The sword qi was like a violent storm, sweeping over the sky.

Everyone looked horrified and retreated one after another.

Some of the weaker ones were twisted to smashes by sword qi on the spot.

Elder Jiang in the front quickly struck, and a huge flame rose out of thin air, resisting all the falling sword qi.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, everyone left the place.

In the end, the flames and sword qi disappeared into the sky.

Elder Jiang looked up solemnly, and saw a huge crane suspended above the sky.

At this moment, he was looking at everyone below with a pair of cold eyes.

"Wait for the speed to leave, otherwise Hugh blames this emperor for being ruthless."

Hearing this voice, everyone was shocked.

"It's the Demon Emperor, there is actually a Demon Emperor hidden here!?"

Both humans and demon beasts were shocked.

I never expected that there was a demon emperor hidden on Mount Emei.

Elder Jiang said coldly: "Your Excellency, with so many people here, are we still afraid of you?"

As he spoke, a terrifying aura permeated from his body.

Suddenly, he is also a strong figure in the inscription realm.

A trace of jealousy flashed in Xianhe's eyes, and an icy voice came out of his mouth again: "The ancestor of this emperor has a relationship with the Shushan Sword Sect, and the opportunity here should belong to this emperor, so let's leave." Elder

Jiang said lightly: "Your Excellency don't want to laugh, those who have the fortune of the ancient inheritance have obtained it, if you want to monopolize, you have to ask everyone present if they agree?"

"Elder Jiang is right, the ancient inheritance is a gift left by the ancestors of the Dragon Kingdom to future generations, and it belongs to all of us, not to any one private person."

"Isn't it shameful for this Demon Emperor to say these words?"

Several major chaebols spoke up one after another, supporting the old man's statement.

Even the demon kings all spoke one after another, not on the side of the fairy crane, who was also a demon beast.

"Hmph, in that case, don't regret it."

The crane snorted coldly, turned around and flew into the mountain peak behind the giant sword, and the figure disappeared instantly.

Obviously, behind the giant sword is another heaven and earth.

When everyone saw this, they all followed.

After a while, only Ye Xiaofan was left present.

"Let's go too."

Ye Xiaofan greeted everyone, his feet kicked on the ground, his body shot out like a cannonball, and his figure instantly disappeared behind the giant sword.

Seeing this, Su Wan'er and the three also followed closely.

Not long after everyone left, a group of black-robed people arrived here.

"It's a pity that this group of guys didn't fight."

The black-robed man at the head secretly shook his head, a little disappointed at this time.

They are the people of the temple of the gods.

Before that, the people of the temple of the gods came here.

But because he couldn't open the enchantment, and he also clashed with the Immortal Crane Emperor here, he chose to retreat.

Later, the news was revealed, and he wanted to open the enchantment with the hands of the major forces.

At the same time, he also thought that it was best for all the forces to clash with the Immortal Crane Emperor.

That way, they can reap the benefits of the fishermen.

Unfortunately, the result was not so smooth.

Obviously, the Immortal Crane Emperor was not a fool, and he did not act desperately with all the forces as the temples imagined.

"Great Protector, are we going in?" A black-robed man next to him asked.

The black-robed man at the head shook his head: "Don't be in a hurry first, let them fight inside, let's just stay outside, and when the time comes, come out and rob one by one, so that you can take advantage without encountering danger."

The eyes of the black-robed people lit up, and someone immediately patted the rainbow fart: "The Great Protector is wise, this idea is too good." "

In the ancient tradition, it is not without danger.

If it is not good, it is very likely to die inside.

Subsequently, the people of the temple of the gods found a place to hide, ready to wait for the rabbit.


On the other side, Ye Xiaofan only felt that the sky was spinning for a while, as if he had entered a washing machine running at full speed, making him dizzy.

When I came back to my senses, I had arrived in a whole new world.

The world is blue and white.

The earth is verdant.

Ahead, countless majestic peaks are listed.

In the middle of the countless peaks, there is a mountain that is more majestic than the others.

On top of the mountain, quaint buildings are built.

From a distance, it looks like an ancient sword that plunges straight into the sky.

On the hundreds of nearby peaks, many pavilions are also built.

Between the peaks, there are thick iron cables connected to each other.

"Is this the legendary Shushan Sword Sect?"

Ye Xiaofan whispered in his heart, turned his head and looked, and found that he was actually alone.

"Groove, what about the others?"

He turned his head and looked around, but found no one else.

Even the pets on his body are gone.

Apparently in the previous whirlwind, he was separated from his pets.

He touched his chin and thought for a while, and soon he had a guess in his heart.

If his guess was correct, behind that giant sword was a formation.

After the formation, there is the world in front of you.

If you want to enter it, you have to teleport through the formation.

I don't know if it's because of too much time, there should be a problem with the formation, which caused everyone to teleport randomly.

"Little Qinzi won't be fine, right?"

Ye Xiaofan was a little worried about Qin Feng's safety.

Among the people who came this time, Qin Feng's strength was probably the weakest.

"No matter, everyone has their own fate."

Ye Xiaofan shook his head, and then rushed forward.

Near the front and back, he kicked his feet on the ground, jumped into the air, and easily jumped to one of the peaks.

Above this mountain peak is a huge bluestone square, and in the center of the square is a giant sword that reaches the sky.

There are no buildings in the surrounding area.

Ye Xiaofan speculated that this should be the martial arts arena of the Shushan Sword Sect.

It is specially used by disciples to compete in fighting methods.

Ye Xiaofan clearly saw that many sword marks full of traces of time were left on the square.

It was obviously left by the disciples of the Shushan Sword Sect.

Just as he was looking around, there was a sudden sound of breaking the air from the oblique side.

Ye Xiaofan turned his head and saw two figures flying from the mountain peak next to him.

When he saw one of them, Ye Xiaofan couldn't help but be stunned.

There was also an acquaintance among the visitors.

It was none other than Li Yundi of the Li family.

After seeing Ye Xiaofan, Li Yundi was also stunned, and then sneered: "Hehe, it's really a narrow road."

He flew in front of Ye Xiaofan, looking down at Ye Xiaofan condescendingly, and his voice was arrogant: "Ant, honestly explain my sister's whereabouts?" Otherwise I will let you live better than die.

Ye Xiaofan glanced at Li Yundi, who looked arrogant, and pouted: "I said that your maid is sick, your sister is missing and looking for the security station, why do you keep looking for me?" I don't care about missing people.

Li Yundi's face was suddenly gloomy, murderous and compelling: "Ant, now you actually dare to be arrogant, I see you really don't know how to die a word..."

Ye Xiaofan quickly slapped out, directly knocking Li Yundi's head open, and blood splashed on the ground.

"Let you not force nagging, just don't listen, haven't you heard the wise saying that villains die of too many words?"

Looking at the headless corpse on the side, the companion with Li Yundi widened his eyes, his eyes full of disbelief.

Li Yundi is a Jindan Realm powerhouse, so he hangs up?

Slapped away by the bald head on the other side who looks a little natural?

Isn't the other party a mortal?

What the hell is going on here?


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