The bear was bold and furious: "Shut up the king, the little lynx also dares to be presumptuous?" It was

already holding its stomach, and at this moment it finally

found a catharsis.

The tiger king's face suddenly sank: "Stinky dog bear, I haven't seen it for a few days, but it has become arrogant." The

bear stood up boldly, his two front paws were forked on his waist, and he held his head high: "King Ben is arrogant, what can you do? The

Tiger King's face became even darker.

Ye Xiaofan looked at the chaebol man and said with a smile: "Everyone, long time no see." "

The faces of the chaebols are extremely ugly.

Who TMD wants to meet you.

That's not pure brain.

Zhang Huaishan stiffened and said, "Senior, good... Long time no see.

Ye Xiaofan suddenly changed his attitude, and his voice suddenly sank: "Who let you destroy flowers and plants without permission?"

What? Destroy flowers and plants.


Xiaofan didn't care what everyone thought, and said coldly: "Even if you break into this place without permission, you actually wantonly destroy the environment, what will the owner of this place think if he knows it? Although he didn't

understand what medicine Ye Xiaofan sold in his gourd

, Zhang Huaishan still nodded and bowed, and his posture was extremely low: "The lesson of the predecessors is that we will definitely correct it in the future." "

Teachable, too." Ye Xiaofan nodded in satisfaction, and then said, "Hand over those flowers and plants, I'll take them to the owner of this place later to explain the situation clearly, so as not to let the other party blame you."

Everyone was stunned again.

This is clearly to rob the treasure medicine, and actually said it so high-sounding.

And what kind of lame reason are you.

Xiong Bold was equally stunned, and his heart had to say such shameless words to say such shameless words.

He looked at Ye Xiaofan's shiny bald head.

Seeing a group of people with stiff expressions in place, Ye Xiaofan was a little displeased: "Why, you don't want to?" Everyone

trembled, Zhang Huaishan quickly shook his head, and then stepped forward with a pained face and handed the storage ring in his hand to Ye Xiaofan.

Although the treasure medicine is precious, it is still worse than the small life.

Ye Xiaofan took the storage ring, checked it, and after confirming that it was correct, he reprimanded everyone: "Remember, don't destroy flowers and plants in the future, lest others say that we Bashu people have no quality." The

corners of Zhang Huaishan's mouth twitched, but he had to be polite on the surface.

"Yes, the lessons of the predecessors are right, I must keep it in mind.

Ye Xiaofan nodded with satisfaction: "You little old man is good, the children can be taught." The

corners of Zhang Huaishan's mouth twitched violently, and he really wanted to ask.


that Ye Xiaofan directly put the ring away, Zhang Huaishan said hard: "Senior, that, can the ring be returned to me?" Ye Xiaofan's

face turned pale: "I said that you are also from a chaebol, how can you be so small, a ring is also embarrassed to hang on the mouth, I helped you so much, give it to me."

Zhang Huaishan opened his mouth wide, and once again experienced what it means not to be bilian.

Ye Xiaofan didn't care about him, turned his head to look at the Tiger King, and said in a tone that was good for you: "Yours is also handed over, I will take it together to find the owner of this place to make amends, I am the righteous Dijia, you don't need to thank me." The

Tiger King sneered back: "Hehe, you are not small, you actually dare to find King Ben to rob, King Ben advises you not to seek your own death, otherwise no one can save you." "

If it weren't for the bear's bold face, he would have already moved to unload this disrespectful fellow."

Ye Xiaofan was not angry, and said lightly: "I'm doing this for your own good, don't mistake yourself." The

Tiger King didn't bother to respond at all, looked at the bear boldly and said coldly: "Stinky dog bear, quickly disappear with this stupid fork, otherwise Hugh blames the king for being ruthless." Xiong

was stunned, and said in his heart that you really dare to say it.

It subconsciously looked at Ye Xiaofan, but found that he had disappeared, and turned his head sharply to look at the location where the Tiger King was.

I just saw the picture of the tiger king's head being hammered by Ye Xiaofan.

With a boom, the headless corpse of the Tiger King fell, and blood stained the ground red.

"Death... Dead???"

Xiong Bold was horrified in his heart, although he had long known that Ye Xiaofan was strong, everything in front of him was still beyond his expectations.

It just turned its head, and the powerful Tiger King hung up.

Also shocked were the demon beasts under the Tiger King, Zhang Huaishan and others.

The latter and the others rejoiced for a while, but fortunately they had just honestly handed over the treasure medicine.

Otherwise, their end is definitely no better than that of the Tiger King.

"I don't know how to be a bad beast. Ye

Xiaofan's voice was a little displeased, he skinned the Tiger King on the spot and divided the corpse, found a storage ring from his stomach, and then divided the body of the Tiger King and put it in the storage ring.

When the demon beasts under his command saw all this, they did not dare to complain in the slightest.

They don't want to follow in the footsteps of the Tiger King.

Looking at Ye Xiaofan's sloppy movements, the corners of Xiong's bold mouth twitched.

Obviously, Ye Xiaofan had already done this kind of thing for an unknown number of times, otherwise he would never have been so proficient.

Ye Xiaofan carefully examined the two storage rings and found that there were thousands of treasure medicines inside.

What surprised him even more was that the storage ring of the Tiger King had a huge space inside, hundreds of square meters.

What he didn't know was that this storage ring was obtained by the Tiger King in this ancient ruin, and it belonged to the ancient cultivator, and naturally it was not comparable to those storage rings in the outside world.

Ye Xiaofan put things away, jumped onto the bear's bold back, patted it on the back, and ordered it to continue to set off.

Before leaving, he also told Zhang Huaishan and others not to destroy the environment at will.

One person and one demon disappeared here in a few blinks, leaving only the Zhang family and a group of demon beasts with a frustrated face.

"Hey, sins, my Bashu land is a master, why do such bandits of the century appear?"

Zhang Huaishan sighed, his eyes full of sorrow and indignation.


On the other side, Xiong boldly and cautiously asked: "Senior, can you give me a little treasure medicine?" Ye

Xiaofan looked down: "Why?

Ye Xiaofan let out a light "hmm" and said lightly: "But you don't seem to have contributed, right?" Xiong

Bold's face froze, and then forcibly defended: "How is it possible?

Ye Xiaofan nodded approvingly, took out the small storage ring in it, and threw it to Xiong Dao.

"You can give it to you, but you have to be my mount in the future, you can't be half-hearted, otherwise... You should understand.

The bear boldly snorted and nodded busily.

"Knowing that I know, I will be faithful." "

It was a bit unconvinced at first.

But since seeing Ye Xiaofan kill the Black Eagle King and the Tiger King in seconds, it was also relieved.

Being able to follow such a strong person may also be an opportunity.

After taking the storage and dripping blood to confess the Lord, when it saw the mountain of treasure medicine inside, its breathing was abruptly rapid.

It had never seen so many treasure medicines in its life.

With these treasure medicines, it will soon be able to break through to the Inscription Realm and become a first-class powerhouse in Blue Star.


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