On a foothill near Emei, two black-robed men stood on it.

"The news has been released, as long as the plan goes well, we can follow behind and reap the benefits of the fisherman."

One of the black-robed men spoke lightly, with a hint of wisdom in his voice, as if everything was under control.

Another black-robed man hesitated and said, "Great Protector, do you say that strange guy from the Righteous Heavenly Group will appear again?"

The eyes under the black robe of the Great Protector froze, and then said coldly: "If he dares to come, this emperor will take his life." A

breeze blew through, lifting the wide black hood, revealing the hideous wolf's head inside.

The black cannon man in front of him was a half-orc.

Half-step transformation, there is no doubt that the other party is a super strong person in the inscription realm.


After holding a family meeting, Su Dinghua came to Nanshan No. 1 Villa for the first time, ready to consult with Ye Xiaofan.

This Emei must be a gathering of strong people, and if their Su family is not fully prepared, most of them will be fierce and lucky.

He thought of Ye Xiaofan for the first time and wanted to see what the other party's opinion was.

If they can travel together, the safety of their trip will be greatly increased.

Accompanying him was Su Wan'er.

The two entered the courtyard of the villa and found Ye Xiaofan lazily lying on a chair basking in the sun, looking bored.

During this time, Ye Xiaofan was indeed bored.

Because every day someone brings fresh ingredients.

Helping him save all the time he spent going out to buy vegetables also made him completely idle.

Hearing the movement, Ye Xiaofan looked up and said lazily: "Hey, why are you here?" "


The two stepped forward and shouted respectfully, and then Su Dinghua said the purpose of this visit.

"Senior, according to some information we got, most of the ancient inheritance is hidden in that Emei Mountain, according to some clues, it should be the inheritance left by the Shushan Sword Sect in ancient times, I wonder if you are interested in senior?"

Ye Xiaofan rolled over and sat up from the chair, surprised: "Is it the Shushan Sword Sect in the TV series that can fly with a sword??" The

corners of the two mouths twitched, and there was always the feeling of a chicken saying to a duck.

Su Dinghua nodded solemnly: "It should be."

Ye Xiaofan suddenly asked, "Are there many big forces going to go at that time?"

Su Dinghua nodded, and his voice was solemn: "Kyoto Base City has sent people over, preparing to unite with the military people of Western Base City to go to Emei, in addition to the national side, there are other three major chaebols, as well as powerful monster beasts in the major mountains of the Bashu Land, this is only the most conservative estimate, and it is estimated that there will only be more forces at that time."

Ye Xiaofan's eyes lit up, and he rubbed his hands: "Then this is a good opportunity."

The two were stunned, and Su Dinghua asked carefully: "Senior, what a good opportunity?"

Su Wan'er had already thought of some possibility, and her eyebrows couldn't help but jump twice.

Thinking of that possibility, she suddenly felt that the major forces were so pitiful.

Ye Xiaofan coughed and diverted the topic: "It's not impossible to go together, but you can't expose my identity."

Su Dinghua's eyes lit up, and he quickly assured: "Don't worry, senior, we will definitely not expose your identity."

Ye Xiaofan nodded and asked again, "When are you guys leaving?"

"Three days later."


On the other side, inside the Qin Family Manor.

Qin Feng frowned and looked at Qin Zhentian, his voice cold: "Why did you call me back?" What's the matter to hurry up and say, I'm busy?

Qin Zhentian scolded in a deep voice: "Pay attention to your attitude."

"If you called me here just to say this nonsense, then I'm sorry, I'm not available."

After Qin Feng finished speaking, he turned around and planned to leave.


Qin Zhentian drank sharply, and a hint of anger appeared in his eyes.

Xiao Qianjue hurriedly persuaded on the side: "Brother-in-law, dissipate qi, dissipate qi, Xiao Feng, this kid is just a little stubborn, there is nothing bad about it."

Qin Zhentian gave up and snorted coldly: "For the sake of Qianjue's face, I will spare you for the time being today."

"Ruyu is back, stay and have a meal at home tonight."

Qin Feng's body trembled, and then a cold voice came out: "Got it." Seeing

Qin Feng's distant back, Qin Zhentian's voice was displeased: "This shaft, the ability is not big, but the temper is getting bigger and bigger."

Xiao Qianshan said with a smile: "Brother-in-law, don't say that, I see that Xiao Feng's body is full of qi and blood power, he should have reached the great consummation of the qi and blood realm, he should cultivate very hard in private, and you shouldn't be too harsh on him." "

Note: After the completion of the Qi and Blood Realm, the power of the divine dragon is condensed, and if you do not take the initiative to reveal it, outsiders will not be able to see it.

"Hmph, it took 25 years old to reach the Qi and Blood Realm and enter the great consummation, and it is really a shame to lose him to my Qin family bloodline."

Qin Zhentian snorted coldly: "If you let those old guys in the clan know, maybe they will say something about me behind my back." "

The Qin family, before the revival of aura, was the premier family of the Dragon Kingdom.

Now it is even stronger, sitting in Kyoto Base City, one of the strongest families in the Dragon Kingdom, and there are many talented young handsome people in the clan.

Not to mention the others, Qin Zhentian's other two heirs are excellent.

In addition to Qin Feng, Qin Zhentian also has a son and a daughter.

The eldest son, Qin Changsheng, has been talented since childhood, excellent in all aspects, and now twenty-nine, he has reached the realm of awakening and is a true Tianjiao figure.

The second daughter, Qin Ruyu, is now twenty-seven, and she just broke through the Golden Pill Realm some time ago, and her talent is equally powerful.

For the two, Qin Zhentian has always been proud.

In comparison, Qin Feng was very poor.

25 years old, still wandering in the realm of qi and blood.

It can be said that this is simply losing the face of Qin Zhentian and the Qin family.

Xiao Qianjue sighed: "Brother-in-law, this actually can't be blamed on Xiao Feng, if it weren't for the injury in the mother's womb and let Xiao Feng be born early, he might also be a talented and demon handsome."

Qin Zhentian's face sank, thinking of some past events, and his eyes showed a sadness that could not be concealed.

He ruled in the land of Bashu that year, his aura was revived, and society fell into chaos.

For the sake of the country and the people, Qin Zhentian rushed to the front line every day, failing to take care of his wife, who was already pregnant.

Later, during a demon beast attack, his wife was seriously injured.

Later, after giving birth to Qin Feng, he died.

Because of this matter, coupled with Qin Feng's poor talent, Qin Zhentian disliked this young son very much.

Because if his wife hadn't been pregnant, she might not have died.

Qin Zhentian sighed and asked instead, "By the way, I heard that Luo Li's girl has successfully condensed the power of the eight elephants?"

Xiao Qianjue nodded and said suspiciously: "I don't know how that girl has been doing it recently, and her strength is rising."

Qin Zhentian said with a smile: "This can only mean that the girl is very talented, which is a good thing."


Xiao Qianjue nodded, and his eyes showed expectation: "I don't know if that girl can condense the power of the divine dragon?"

Qin Zhentian smiled and said, "That girl is definitely okay, you have to have confidence in your girl." Xiao

Qianjue opened his mouth, and wanted to ask why you don't have confidence in your son?


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