"You... How dare you..." The

rest of the man's face turned livid after reacting.

Li Yundi is the Tianjiao of the Li family and the son of the head of the family.

As a member of the Li family, how could he not be angry when he saw his juniors being killed?

Although Ye Xiaofan showed extremely strong strength, he was not afraid.

Because he was different from Li Yundi, he was a powerhouse at the peak of the Awakening Realm.

And Li Yundi is only in the early stage of the Jindan Realm.

He was also able to do this kind of thing in the early days of the Golden Pill Realm with a slap.

"What, uncle, don't make such a fuss, isn't it just killing someone? How normal this is the era, and it is not the old century.

Ye Xiaofan plucked his ears and looked unconcerned.

"Shuzi, you are looking for death."

The man was furious, with endless killing intent in his voice, and rushed towards Ye Xiaofan like lightning.


And then, then there was none.

The headless corpse fell with a bang, Ye Xiaofan withdrew his blood-stained palm and muttered, "Don't make a fuss when you say it, why don't you listen?" "

He searched the two men, but there was nothing.

"Return the chaebol, I bah, it's simply a bunch of poor ghosts."

Ye Xiaofan scolded and left.

Then, he wandered around this ancient ruin, slowly advancing towards the central area, looking for Qin Feng and the others.

But after searching for several peaks in a row, I did not find a few people.

Not to mention Qin Feng, he didn't even touch a living figure.

"Strange, where the hell did this group of guys run?"

Ye Xiaofan was suspicious for a while, kicked his feet on the ground, and reached a mountain peak next to him.

In the middle of the mountain, an ancient hall was built.

The main hall was dilapidated, and there was not the slightest bit of life inside.

Ye Xiaofan just wanted to enter the hall to check, but there was a boom in the hall in front of him.

Then two huge figures rose into the sky.

Those were two demon kings with terrifying breaths.

A pitch-black eagle with bright feathers and a pair of sharp eagle claws shimmering coldly.

The other demon king is a plump and rounded panda.

From a distance, it looks like a big ball of black and white meat.

Above his forehand, he grasped a cyan longsword.

"Stinky dog bear, hand over the sword, and King Ben will spare you from death."

The Black Eagle Demon King's voice was indifferent, and a pair of pupils looked at the Panda Demon King mercilessly.

"Flat-haired beast, you are delusional." The Panda Demon King was not afraid at all, and roared angrily: "Also, Laozi is an iron-eating beast, not a dog bear, you have clearly remembered it for King Ben."

"Stinky dog bear, let's fight."

The Black Eagle Demon King spread his wings, and his huge body turned into a black lightning bolt, rushing straight towards the Panda Demon King.

"I'm afraid you won't be able to make it with a flat-haired beast?"

The Panda King was undaunted, and his thick flesh palm slammed out.


The flesh palm and the sharp eagle claw collided together, and a wave of qi rose out of thin air.

Two earth-shattering demon forces collided violently.

Like a howling wind.

Ye Xiaofan hurriedly found a place to hide and watch the battle between the two demon kings.

"What kind of treasure is that sword? It actually caused the two demon kings to compete?

Ye Xiaofan's eyes showed curiosity.

The battle in the field became more and more intense, and in order to fight for the ownership of the sword, the two demon kings fought to the death, without leaving a hand.

Because both belong to the top demon kings, it is difficult to distinguish the winner and the loser for a while.

But as long as it is a war, there will be a win or a loss.

After another while, the Panda Demon King gradually fell into the downwind.

(Not very good at writing fights, everyone forgive me.) It

can be seen from here that its strength is slightly inferior to that of the Black Eagle Demon King.

"Stinky dog bear, King Ben said again, hand over the ancient sword, spare you from death."

The indifferent voice of the Black Eagle Demon King sounded again, without a trace of emotion.

"If the king can't get it, you can't get it."

The Panda Demon King roared angrily and threw the ancient sword in his hand abruptly in one direction.

And that direction, this is Ye Xiaofan's hiding place.

That's right, the two demon kings had already discovered Ye Xiaofan's breath.

Because I had to compete for the cyan ancient sword, I didn't have the first time to check it.

In the eyes of the Panda Demon King, since Ye Xiaofan dared to hide in the dark for so long and not leave, it was enough to show that his strength was very strong.

That's why it came to such a trick.

"What's the situation?"

Ye Xiaofan was a little confused, but he still subconsciously reached out and grabbed the ancient sword that flew over.

I played with it in my hand, but I didn't see anything strange.

Just as he looked at the ancient sword in his hand, an icy voice sounded.

"Human, put down the ancient sword, this is not something that you can touch with an ant."

Ye Xiaofan looked up and saw that the Black Eagle Demon King was flying towards him like lightning, his eyes cold and ruthless.

In the distance, when the Panda Demon King saw Ye Xiaofan's appearance clearly, he was dumbfounded on the spot.

"Lying groove, is it actually this mortal?"

For Ye Xiaofan, it was naturally known.

After all, there are only four people from the Su family, and it is difficult not to attract attention.

At that time, out of curiosity, the Panda Demon King had carefully looked at several people and was very sure that Ye Xiaofan was a mortal.

When the war was just now, it only noticed that there was a faint aura hidden in the secret, and thought that the other party was hiding the aura.

Now it seems, where is hidden?

It's clearly that weak.

And the other party does not want to leave.

It is clear that TMD cannot be separated.

The peaks here are very steep, and there is only a thick iron cable connection between the other peaks.

If you want to get out of here, in addition to flying, you have to go through those iron cables.

The other party is a mortal, you expect him to get out of here?

Isn't this a dream talk?


The Panda Demon King burst out angrily and quickly flew towards Ye Xiaofan.

He didn't want the cyan ancient sword to be obtained by the Black Eagle Demon King.

On the other side, the Black Eagle Demon King had come to the top of Ye Xiaofan's head.

It looked down, its voice cold and emotionless.

"Ant, hand over the ancient sword, and the king can leave you with all the corpses."

"Hey, you are a flat-haired beast, you dare to be arrogant in front of me?"

Ye Xiaofan was a little unhappy, and blasted out a punch at the Black Eagle Demon King above.

The Black Eagle Demon King, who was originally still full of defiance, changed his face in an instant.

It only felt a deadly crisis coming, and the souls in its heart were rising, and it turned around and fled.

But it's too late.

Just listen to the poof.

The Black Eagle Demon King was smashed with a bang with the upper part of his body.

Blood spilled all over the sky, and the headless corpse fell with a bang, with a loud and deafening noise.

The Panda Demon King froze in place, his eyes dull at everything that happened in front of him.

Its lips twitched: "This... How is this possible? "

The Panda Demon King prides himself on being extraordinary, but everything in front of him is too nonsense, making him unacceptable for a while.

That's a top-level demon king.

The strength is stronger than all of it.

As a result, he was killed by a punch from the bald young man in front of him.

Isn't the other party mortal?

After reacting, the Panda Demon King turned around and fled, but was stopped by Ye Xiaofan in the rear.

"Little bear bear, if you don't want to die, you'd better stop for me obediently."

The panda demon king bear's body trembled, turned his head with difficulty, and saw Ye Xiaofan looking at it with a smile, and beckoned to it.

The Panda Demon King did not dare to hesitate, and flew forward without waiting for Ye Xiaofan to speak, and bowed down.

"The bear boldly meets the seniors."


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