See the skillful movements of the Red Snake Demon King.

Xiong Bold was a little dumbfounded.

Even more dumbfounded are spider spirits.

The top demon king is actually here to use his talent to roast meat for others.

And looking at the skillful movement, it is obviously not the first time to do it.

This, this, this....

The spider spirit was a little unable to accept the facts in front of him for a while.

But it did not dare to act rashly either.

Even if he is stupid, he can see that Ye Xiaofan is not simple.

Soon, the smell of barbecued meat wafted through the field.

This made the bear bold and the Red Snake Demon King move.

Even the spider spirit in the distance showed a longing look in his eyes.

Ye Xiaofan had already been unceremonious, picking up the roasted meat and eating it happily.

Seeing that the two demon kings did not move, he couldn't help but say: "What are you doing stunned? Eat. With

Ye Xiaofan's words, the two demon kings were no longer polite and began to feast.

The spider in the distance drooled and flew over cautiously.

"Ex... Senior, can... Can you divide me a little?

Ye Xiaofan nodded, tore off a small piece of roasted meat the size of a baby's palm from the roast meat in his hand, and threw it to the spider essence.

The latter froze in place on the spot.

That's not enough to stuff it between its teeth.

Seeing that the spider essence was stunned there, and did not catch the roast meat he threw over, Ye Xiaofan couldn't help but be a little angry.

"What are you doing? Isn't it to eat grilled meat? To you and not to? How many meanings, play me?

The Red Snake Demon King, who was eating the barbecue, turned his head and scolded the spider spirit: "Black Widow, what are you doing?" Quickly pick up the meat. "

When he speaks, he keeps giving the spider essence a look.

Ye Xiaofan noticed this scene and pretended to be curious: "Little snake, what's wrong with your eyes?" The

Red Snake Demon King quickly shook his head: "No... It's okay, just accidentally got in the dust.

Xiong boldly complained secretly on the side.

You, a top demon king, are also afraid of dust.

Do you have to find a good reason to lie?

But what he didn't expect was that Ye Xiaofan actually believed it.

"Yes, do you need me to rub it for you?"

The Red Snake Demon King was so frightened that he shook his head violently: "No need, no need, how dare I work seniors to make a move, I can do it myself."

It quickly rubbed its eyes with the tail of the snake.

The rough snake scales' rubbed eyes ached for a while.

But it can only be forcibly endured.

It's better than being kneaded by Ye Xiaofan.

One is not good, its head may be rubbed by the other party.

In the end, under the stern eyes of the Red Snake Demon King, the spider spirit had to reluctantly stuff the small piece of meat into his mouth.

"I haven't thanked my seniors yet."

The Red Snake Demon King slapped a snake's tail on the spider spirit brain.

The spider spirit was aggrieved and almost crying, but under the power of the Red Snake Demon King, he could only apologize to Ye Xiaofan.

"Don't be so polite, it's just a little thing."

Seeing Ye Xiaofan's generous face, the spider essence almost spewed out a mouthful of old blood in anger.

How can being a human being be so shameless?

How it couldn't see Ye Xiaofan doing this was mostly because it had scolded the other party earlier.

Ye Xiaofan didn't care about the spider spirit's gaze at all, and still held the barbecue to eat.

The same is true of the Red Snake Demon King and Xiong Daring.

The spider spirit could only secretly swallow saliva on the sidelines.

In the end, the huge body of the Black Eagle Demon King was eaten clean by one person and two demons.

Ye Xiaofan wiped the greasy corner of his mouth and said with satisfaction: "It's so full, so full, refreshing." The

two demon kings also showed satisfaction.

After a short rest, Ye Xiaofan took out the Ultraman hood and red cloak from the storage ring.

After a series of previous events, he still felt that it was safer to wear a hood.

So as not to be accidentally discovered by others.

When he saw the familiar makeup, the spider spirit sat down on the ground in fright, and his eyes showed panic.

At this moment, it finally understood why the Red Snake Demon King was so afraid of Ye Xiaofan?

It turned out to be the god of the day.

Ye Xiaofan did not pay attention to the terrified spider essence, and stepped forward and touched the head of the Red Snake Demon King.

"Little snake snake, hard work you help me barbecue, there is a chance to see you again."

The Red Snake Demon King nodded again and again and patted the rainbow fart: "It is the honor of the little demon to serve the seniors."

Ye Xiaofan bowed his head slightly, turned his head to look at Xiong Bold: "Cowardly bear, come and lie down and let me ride for a while, I will take you to pretend to take you to fly."

Looking at Ye Xiaofan's strange shape, Xiong boldly and instinctively wanted to refuse.

It is a tyrant in Qinling, a legendary iron-eating beast, but it was the mount of the Demon Ancestor Qianyou.

How can you be ridden by such a mortal man in front of you?

But looking at the pile of white bones on the side, it decided to compromise for the time being.

But he still protested symbolically: "Senior, I am not a cowardly bear, I am an iron-eating beast." But

as soon as it was said, it regretted it.

Ye Xiaofan on the opposite side actually took out a large pile of iron tools.

Most of them are pots and pans, but there are also a few treasure items.

"Come, let me see, how do you all eat iron?"

Ye Xiaofan looked at Xiong Bold with an expectant expression.

In fact, he was really curious about whether the panda could eat iron?

Otherwise, why is it called an iron-eating beast?

Are you the devil?

At this moment, the same thoughts appeared in the hearts of the three demon beasts on the scene.

Meeting Ye Xiaofan's expectant eyes, Xiong boldly stiffened and said: "What, senior, the iron I said is not the iron of iron, it is..."

Ye Xiaofan asked: "What is it?" Xiong

Bold's eyes rolled quickly, and he said anxiously: "Yes, yes... It's gluttony.

Speaking of this, its eyes suddenly lit up, and his face was not red and his heart did not beat: "Our ancestors of this clan specialized in eating gluttony, and they used to almost eat gluttony, so they are also called gluttonous beasts." "

The Red Snake Demon King and the spider spirit were stunned, and their hearts said that your conscience would not hurt if you said this?

It also specializes in gluttony.

Do you know what gluttony is?

It was the legendary four fierce beasts, on a par with the four holy beasts.

One of your pandas, I still want to eat gluttony, I'm afraid it's not tired and crooked.

Ye Xiaofan doubted: "Is this really the case?

Xiong boldly nodded repeatedly: "It's really like this, our family is born with good teeth, specializing in eating all kinds of fierce beasts, especially gluttony, the most liked, listening to the elders in the family, those big guys in the ancestors eat gluttony like eating chickens." He

completely let go, and he was not afraid of the wind flashing his tongue, and dared to say anything.

Anyway, Ye Xiaofan couldn't grab a gluttony for him on the spot.

"Well, okay, when I encounter gluttony in the future, I will definitely grab one for you to taste."

Hearing Ye Xiaofan's words, Xiong Bold almost fell down.

Big brother, I'm joking with you, you actually take it seriously?

But thinking that there was no gluttony in the world at all, Xiong boldly and quickly reassured, patting his chest and saying: "Then thank you senior, when the time comes, I will definitely let you see how I eat gluttony."

"It's really a shameless bear."

The Red Snake Demon King secretly complained, then bid farewell to Ye Xiaofan, and quickly left the place with the spider essence.

Ye Xiaofan rode the bear boldly and left closely.


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