Looking at the Panda Demon King who worshipped in front of him, Ye Xiaofan couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

In other words, is this name reversed?

"Get up."

Ye Xiaofan waved his hand. The Panda Demon King dared to stand up.

Looking at its trembling appearance, Ye Xiaofan said lightly: "Don't be afraid, I am a very kind person, and under normal circumstances, I never kill innocents." "


Xiong Bold almost thought he had misheard.

Although he complained in his heart, he did not show the slightest hint on his face, and a smile appeared on his furry face: "Let the seniors laugh."

"Pull the hair off this black eagle, I'm a little hungry."

After Ye Xiaofan ordered, he began to study the ancient sword in his hand.

The bear boldly glanced at the headless corpse of the Black Eagle Demon King, and there was a silent mourning in his heart.

When you die, you have to be eaten.

This miserable end is also nobody.

I couldn't help but think of Ye Xiaofan's words that he was very kind.

If you are kind, there will be no wicked people under this heaven.

It complained in its heart, and then honestly began to pluck the Black Eagle Demon King.

Ye Xiaofan studied for a long time, but he didn't see the fame.

I couldn't help but look at the bear who was plucking his hair and asked boldly: "Cowardly bear, this ancient sword is nothing unusual, why are you fighting so hard?" "

Daring... Cowardly bears... Xiong Bold wanted to retort, but finally gritted his teeth and held back.

With a smile on his face, he explained: "Senior, this is a very powerful treasure weapon, if you want to use it, you need to inject spiritual power into it to activate it. "

How do I activate it?" You show me.

Ye Xiaofan threw the sword to Xiong Dao.

The latter did not dare to hesitate after taking it, and luck injected spiritual power into the ancient sword.

The next moment, the ancient sword emitted a faint blue light.

A chilling sword intent pervaded.

The surrounding vegetation was cut off by this invisible sword intent.

"Huh, that's so powerful!?"

Ye Xiaofan was a little surprised, and quickly stepped forward to check.

At this moment, the blue light above the ancient sword suddenly disappeared.

The bear boldly slumped on the ground, gasping for air.

Ye Xiaofan looked suspicious: "Cowardly bear, what are you doing?" Shouldn't it be a kidney deficiency? "

Kidney deficiency???

Xiong Bold almost cursed angrily, actually saying that it was a demon king with kidney deficiency.

This is simply naked humiliation.

Not to mention now, even in the past, it also had a large number of female pandas, and they were not lucky every day.

Although it was angry in its heart, it did not dare to attack.

No way, this dead bald head in front of you is too powerful.

"Senior misunderstood, this ancient sword is too spiritual power-consuming, and I can't activate it with my strength."

Xiong boldly explained truthfully.

Previously, in just a second or two, the spiritual power in its body was sucked dry by ninety percent.

If not, it would definitely use the ancient sword in the battle against the Black Eagle Demon King at the beginning.

"Oh, so it is." Ye Xiaofan nodded abruptly: "So, you are still too rubbish, you can't even get a sword." "


the bear boldly opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say.

In the eyes of the person in front of him, he really seems to be just a trash.

Ye Xiaofan took the sword and put it in the storage ring, and urged: "Don't mess with it, quickly pluck the hair." The

bear boldly continued to pluck his hair with a dejected look.

Thinking that it Qinling is a hegemon, it actually fell to today's end.

Sad and lamentable.

Soon, Xiong boldly plucked all the hair on the Black Eagle Demon King's body.

And borrowed the ancient sword to open the intestines, cut them into small pieces, and quickly processed them all.

Ye Xiaofan nodded in satisfaction and took out a large number of spice bottles and some kitchen utensils from the storage ring.

"Marinate the meat first, it tastes better."

Looking at the large number of spice bottles in front of him, the corners of Xiong's bold mouth twitched.

This... This is definitely a repeat offense.

It was a little scared in its heart, and did not dare to think about its next fate.

After the bear finished marinating boldly, Ye Xiaofan opened his mouth again and asked, "Will it breathe fire?" BBQ by the way.

Xiong boldly shook his head honestly: "No."

"Ah, what's going on?"

Ye Xiaofan was a little troubled for a while.

Although it has charcoal and lighters in the storage ring.

But right now it's demon king meat.

If you grill it with charcoal, you have to bake it until the year of the monkey.

But at this moment, there was a sound of breaking air in the distance.

"Hurry up, the sword qi just now came from this side."

At the same time, an urgent voice followed.

One person and one demon suddenly looked, and saw a red snake tens of meters long and a pitch-black spider, flying towards this side quickly.

The corners of Ye Xiaofan's mouth were slightly hooked, which was really a coincidence.

As soon as I wanted to sleep, someone handed me a pillow.

The two demon beasts were very fast, and they reached the top of the mountain in a few blinks.

In the distance, the Red Snake Demon King saw the bear standing there boldly.

It just wanted to speak, but suddenly saw Ye Xiaofan sitting on the side.

The snake's body trembled suddenly, and the snake's face was even more pale.

Without any hesitation, it turned and fled.

The spider essence on the side was confused.

"Lord Demon King, why are you going?"

Where was the Red Snake Demon King still in the mood to answer, he just wanted to disappear here immediately.

But at this moment, a creepy voice fluttered into its ears.

"Little snake snake, when you see an acquaintance greeting you and leave without saying a word, isn't it a little too rude?"

The Red Snake Demon King turned around with a sad face, but before it could speak, the spider spirit said first.

"Human, you are looking for death, and you are disrespectful to Lord Chiwang."

Just as it was about to go up and teach Ye Xiaofan a lesson, a snake tail suddenly slapped down, making it dizzy.

"Shut your stinky mouth, who made you talk nonsense."

The Red Snake Demon King almost exploded in anger, and he couldn't wait for a few big slaps to kill the lady in front of him.

He actually dared to scold Ye Xiaofan.

Is this alive and crooked?

Gu couldn't punish the spider spirit, it quickly flew forward and kowtowed to Ye Xiaofan to apologize: "Senior forgiveness, are all little demons, poor management, let your subordinates rush you, and hope that you adults don't remember villains, don't see it in general." Xiong

Bold was a little surprised, the two sides actually knew each other?

Ye Xiaofan glanced at the spider spirit, his eyes showed disgust, and then he looked decent: "What are you talking about?" It made me feel like a murderous person. "

You're not? So why do you show disgust in your eyes? Don't you think spider meat is not delicious?

The Red Snake Demon King complained madly in his heart, but nodded busily on the surface: "The senior is right, it's the little demon talking nonsense." Xiong

Bold despised it in his heart, and this product in front of him was less than it was like a demon king.

We are also demon kings, do we have to have a backbone?

It is to forget everything that was previously worshipped by the head of the head.

The spider spirit in the distance saw the appearance of his demon king, and opened his spider's mouth in shock.

Can anyone tell it what's going on with this Nima?

Last time, because the demons would leave first, they didn't see Ye Xiaofan's true face.

"Okay, get up, help me grill this meat."

Ye Xiaofan pointed to the pickled demon king meat on the side and said.

How dare the Red Snake Demon King refuse, he quickly got up to work, and once again played the role of a tool snake.


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