Ye Xiaoman's third daughter did not dare to stay longer, and helped Qin Feng quickly towards the top of the mountain.

The colorful tiger rolled over and tried to chase a few people, but was stopped by the burly man.

Seeing this, Zhang Baishan did not follow a few people, and rushed towards the top of the mountain in a different direction.

Without waiting for a few people to rush to the top of the mountain, a burst of beast roars suddenly came from afar.

Several people fixed their eyes on it, and saw a group of demon beasts coming towards this side quickly.

When they saw the huge black snake at the head, the faces of several people completely changed.

"This breath is the Vientiane Realm Demon King, damn it, how could this kind of guy come here!?"

The faces of the four teachers stationed at the top of the mountain changed drastically, and one of them shouted loudly: "Everyone immediately return to the top of the mountain and evacuate." The

majestic voice resounded in the heavens and the earth.

The trainees stopped fighting with the demon beasts and quickly rushed towards the top of the mountain.

They also all realized that things were not good.

The burly man who fought with the colorful tiger also changed his face, and glanced at Qin Feng who was far away.

Wondering what exactly did the former do? It actually attracted a demon king to chase and kill.

Ye Xiaoman's faces changed in shock, and Xiao Luoli's voice trembled: "Watch... Cousin, they... They're not supposed to be chasing you, are they?

Qin Feng responded weakly: "Luo Li, go back and tell your uncle that a thousand-year-old treasure medicine has appeared in the depths of Shu Mountain, and you must not let the demon king get it, otherwise the western base city is in danger." The

third girl's face was shocked when she heard this, and Su Qingxue was shocked: "What, there is actually a thousand-year treasure medicine!?" "

The thousand-year-old treasure medicine, that is a precious treasure medicine that can not be sought, since the revival of the aura, there have rarely been treasure medicines of such a year.

The last time it appeared, it was three years ago.

That time, in order to compete for the thousand-year treasure medicine, humans and monster beasts had an unprecedented melee fight, and in the end, humans paid a huge price to get the thousand-year treasure medicine.

After being shocked, several people quickly walked towards the top of the mountain, not daring to delay at all.

If you are caught up by a demon beast, you will definitely die without a corpse.

During the escape, Ye Xiaoman felt that the backpack on his body was in the way, so he casually lost it.

Because she walked at the end, Su Qingxue and several people did not notice this scene, otherwise they would definitely be stunned.

The backpack landed on the woodland and then grunted and rolled down the hill.

The Golden Toad Demon King only felt that the sky was spinning, and it took a long time for the dizzy feeling to stop.

It shook its head, a little angry and corrupted, if others dare to treat it like this, it will definitely unload

the other party, but unfortunately the other party is Ye Xiaoman, it can only suppress a belly.

Drilling out along the unzipped zipper, the Golden Toad Demon King looked around, his eyes showing dazedness.

Where the fuck is this? What about the little master?


On the other side, Ye Xiaoman, who was fleeing, was blocked by a huge owl.

Su Qingxue exclaimed, "Oops, it's a Purple Mansion Realm demon beast."

Qin Feng dragged his seriously injured body in front of the third woman, gritted his teeth and shouted: "You guys go quickly, leave me alone, you must bring this news back."

Xiao Luoli shook her head resolutely: "No, cousin, I want to stay and fight side by side with you."

Su Qingxue grabbed Xiao Luoli and said ruthlessly: "Don't be impulsive, that's a demon beast of the Purple Mansion Realm, you will only drag your feet when you go."

She forcibly dragged Xiao Luoli towards the distance, but before she took a few steps, she was stopped by a group of murderous bees with a large bowl.

Each killer bee exudes a powerful aura, and its strength has all reached the Purple Mansion Realm.

The queen bee led by him is the peak of the Purple Mansion Realm.

Ye Xiaoman and Xiao Luoli's faces changed greatly, Su Qingxue's face was still calm, and her eyes subconsciously looked at the backpack behind Ye Xiaoman.

In this situation, only if the Golden Toad Demon King makes a move, they will have a chance to survive.

But it doesn't matter if you don't look at it, Su Qingxue's calm face suddenly changed greatly, and I saw that the backpack on Ye Xiaoman's body had long disappeared.

Su Qingxue was shocked for the first time: "Xiaoman, you... What about your backpack?

Xiao Luoli also came back to his senses, only then did he think of the Golden Toad Demon King, and quickly asked: "Yes, Xiao Man, where is your backpack?"

Ye Xiaoman was a little inexplicable, and some didn't understand that it was all at this time, how could the two still pay attention to her backpack.

Although she was puzzled, she still casually explained: "There is something in the way of carrying it on my body, and I lost it on the way to escape earlier." "

Lost... Lost?

Su Qingxue was stunned, and Xiao Luoli was a little angry: "You... How can you lose your backpack.

Ye Xiaoman looked inexplicable: "There is nothing valuable in it, it is important to escape, and there is nothing that cannot be lost."

"We'll talk about this later, let's think about how to get out of here."

The corners of the two women's mouths twitched, and Su Qingxue couldn't help but say: "You... Your brother's toad doesn't want it either?

Ye Xiaoman didn't care: "It's just an ordinary toad, I'll buy one for my brother when I go back, provided that we can go back alive."

She glanced at the killer bees that had surrounded them, and felt that this time it was more than a murderer.

The two women no longer knew how to complain, and the only rescuer was actually lost by Ye Xiaoman.

On the other side, Qin Feng was already fighting with the owl.

The strength of the two is not at the same level, plus he is seriously injured.

It is not an owl's opponent at all, and it is almost pressed and beaten the whole time, and it looks dangerous.

If he didn't rescue him as soon as possible, at most one minute, Qin Feng would die.

Xiao Luoli looked anxious, but it was a pity that she did not have the ability to rescue, because she was too busy to take care of herself at the moment.

This is true for more than a few people here, but the rest of the place is similar.

Whether it was the five teachers or the students, they were all in crisis.

High in the sky, the Black Snake Demon King's voice was indifferent: "Little ones, kill this group of humans for me." Just

when everyone was desperate, a golden light suddenly appeared at the bottom of the mountain, and then a behemoth appeared from the golden light.

Both demon beasts and humans were all attracted to their attention.

When they saw the figure in the golden light, the faces of both sides changed greatly.

I saw that it was a golden toad, its body was huge, like a mountain.

The huge black snake demon king was like a small earthworm in front of him.

Although they are both demon kings, the two cannot be compared at all.

"This... This breath is a top demon king, how can this kind of existence... How did it end up here? The

faces of the five teachers were horrified, and cold sweat broke out on their foreheads.

Facing the Black Snake Demon King, they still had a trace of luck in their hearts.

But when facing the golden toad in front of them, they were desperate in their hearts.

The top demon kings, for the Western Base City, are all extinction-like existences, let alone these few of them.

Qin Feng's face also changed drastically, and despair appeared in his eyes.

Ye Xiaoman was also afraid.

Present, only Su Qingxue and Xiao Luoli were not afraid, but their eyes showed joy.

They knew there was salvation.


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