
Qin Zhentian's eyes were torn, but Qin Ruyu was in the hands of the other party, and he could only dry his eyes.

"What to see? Could it be that the old man said something wrong? The

black-robed man slapped down again, and the number one master of the base who hit him turned around in place a few times, and the pair of young men and women in the distance were stunned.

"For the unjust sake of the Father, it should be beaten."

After speaking, he slapped down again.

"Having a baby but not treating it well, failing to fulfill the responsibilities of a father, should be beaten."

After speaking, he slapped down again.

"If you do it wrong, you don't have a point in your heart, and you should fight."

A few slaps in a row directly stunned Qin Zhentian.

He covered his flushed cheeks, his eyes surging with anger.

As the number one expert in Western Base City, he was actually slapped continuously.

This is simply a shame.

At the same time as he was angry, he was very puzzled in his heart.

The other party is obviously saying something.

He couldn't help but wonder in his heart, why would the other party say such a thing?

He has always been very kind to his children and has never treated anything badly.

Suddenly, he thought of Qin Feng.

Among the three children, if there is anyone who owes them, it is only Qin Feng.

"You... Are you for Xiao Feng? The

black-robed man sneered and did not answer.

"Old boy, this time is just a lesson, if you don't correct it in the future, Hugh blames the old man for not being polite."

The black-robed man gave Qin Zhentian a big pocket again, and then threw away Qin Ruyu in his hand, and his figure flashed and disappeared in place.

Leaving Qin Zhentian alone in place.

At this time, the young man and woman ran over.

"Three... Third Master, are you all right?

The girl of the two asked cautiously.

Qin Zhentian came back to his senses, and a flash of embarrassment flashed in the depths of his eyes.

Losing such a big person in front of his juniors, how will he face the two in the future?

"Didn't... It's okay.

He shook his head, pretending to be calm.

Then wake up the comatose Qin Ruyu.

"Dad, what about the black-robed man just now?"

Qin Ruyu couldn't wait to ask as soon as she woke up, her beautiful eyes filled with endless anger.

As the famous Tianjiao of the Qin family, she is full of stars everywhere, when has she suffered such a big loss?

"Already gone."

Qin Zhentian shook his head, and his voice was solemn: "That person's origin is mysterious and powerful, let's leave it alone, go back quickly." He

didn't want to say more about the previous incident, after all, it was too humiliating.

Qin Ruyu also saw this, so he didn't ask more.

Soon after, the group returned to the Qin Family Manor.

Qin Feng had long been waiting here.

Seeing that several people's faces were wrong, he couldn't help but wonder a little.

Especially Qin Zhentian, with a black face, seemed to have encountered something extremely bad.

What's wrong with this?

Qin Ruyu came back all the way back, shouldn't the other party be happy?

He didn't ask much, and sat there silently.

There is no intention to come forward to say hello.

The relationship between him and Qin Ruyu and that eldest brother Qin Changsheng was also not very harmonious.

Seeing Qin Feng's attitude, Qin Zhentian was angry, and just wanted to open his mouth to reprimand, but suddenly thought of the black-robed man's warning.

He changed his tone slightly: "Xiao Feng, didn't you see your sister come back?" I don't know if I came up to say hello.

Qin Feng glanced at Qin Zhentian and did not move.

Qin Zhentian's face sank, but in the end, he endured not to erupt, took a deep breath, and forcibly suppressed the anger.

"Ruyu, Xingchen, Xingyue, come and eat."

He greeted Qin Ruyu and the three, and did not pay attention to Qin Feng again.

Several people came to the table and sat down, and the maids waiting on the side immediately served plates of exquisite dinner.

Qin Feng was a little surprised, Qin Zhentian's reaction today made him a little puzzled.

It was actually revealed.

When is it so good to talk.

In the past, if he dared to do this, he would definitely be scolded by the blood.

He didn't think much about it, picked up the rice bowl and grilled the rice, and was ready to eat the flash man quickly.

Seeing this, Qin Ruyu frowned and said, "Xiao Feng, what kind of face are you?" I didn't even have a smile when I came back as a sister?

Qin Feng said expressionlessly, "Sorry, I was born paralyzed and can't laugh."


Qin Ruyu's chest rose and fell slightly, and her beautiful eyes glared at Qin Feng angrily.

Qin Xingyue and Qin Xingchen looked at each other.

When they came, they heard the elders in the family say that their little uncle was not very capable and had a very hard temper.

Now when I see it, it really is.

Qin Feng didn't care what a few people thought, quickly finished the rice in the bowl, and then got up and said, "I'm full, go back first."

After that, he didn't care how several people reacted, and directly turned around and left.

"Contrarian, this rebel."

After all, Qin Zhentian did not hold back the anger in his heart, and roared loudly in anger.

Qin Ruyu frowned slightly, and then sighed softly.

She came back this time, intending to improve the relationship between her brothers and sisters.

Now it seems that the gap between Qin Feng and them is getting bigger and bigger.

"Dad, Xiao Feng, he..."

She couldn't help but look at Qin Zhentian, originally wanting to ask about the other party's situation in recent years.

But halfway through his words, he was interrupted by Qin Zhentian.

"Leave the rebel alone, eat."

Seeing that the other party was angry at the moment, Qin Ruyu could only close his mouth.


On the other side, Qin Feng did not pay any attention to what happened at the family banquet, and after going back, he began to cultivate, ready to stabilize his cultivation before leaving for Emei.

In the recent period, a series of breakthroughs have led to a lack of stability in cultivation.


Time flies, and three days pass in the blink of an eye.

During this period, under the cover of Su Wan'er's help, Ye Xiaofan successfully deceived Ye Xiaoman.

Tell the other party that the Su family helped him find a decent job and occasionally need to travel.

In this way, it will be convenient for him to want to go out in the future.

Early on the morning of the fourth day, Su Dinghua took Su Wan'er to Villa No. 1 early.

This time, the Su family only dispatched the two of them.

Su Dinghua felt that as long as he followed Ye Xiaofan, it was enough to go to the two of them.

There is no need to go to too many people.

For Su Dinghua's decision, everyone in the Su family was puzzled, but they did not dare to question the old man's decision.

Coupled with Su Dingxia's full support, they couldn't say anything.

Qin Feng also came to the villa early in the morning.

When the three arrived at the villa, Ye Xiaofan was eating breakfast, holding a meat dumpling in his hand, nibbling on a mouth full of oil.

It is not appropriate to say that it is a meat dumpling, it should be a bun with meat.

The two small white buns are full of shredded meat shredded with golden butter.

"Pure meat dumplings, do you want one?"

Ye Xiaofan pointed to the meat dumplings on the table.

"Thank you, senior."

Where will the three of them be polite, they immediately picked up the meat dumplings on the table and ate them happily, eating with a mouthful of oil.

Even Su Wan'er did not have the slightest reserve.

The three of them knew that what Ye Xiaofan ate was by no means ordinary.

If you are reserved and twisted again, you will have been robbed by others a long time ago.

A large plate of meat dumplings was made in a short time.

The corners of Ye Xiaofan's mouth twitched secretly, secretly hating that his mouth was too cheap.

How is this now? I didn't have to eat anymore.


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