout.

Behind her, the qi and blood condensed into a tall divine elephant, and the elephant's trunk swept out with its fist, heading straight for one of the gray wolves.

The latter could not dodge, and was pumped by the elephant's trunk on the spot, smashing a thick forest tree and breaking it.

Seeing this, Ye Xiaoman also followed closely, and the god elephant behind him roared, and his handsome fist was wrapped in ten thousand catties of huge force, and he knocked a gray wolf upside down and flew out with one punch.

Su Qingxue shook her head, and then also went all out to kill the wolves.

The gray wolves are only the most rudimentary demon beasts, and their strength is not very strong.

After some hard work, the three women finally killed most of the wolves.

Seeing victory in sight, the three women's eyes showed joy.

But at this moment, a wolf howl suddenly sounded in the distance.

With a cyan afterimage shooting out from the jungle, it came straight to the three women.

The speed was so fast that the three women couldn't react at all.

With a bang, Xiao Luoli, who was blocking the front, was shot out.

"Luo Li."

Su Qingxue's face changed drastically, and she pulled Ye Xiaoman, who was stunned in place, to the side, and punched out at the rushing cyan afterimage.

The cyan afterimage was successfully blocked, fell in the distant woodland, and revealed its true body.

It was actually a cyan demon wolf.

The cyan demon wolf is several times larger than the gray wolf, and the hair is shiny throughout, like the top satin, and the aura around the body is more terrifying.

At this moment, he was staring at the three women with a fierce face.


Xiao Luoli covered her chest and stumbled over.

Ye Xiaoman was worried: "Sister Luoli, are you okay?"

Xiao Luoli spat out a mouthful of blood and waved his hand: "It's a little injured, it's not in the way."

Su Qingxue said solemnly: "The strength of this beast is very strong, I am afraid that there are already two elephants, we must join forces, otherwise we will not be its opponent."

Xiao Luoli grinned and said, "If we kill this beast, plus other demon wolves, we will not be far from the first fear." Saying

that, she was the first to rush up, her body was like a rainbow, and her fist exploded the air and went straight to the cyan demon wolf.

Her eyes stood high, without a trace of fear.

Even if they can't beat it, Ye Xiaoman still has a big god in his backpack, and nothing can happen to them.

Su Qingxue and Ye Xiaoman also followed.

The next moment, the three girls fought with the cyan demon wolf.


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