One person and one bear continued to move towards the central area, while searching for Qin Feng's several people and pets.


On a certain mountain, a loud laugh suddenly sounded.

"Hahaha, boss, let's send it here. In

the spirit garden in the middle of the mountain, the centipede demon king laughed loudly, his eyes glowing ahead.

There, various fruit trees grow, each of which is covered with fruit.

A refreshing fragrance fills the air.

Jin Wanjin was also excited: "Haha, it's all spirit fruits, we really have it now." "

Spirit fruit is also a kind of treasure medicine, but it is more precious than ordinary treasure medicine.

After the revival of the aura, although there were many vintage treasure medicines in the mountains outside, the spirit fruits were very rare.

Jin Wanjin opened his mouth and spit out the storage ring that Ye Xiaofan gave it, ready to pick the spirit fruit.

But at this moment, there was a sound of breaking air in the distance.

The two demons looked up and saw three figures flying towards this side quickly.

At the head is a graceful red figure.

Exactly the blood rose.

The three of them quickly arrived at the front, and after seeing the spirit fruits everywhere in front of them, their faces suddenly showed joy.

"Chief, there are so many spirit fruits, why is it sent here.

One of them said to the Blood Rose, with an unconcealable joy in his voice.

Blood Rose nodded slightly, and then turned to look at the two demons, and her voice was indifferent: "If you don't want to die, get out immediately." The

two demons looked at each other, and they both saw surprise in their eyes.

Centipede Zhixing looked at Jin Wanjin: "Boss, this lady is so arrogant, should we teach her a lesson??" Jin Wanjin

nodded thoughtfully, turned to the blood rose, and said: "Woman, King Ben sees that you have a bit of posture, King Ben just lacks a bed-warming maid beside him, can give you a chance, if you serve well, King Ben may give you the title of a concubine in the future." The

words came out.

The expressions of the two behind Blood Rose froze on the spot, and they looked at Jin Wanjin in a daze.

This eldest brother really dares to say anything.

Blood Rose's face turned suddenly cold.

She was actually teased by a toad.

This is simply a great shame in her life.

"You look for death. The

voice of the blood rose was as cold as ice, and a pair of wonderful eyes contained endless murderous intent.

The next moment, her body moved abruptly.

It turned into a red lightning bolt and killed Jin Wanjin.

"Boss, leave this lady to you, and I will deal with the other two."

Centipede Zhixing quickly sneaked away and made a large circle towards the two black-robed men to kill.

"Ladies who do not know how to lift, let King Ben teach you how to be a handmaid today. Jin

Wanjin's body soared with golden light, and his body suddenly became larger.

The bright red tongue stretched out to block all the attacks sent by the blood rose.

"Demon Emperor!?" Blood

Rose stopped abruptly, and her beautiful eyes showed surprise.

Then he looked at it carefully and said in shock: "You are the Golden Toad Demon King!?" Jin

Wanjin sneered: "Why, only now do you know that you are afraid?" Blood

Rose suppressed the shock in her heart and said coldly: "Joke, how can this king be afraid of you a toad."

"Stinky mother-in-law, I see you are untidy. Jin

Wanjin's face was gloomy, and his bright red tongue was like a sharp sword, heading straight for the blood rose.

The latter did not dare to be careless, and quickly took out a long sword to block.

When the

two collided, it actually made a sound of gold and iron clashing.

It can be seen how hard Jin Wanjin's tongue is.

"Blood Killing Realm. The

blood rose drank loudly, and the long sword in his hand danced quickly, carving mysterious blood-colored runes in the air.

The rune spread out, and then turned into a blood-red barrier, covering the entire space.

The whole world was blood-red, and it looked extremely terrifying.

"Kill. The

blood rose drank fiercely, and countless blood swords condensed out of thin air, and then all shot towards the golden gold below.

In an instant, the blood was all over the sky, and the people who were shining could not open their eyes.

"Insect tricks. Jin

Wanjin's face showed disdain, and his body burst into brilliant golden light, and in the golden light, there were mysterious runes flowing.

The golden light twisted and squirmed, turning into a large golden bell, enveloping Jin Wanjin inside.


The endless blood-colored long sword, stabbed on the golden bell, emitted an endless metallic trill.

The seemingly terrifying blood-colored long sword, but it couldn't help the golden bell, and it couldn't break the defense at all.

Blood Rose's face changed slightly, her hands quickly pinched the print, and then drank low in her mouth: "Condensation." The

next moment, thousands of blood swords suddenly collapsed, and then fused into a blood-colored giant sword.

A loud bang shot out and went straight to the golden bell.

Jin Wanjin's face was slightly dignified, and he removed the big bell, and the toad palm emitted golden light, and slapped it out.


The deafening sound exploded, and the air wave swept like a tsunami.

The two colors of light collided violently, drowning out the figures of the two.

The two warring sides in the distance also stopped and subconsciously looked towards the center of the battlefield.

When everything calmed down, the figures of the two warring sides were revealed.

The blood-colored giant sword had disappeared.

The blood rose stood in the air, her face slightly pale.

Obviously, the previous move consumed her a lot.

Jin Wanjin took a look at his toad palm, and there was blood flowing on it.

Its face suddenly sank: "Smelly mother-in-law, you dare to hurt me, if you don't pay the price today, Laozi won't be called Jin Wanjin." Saying

that, it emitted golden light and changed into a half-orc form.

With a flash of golden light, its figure suddenly disappeared.

Blood Rose's pupils shrank, and her body moved sideways rapidly.

But still a step slower.

With a click, her left arm was hit by the other party and fractured on the spot.

Jin Wanjin's figure appeared, and joked: "Aren't you very arrogant? With

that, its figure disappeared from its place again.

Blood Rose's face changed drastically, and she quickly dodged away.

At the same time, the field was withdrawn and quickly fled towards the distance.

"Stinky toad, today's enemy, Ben Wang remembered. From

afar came such a sentence.

"Want to go, have you asked King Ben?" Jin

Wanjin suddenly disappeared from the same place, and when he reappeared, he was already in the sky.

Centipede Zhixing retracted his gaze and sneered at the two black-robed killers: "Hehe, two, it's your turn." Seeing

that the situation was not good, the two turned around and fled.


Centipede Zhixing cursed and quickly chased after one of them.

Soon after, he and Jin Wanjin returned one after another.

Wu Zhixing couldn't wait to ask: "Boss, how is it, have you caught up with the girls?" Jin

Wanjin scolded and cursed: "Damn, I was run away by that woman."

Centipede Zhixing also scolded and cursed: "I also ran one here, that dog day is worthy of being a killer, and the ability to run for his life is a bar."

"Forget it, pick the spirit fruit."

Jin Wanjin waved his hand, and a coldness flashed in his eyes: "When there is a chance in the future, Laozi must make that lady look good." "


On the other side, the Blood Rose, who escaped by using the method of blood escape, found a hidden place to recuperate his injuries.

Her jade face was gloomy, and her silver teeth were clenched: "Damn, how can that beast be so strong?"

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