After Su Wan'er finished speaking, she looked at Xiong Bold and said curiously: "Senior, who is this?" Ye

Xiaofan introduced: "My new pet cowardly bear."

Xiong Bold retorted: "Master, my name is Xiong Bold, not a cowardly bear."

Ye Xiaofan glanced at it, not bothering to deal with it at all.

He then took out a large iron pot and a large pile of special coal from the storage ring, as well as a slain black giant snake.

"Don't go, hungry, stew some snake soup to eat." "

Since the 1,000 golden dragons fused into a crimson-gold dragon, Ye Xiaofan's appetite became greater than before.

Eat a lot more than before every day, and if you don't eat for more than a certain time, you will become very hungry.

The corners of Su Wan'er's mouth twitched slightly, and she stewed snake soup in the ancient secret realm.

It is estimated that only Ye Xiaofan has done this kind of thing.

Others are racing against time to find opportunities.

"Senior, I'll help you.

Xiong Bold hesitated: "Master, let's eat here, will the opportunity be robbed by others?" Ye

Xiaofan rolled his eyes and said angrily: "I said why are you so stupid, let them find out first, let's go over and pick up the ready-made later."

Xiong boldly slapped his head: "Yes, I didn't expect it."

"Say you're stupid, you still don't admit it, eat more pig brains to supplement your brain in the future."

Ye Xiaofan didn't have a good air, and after speaking, he didn't pay attention to Xiong Bold, took out a large number of treasure medicines and threw them to Su Wan'er: "Find water to wash."

Looking at a large pile of precious treasure medicines in front of her, Su Wan'er secretly swallowed her saliva.

"Eating pig brains is not dumber, if you want to eat human brains, you should also eat human brains."

The bear bold muttered and ran up to help.

It turned out to be more and more helpful.

It is a demon king, where has it done these things, and

Su Wan'er on the other side is the same, doing a job to grind and chirp.

No way, the former has been pampered since childhood, and has never done these jobs.

Ye Xiaofan frowned when he saw it: "Let's all go away, I'll just come by myself." "

One person and one bear look embarrassed.

After working for most of the day, the snake soup was finally stewed.

Ye Xiaofan was busy enough.

"Alas, it would be nice to have an errand maid.

He sighed softly, thinking about whether to hire a maid after he went back.

Although there are several powerful pets in the family, they were all masters who were served by others before, and it is not reliable to do these things at all.

Although the big black dog is a little better, the dog thing shelf is very large, and Ye Xiaofan sometimes can't move.

Hearing Ye Xiaofan's words, one person and one bear were even more embarrassed.

Su Wan'er hurriedly said: "Senior, I will help you find it after I go back, and I promise to satisfy you." "

With the Su family's ability, it is not easy to find a few capable and obedient maids.


Soon, the seductive fragrance wafted from the top of the mountain.

Looking at the snow-white snake soup, Ye Xiaofan's saliva was about to flow out.

Xiong Bold and Su Wan'er were no better.

This snake soup is made with demon king meat and countless treasure medicines, which can be said to be precious.

It is simply difficult to eat elsewhere.

No other power has such luxury.

Just as the two of them were about to open the cave, a powerful aura suddenly came from above the mountain peak next to them.

Then a red-clothed figure rose into the sky.

"Huh, is that very fierce woman?" Su

Wan'er was also surprised: "This breath is the Inscription Realm!?" The

red-clothed figure was none other than the Blood Rose.

Encountering life and death crises one after another, not only was she not hit, but she went one step further, realized a glimmer of opportunity between life and death, and broke through to the inscription realm.

"Those two damned beasts, this emperor will definitely not let you go. Blood

Rose's voice was cold, and her eyes showed confidence again, ready to go to the big black dog and the golden toad to take revenge.

She is very confident in her strength at the moment, plus she still has a powerful spirit treasure in her hand, and she has a lot of confidence in her heart that she can defeat both.

"Well, what is this smell?"

Suddenly, she smelled a seductive fragrance in the air.

Turning his head in the direction where the aroma came from, he suddenly saw Ye Xiaofan and them on the opposite peak.

"It's that mortal boy. Blood

Rose immediately recognized Ye Xiaofan, and a flash of coldness flashed in her eyes.

"Hmph, let's take you first.

She snorted coldly in her heart, ready to find Ye Xiaofan to avenge her previous revenge.

Her figure was as fast as lightning, and she reached the sky above Ye Xiaofan in a few blinks of an eye.

She looked down condescendingly at the two people below and said coldly: "Ant, I didn't expect us to meet here, right?" Although

the combination in front of her was a little strange, she didn't care.

This stems from her absolute confidence in her own strength.

The Inscription Realm is almost standing at the peak of the Dragon Kingdom.

Not to mention that in this small secret realm, even if she goes to the outside world, it is difficult for her to find an opponent at this time.

But what surprised Blood Rose was that the two people below had calm expressions, not only did not have the slightest fear, but also looked at him with a smile.

Ye Xiaofan smiled and said: "This beauty, I lack an errand maid by my side, I don't know if you are interested, the treatment is very good, and I guarantee that you are satisfied." Blood

Rose's breathing was abruptly rapid, and her face turned livid in an instant.

Previously, he was wanted to be adopted as a maid by a toad, and then he was wanted to be taken as a pet by a big black dog.

Right now, an ant actually wants to take her as an errand maid.

She is a Blood Rose, a peak powerhouse of the Inscription Realm, and one of the 9 leaders of the Night Rose.

Do you look so much like a maid?

"Ant, you are looking for death." The

Blood Rose was furious, and the long sword in his hand was slashed downward.

A blood-red sword light tore through the air and went straight to Ye Xiaofan.

"It's not appropriate, why is it so fierce?" Ye

Xiaofan was a little dissatisfied, and flicked his fingers at the oncoming sword light.

Then a scene that shocked the blood rose appeared, and the terrifying sword light disappeared out of thin air.

For the first time, she was shocked: "You... Who are you?" Until

this moment, she realized that Ye Xiaofan was an ordinary person, clearly an extremely strong person.

So strong that even he couldn't see the realm.

Ye Xiaofan ridiculed: "Why do you care so much, could it be that you fancy me?" Speaking

of this, he shook his head slightly: "This is not okay, you are too fierce, I won't want it, if you are an errand maid, I can still think about it." Although

Blood Rose was very angry in her heart, she didn't dare to talk nonsense, turned around and fled.

She knew very well that she was by no means Ye Xiaofan's opponent.

"Hey, what are you running? I won't eat you. Ye

Xiaofan jumped, his body shot out like a cannonball, and he arrived in front of the blood rose in the blink of an eye.

"Don't go, be my errand maid, don't worry, I will never lose you."

She looked at the Blood Rose with a smile on her face.

Seeing Ye Xiaofan's mean smile, Blood Rose couldn't help but think of the previous incident again, and cursed angrily.

"I'll be your grandmother, go die, bastard.

She slashed out with a sharp sword, then changed directions and continued to escape.

"You woman, why are you cursing?

Ye Xiaofan was a little dissatisfied, and lightly shook his fist in the direction where the blood rose fled.

In an instant, the fierce wind rose out of thin air, and the fist tore through the space and went straight into the distance.


The roar was endless, and everything in front of them was destroyed by the devastation and decay.

Even the tallest peak in the middle was blasted out of a huge circular hole.


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