After eating and drinking, the group officially set off.

Ye Xiaofan looked at a group of pets: "Who stays to come to see the house?" "

A group of pets, you look at me, I look at you, all with reluctance in their eyes, obviously not wanting to stay.

They also know that this trip to Emei, good things must be indispensable.

The big black dog was the first to speak: "Master, I stayed last time, this time it is someone else's turn."

Ye Xiaofan nodded slightly, it was indeed this reason.

The old hen followed closely and said: "Master, I didn't go last time, this time I must follow you before and after the saddle." The

other demon kings showed contempt, and the old hen spoke too shamelessly.

But they couldn't find words to refute it.

The Golden Toad Demon King also jumped out and said: "Master, Emei used to be my place, I am familiar there, I will show you the way."

The Centipede Demon King followed closely and said: "Master, I am also familiar with it there, and I will show you the way with the boss."

Ye Xiaofan nodded, feeling that what the two said made sense, and finally looked at the little carp and the white snake

, the reasons were all said, what else could they do?

The White Snake Demon King looked like a small carp, and said in a gentle voice: "Husband, let's not embarrass the master."

The little carp nodded: "You're right, let's stay and watch the house." The

White Snake Demon King nodded repeatedly, and his face was moved: "Then you will be a hard worker, I will definitely bring you good things back at that time."

The little carp's gaze froze: "What do you mean?" The

White Snake Demon King said in a calm voice: "I'm afraid that these two goods are not reliable, and I also follow to help the master lead the way, besides, such a trivial matter as watching the house, you have a husband, you are enough."

After that, it flew behind Ye Xiaofan, not caring about the ugly face of the little carp.


The little carp almost broke his mouth and cursed, didn't he say that a good husband and wife are of the same heart?

This stinky woman actually calculated it.

Su Dinghua and the three blinked, and were shown by the White Snake Demon King's operation.

I couldn't help but sigh in my heart, sure enough, women are the most cunning creatures in the world.

"Then it's decided, little carp, take a good look at home."

Ye Xiaofan said with a smile, looked at the big black dog after speaking, and continued: "Don't be as useless as this dog thing, let people tear down the house." The

big black dog showed embarrassment in his eyes, and wanted to argue, but he didn't know how to speak.

The little carp could only accept the reality and nodded: "Don't worry, master, with me, no one dares to come here to be presumptuous."

"Well, I'm still relieved that you do things."

Ye Xiaofan's eyes showed a hint of appreciation.

Subsequently, a group of pets all shrunk their bodies and jumped on Ye Xiaofan.

The 4 people left the villa and got into the Su family's luxury hovering off-road speeder.

The hovering car left the base city and headed in the direction where Mount Emei was located.

At the same time, the rest of the forces also took action, aiming directly at Emei.

This time, I don't agree with the last time.

Ancient inheritance is something that everyone can compete for.

No one or force dares to swallow it, otherwise it is very likely to be attacked by the crowd.

When Ye Xiaofan and the others arrived at the top of Emei, many forces had already gathered on the scene.

There are the other three major chaebols of the western base city, as well as the military personnel and a special team of the Kyoto base city.

In addition, there are various powerful monster beasts.

Such as the two demon kings in the Ba Mountain.

King Tiger and King Black Eagle.

There are also the major demon kings from Qinling, as well as the new overlord of Shushan, the Red Snake Demon King.

That's right, it was the tool snake that was driven by Ye Xiaofan and them.

After eating the meat of the Golden Eagle King, it also successfully broke through to the Divine Power Realm and entered the ranks of the top demon kings.

Although he is only the weakest top demon king, he is also a top demon king.

After the Red Snake Demon King broke through, he quickly integrated the former White Snake Demon King and formed a strong team, ready to come to Shushan to try his luck.

Seeing that only 4 people from the Su family came, all the forces showed doubts.

Such a big event, Su Jiaran only sent such a few people.

This makes everyone puzzled?

Guessing that the Su family has no intention of competing for inheritance?

In the military team, Qin Zhentian's face sank: "That rebel son, actually mixed with the people of the Su family?" "

The four major chaebols have not been very harmonious with the military, and there has been no less fighting in the open and in the dark.

If it weren't for the fact that humans are constantly threatened by monsters and beasts, and the strength of the four chaebols is very strong, the military would have taken action to destroy them long ago.

Qin Feng actually walked with the people of the chaebol, how could Qin Zhentian not be angry.

Qin Ruyu also frowned secretly.

Also shocked was the Red Snake Demon King.

Its eyes looked at the shiny bald head in horror, and the fear left by the other party was too deep.

The Red Snake Demon King will never forget it in his life.

"Lord Chiwang, what's wrong with you?"

Several demon generals looked puzzled.

"Didn't... It's okay. The

Red Snake Demon King shook his head, forcibly suppressed the fear in his heart, and hurriedly withdrew his gaze, not daring to look more.

"Ruyu, but call that rebel son to me."

Qin Zhentian took a deep breath and ordered Qin Ruyu.

Qin Ruyu nodded and flew towards Ye Xiaofan.

"Xiao Feng, Dad told you to go back." She said in as calm a tone as possible.

Qin Feng shook his head: "No need, I'm here to compete for chance, so that he doesn't have to care about me."


Qin Ruyu was a little anxious, and secretly transmitted: "How can you be with the people of the chaebols? Are you not afraid that they will harm you? Qin

Feng wanted to laugh a little when he heard this, with Ye Xiaofan here, who dared to harm him?

The voice transmission responded: "Don't worry, life and death are fate, wealth is in the sky, if my Qin Feng is really that short-lived, it can't be said."

Qin Ruyu's chest heaved with anger, and he couldn't help but scold

: "You bastard, why can't you listen to good words?"

Qin Feng responded expressionlessly: "Please come back, I don't have to worry about my affairs."

"I'm too lazy to care about you, don't be sold when the time comes."

Qin Ruyu said hatefully, and then turned and left.

When everyone saw this scene, they couldn't help but secretly shake their heads.

Qin Feng's great name had been heard by most of the people present.

As the heir of a military boss, he actually got involved with the people of the chaebols, which is really funny to say.

For everyone's strange gazes, Qin Feng didn't care at all.

"Dad, Xiao Feng, he..." Qin

Ruyu didn't know what to say.

"Since the rebel does not want to come back, let him go." Qin Zhentian said coldly: "There are always times when he regrets it." The

white-haired old man next to him shook his head slightly: "Zhentian, your little son is really the same as the rumors, a little rebellious."

Qin Zhentian smiled bitterly: "Let Jiang Lao see smile." The

old man shook his head and didn't say anything more.

In the direction of the Li family, Li Yundi's brows couldn't help but furrow after seeing Ye Xiaofan.

"That kid is actually alive."

He whispered softly, a flash of surprise in his eyes.

He had obviously asked the killer of the Night Rose to assassinate the other party, and after returning from Shushan not long ago, he went to check.

Seeing that the area was all destroyed, I thought that Ye Xiaofan was dead, but I didn't expect that he was still alive, and he followed the people of the Su family here.


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