"What's the situation?"

Ye Xiaofan blinked, looking confused.

He quickly ran to the big black dog, picked up the dog's head, and slapped it twice a little harder.

"Hey, wake up, wake up."

But there was no reaction, and more blood came out of the big black dog's mouth.

"Hey, it's a bit of a confiscation."

Then he gave a kind wake-up service to the other demon kings.

But none of them responded.

"I lean on, Shenma situation? Is it so powerful?

Ye Xiaofan was a little confused, but immediately his eyes showed ecstasy.

Although he didn't know exactly what was going on, he seemed to be able to finally release the power of qi and blood.

In other words, after working hard for so many years, he finally became a real martial artist as he wished.

It's just that when he thought of the previous scene, Ye Xiaofan was a little difficult.

If even the top demon king or even the demon emperor can't withstand that kind of coercion, then use a hammer in the future.

As soon as the dragon head emerged, the enemy was all lying down.

If the entire dragon body is condensed, its power can be imagined.

"It seems that the fight will still have to be solved with fists in the future."

Ye Xiaofan sighed helplessly.

Soon he changed his mood.

Anyway, he finally saw hope.

In the past, I was not sure if I could become a warrior.

Now the power of qi and blood can at least be released, that is, as long as he cultivates hard, it is only a matter of time before he breaks through the Purple Mansion Realm.

"No, you can't slack off anymore in the future, you have to increase the push-ups to 100,000 a day, and you have to run at least 10,000 kilometers."

Ye Xiaofan's fists were clenched, and there was a raging war burning in his eyes, and the whole person burned at this moment.

Recently, he felt that he was invincible, so he didn't exercise much.

Now that the glimmer of hope has appeared, there must be no more slack.


On the other side, the people of Kyoto Base City finally arrived in West Base City.

More than 10 people came.

At the head is a white-haired old man with strong spirits.

He wore a green cloth robe and a pair of cloth shoes on his feet, and the whole person looked very simple.

Qin Zhentian and the military crowd had already greeted outside the Star of Bashu.

When he saw the person coming, he immediately greeted him.

"Elder Jiang, I haven't seen you for a long time, your old man is getting more and more energetic."

The old man smiled and said, "We are old, we are not as good as you young people."

"Elder Jiang, where is this talking?" You are old and strong, and you are the pillar of our dragon country.

Qin Zhentian patted the rainbow fart.

"Dad, don't say these polite words, hurry in."

Next to the old man, a woman with short hair spoke.

She was wearing a black tight-fitting training uniform, her figure was tall, more than 170 centimeters, and there was a heroic aura between her eyebrows, like a female general on the ancient battlefield.

The woman was Qin Ruyu, Qin Zhentian's second daughter.

"You girl, how do you talk?"

Qin Zhentian seemed to blame, but his eyes were full of pampering.

It was diametrically opposed to his attitude towards Qin Feng.

Xiao Qianjue stepped forward and said, "Brother-in-law, Ruyu is right, let's go in and talk."

Qin Ruyu exclaimed sweetly: "Uncle."

Xiao Qianjue nodded gently, a smile in his eyes.

Subsequently, the group entered the Star of Bashu.

The military has already arranged the banquet.

After eating, the two sides held a meeting, and after some discussion, it was decided to leave for Emei two days later.

In the evening, Qin Zhentian took Qin Ruyu back to the Qin family manor to prepare for a family banquet.

Walking with the two were a man and a woman, three generations of children of Qin Ruyu's uncle's family, and they came here to experience it.

When the group drove to a dark and secluded road, they were stopped by someone.

In front of the hovering car, a black-robed figure stood.

His back was to several people, and his black robe covered his figure, and it was impossible to see whether it was a man or a woman.

At this time, a hoarse voice sounded.

"Is it Qin Zhentian?"

Without waiting for Qin Zhentian to speak, Qin Ruyu took the lead and said, "Your Excellency?" Why is there a roadblock here? The

black-robed man slowly turned around, revealing a frog mask under his hood.

At the first sight of the green frog mask, Qin Zhentian's whole body trembled, and he almost didn't stand firm.

When he saw that it was not the mall-headed fish mask, he quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

Don't blame him, it's really the last time he was overshadowed.

"A little girl who has not dried up is not qualified to know the name of the old man?"

There was a hint of arrogance in his hoarse voice.

Qin Ruyu's face sank: "Bold thief, arrogant and don't look at the place."

Her whole body shot out, and her figure instantly arrived in front of the black-robed man.

The fist containing majestic power burst out and went straight to the black-robed man's head.

"Not self-sufficient."

The black-robed man's voice was contemptuous, dodged this punch, and slashed out with a hand knife.

Qin Ruyu was hit hard, slammed on the ground, and looked up at the black-robed man with difficulty.


Before he finished speaking, his head fell to death.

The faces of the three in the distance changed, and Qin Zhentian shouted sharply: "Bold thief, dare to hurt my daughter."

He rushed out with lightning speed and went straight to the black-robed man.

The next moment, the two fought together.

But in less than 20 rounds, Qin Zhentian was defeated, and he was bombarded by the black-robed man and flew upside down, slamming on the ground.

The remaining young man and woman's faces changed drastically, and they hurriedly took out their mobile phones to ask for help, but found that there was no signal on their mobile phones.

When I thought that the two had been fighting for so long, they didn't attract the attention of others.

The two of them trembled, thinking of a bad possibility.

There is no doubt that this area has long been shrouded in realm, and no movement can be transmitted.

Qin Zhentian got up from the ground with difficulty, wiped a handful of blood stains from the corners of his mouth, and said in a shocked voice: "You... Who are you?

He never expected that such a strong person would appear in the base city, and their military people did not know the slightest.

"Hehe, is this the number one powerhouse in Base City? It's really a vain name. The

black-robed man did not answer Qin Zhentian's question, but made a mocking sound.

Qin Zhentian's face was extremely ugly, but he couldn't find words to refute it.

Who called him inferior in strength.

He gritted his teeth and asked, "Who the hell are you?" What is the purpose of the city when lurking at the base? The

black-robed man flashed in front of Qin Zhentian and slapped the former's head.

"How old are you? Why did the old man tell you?

Qin Zhentian's eyes were torn: "Miscellaneous, don't go too far, don't forget that this is a base city." "

He was full of spiritual power rioting, and he looked like he was desperate.

The black-robed figure flashed, disappeared in place in an instant, and when it appeared again, it had already arrived in front of Qin Ruyu and picked it up.

"Little trash, if you dare to move, the old man guarantees that this little girl will definitely die."

Qin Zhentian's face froze, and he suppressed his anger and said, "Don't hurt Ruyu, something is coming at me."

"Gee, I didn't see that your kid still cares about your daughter."

The black-robed man had a yin and yang strange aura.

Qin Zhentian said coldly: "As a parent, who doesn't care about their children." The

black-robed figure flashed again, and when he came to Qin Zhentian again, he shot out like lightning and slapped his head again.

"I let your mother's dog stink, less bragging to me here, what kind of thing do you do to your son that you don't have a point in your heart?"


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