Somewhere in Shu Mountain, a black snake with a thick water tank flew in the air, and behind it, several flying demon beasts followed.

In the jungle below, there is also a large group of demon beasts running quickly.

The strength of each demon beast was extremely terrifying, and judging from the aura emanating, all of them were in the Purple Mansion Realm.

The black snake spoke, and a strong voice came out: "Chase me, you must not let that human go." A

group of demon beasts suddenly scattered and chased towards the east.

In that direction, it was the city of Western Base.

The place where Ye Xiaoman and others practiced was also in that direction?

If nothing else, the two sides will soon meet.


Somewhere in the jungle, a young man covered in blood staggered forward.

He took out a pill and stuffed it into his mouth, took a strong breath, gritted his teeth and insisted: "I can't fall here, I must bring the news back." "


In the mountain stream, the three women finally killed the cyan demon wolf after fierce fighting.

"This beast is really strong, it actually took us so long."

Xiao Luoli wiped the blood stain from the corner of her mouth and prepared to step forward to cut off the head of the demon wolf.

But at this moment, a cold light suddenly shot from the oblique side, Xiao Luoli's sweaty hair exploded, and his figure quickly retreated.

Su Qingxue and Ye Xiaoman's faces also changed greatly, and when they looked at it, they saw that it was a scimitar.

The machete spun in the air and quickly flew back.

The three women's gaze looked and saw a rebellious young man dressed in a Chinese costume walking over slowly.

Seeing the person coming, Xiao Luoliyu's face suddenly gloomy: "Zhang Baishan, what do you mean by this?"

Zhang Baishan, a rebellious young man, smiled and said, "What do you mean?" Isn't it obvious that the wolf corpse here belongs to me.

Xiao Luoli was furious when she heard this: "Bastard, you dare?

Zhang Baishan sneered: "Why don't I dare, the rules clearly say that trainees can compete with each other and calculate, as long as they don't die."

"Even if the teacher finds out afterwards, he will only say that you are not careful, and I can't blame me."

The reason why the academy does this is also to make students vigilant and not easily trust others.

Xiao Luoli's face was livid, and she gritted her teeth and said, "Zhang Baishan, don't go too far, are we really afraid of you?"

Zhang Baishan smiled lightly: "Hehe, Xiao Luoli, if it were usual, I might still be afraid of you, but in your current state, you dare to be strong here?"

Su Qingxue said coldly: "Zhang Baishan, if you do this, you are not afraid of triggering a conflict between my Su family and your Zhang family?"

Zhang Baishan said disdainfully: "Su Qingxue, if your sister says this, I may still be afraid of one or two, you illegitimate daughter don't make a big fuss here."

"And do you think the Su family will make a move for such a trifle?" If that's the case, I'm afraid I'm going to be laughed out of their big teeth.


Su Qingxue's face turned suddenly gloomy.

"Qingxue, don't talk nonsense with this dog, let's join forces, I don't believe it's not his opponent."

Xiao Luoli spoke coldly, and after speaking, he rushed directly towards Zhang Baishan.

"Luo Li, don't be impulsive."

Su Qingxue's face changed, it was too late to stop it.

"Hmph, don't measure yourself."

Facing Xiao Luoli who rushed towards him, Zhang Baishan smiled disdainfully, and the power of qi and blood around his body rushed up, turning into two divine elephant phantoms.

The two divine elephants hissed and roared, and the qi was rolling, instantly knocking Xiao Luoli out.

Su Qingxue's pupils shrank and exclaimed, "The power of two elephants, how is it possible?!" Xiao

Luoli, who was flying upside down, spat out a mouthful of blood, and his eyes were also full of incredulity.

"Sister Luo Li."

Ye Xiaoman exclaimed, quickly stepped forward to help Xiao Luoli up, and looked at Zhang Baishan angrily with beautiful eyes: "Everyone is a classmate, how can you be like this?"

Zhang Baishan glanced at the angry Ye Xiaoman and sneered: "What kind of thing are you, just a commoner, and dare to be presumptuous in front of Ben Shao?"

"Do you really think that with some talent, anyone will give you face?"

Ye Xiaoman's reputation he had heard of, and he awakened the power of an elephant at a young age, and he was a famous genius in the Nancheng District Martial Arts Academy.

But Zhang Baishan did not take it too seriously, no matter how good the other party's talent was, he was just a civilian, even if he tried to catch up, he was only equal to him in the end.

And the possibility is very small.


Ye Xiaoman's face turned red with anger, and he said angrily: "You bastard, I must teach you a good lesson today."

She got up angrily and rushed towards Zhang Baishan.

"Xiao Man, don't be impulsive, you are not his opponent." Su Qingxue hurriedly stopped it.

Even Xiao Luoli looked worried, but unfortunately the damage she received from the previous blow was too heavy, and she was unable to support at the moment.

"Not self-sufficient."

Zhang Baishan smiled cruelly, ready to teach the former a profound lesson.

For Xiao Luoli and the two, he may still have some jealousy, but he doesn't need it for Ye Xiaoman.

As long as he doesn't die, he can settle it afterwards.

Two divine elephant phantoms appeared behind him again, ready to teach this little girl in front of him some lessons.

But the next moment, his face changed.

Because above Ye Xiaoman's head, two divine elephant phantoms also appeared.

"The power of two elephants, how is it possible?!"

Zhang Baishan exclaimed, his eyes filled with disbelief.

He is 19 years old this year, and with the help of countless resources of his family, he has awakened the power of the two elephants.

The other side is a civilian, on what basis?

Su Qingxue and Xiao Luoli also stared at each other, their eyes full of disbelief.

The two women never thought that Ye Xiaoman had secretly awakened the power of the two elephants.

The other party is less than 16 years old this year, which is simply terrifying.

After reacting, the two women's eyes showed joy.

Compared with the excitement of the two women, Zhang Baishan's face was gloomy and terrifying, and a flash of coldness flashed in his eyes, and he swung his fist to greet him.


The fists of the two collided, making a muffled sound, the power of qi and blood collided with each other, and the churning air roared.

The same is the power of two elephants, the strength of the two is similar, but Ye Xiaoman's actual combat experience is not as good as Zhang Baishan, and soon after, he gradually fell into the downside.

Xiao Luoli braced herself and said to Su Qingxue: "Qingxue, go and help Xiao Man, you don't want to see that bastard win."

Su Qingxue nodded and quickly rushed forward to help Ye Xiaoman fight Zhang Baishan together.

The two women joined forces and fought with Zhang Baishan to a draw, and no one could help anyone in a short time.

Just when the situation reached a stalemate, a stumbling figure suddenly rushed out of the woodland on the diagonal side.

The visitor was covered in blood, weak in qi and blood, and obviously seriously injured.

Several people looked for sounds, and when they saw the face of the person who came, Xiao Luoli's face changed drastically, and exclaimed: "Cousin, you... Why are you here? And how did you get so badly injured?

Just as she finished asking this, a tiger roar sounded through the mountains and forests, and then a colorful tiger several feet long rushed out and slammed straight into the young man's head.

Just when several people looked horrified, a sudden aura fell from the sky, knocking the colorful tiger out.

It was the burly man from the five teachers.

The five teachers have been watching the situation of the students below the mountain, and they have long known what happened here.

It's just that because it was a fight between cadets, they didn't make a move.

The burly man stopped the tiger and said to Ye Xiaoman: "I will stop this beast, you will take him out of here first." "


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