The shock wave stretched out all the way, and a huge ravine appeared above the earth.

The blood rose that dodged at the moment of a thousand shots, the whole person was stupid in place at this moment.

He stared blankly at everything in front of him.

Everything in front of me is so unreal.

It's like in a dream.

Xiong Bold only felt dry mouth, a pair of panda eyes glared at the boss.

Although it knew that Ye Xiaofan was very strong, everything in front of it was still beyond its expectations.

This is a little strong, simply outrageously strong.

Su Wan'er covered her red lips in surprise, feeling extremely shocked in her heart.

At the same time, the demon beasts and humans in the secret realm all raised their heads at this moment.

After seeing the central peak with an extra hole and the endless ravine above the earth, they all opened their mouths in shock.

"I leaned, and accidentally used more strength again.

Ye Xiaofan touched his bald head, a little embarrassed.

Since his strength increased not long ago, he couldn't hold it a little.

He had just converged, and he really only used so much power, but he didn't expect to cause such a big damage.

Just when Ye Xiaofan was a little remorseful, the Blood Rose used the Blood Escape Great Method to escape.

Xiong Bold immediately shouted: "Master, the woman ran away."

When Ye Xiaofan reacted, the figure of the blood rose had disappeared.

"Hmph, count you running fast.

Ye Xiaofan snorted lightly and did not chase after it again.

He didn't have the intention of killing the other party, otherwise the blood rose would not have been able to dodge the punch just now.

"Leave him alone, let's drink snake soup."

Ye Xiaofan greeted one person and one bear, ready to taste the boiled snake soup.


On the other side, the blood rose fled for a long time before daring to stop.

She huffed and gasped, not forgetting to glance back.

After seeing that no one chased him, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"What kind of monster is that guy, how can it be so strong?" the

blood rose clenched its silver teeth, and there was a deep horror in his eyes.

If she hadn't hid quickly, she would have died at this moment.

"Damn, the next time I go out, I still have to look at the yellow calendar. Blood

Rose thought to herself while sitting down cross-kneeled to heal her injuries.

This time it was simply unlucky.

First he encounters a hateful toad, then an even more hateful big black dog, and finally a monster-like guy.

The other party either wants to accept her as a maid, or wants to accept her as a pet.


even more hateful is that three are stronger than one, and she can't beat anyone.

The more Blood Rose thought about it, the more angry she became, and the injuries in her body not only did not improve, but worsened a little.

Today is definitely the darkest moment of her life.


In the center of the ruins, Qin Zhentian and other military people looked up stunned.

They converged not long ago, but found that the main peak in the middle was covered with a powerful formation.

In order to get inside, they tried to break the formation.

But it's a pity that it didn't work at all.

Even if Jiang Lao, who was strong in the Inscription Realm, made a move, it would not help.

Finally, in order to break the formation, they joined forces with the monster beasts and the people of the chaebols, wanting to break the formation with this.

But what makes them desperate is that even if they combine the efforts of everyone, they still have no effect.

Just when everyone was helpless, a roar suddenly came.

Then everyone was shocked to see that the peak of the majestic peak in front of them was cut by an inexplicable force.

A hole was blasted out of the belly of the mountain, and the formation covering the mountain peak naturally collapsed and disintegrated.

That is to say, the formation that they could not break together collapsed inexplicably.

Everyone present looked in the direction where the attack came from, and their eyes were full of curiosity.

I'm curious to know where that terrifying force came from?

For example, old hens and leukosu.

The two demons immediately guessed that it was probably Ye Xiaofan who was making a move.

Just when everyone was stunned, the Immortal Crane Emperor was the first to rush towards the mountain peak ahead.

The main peak in front of you is thousands of meters high, and from the foot of the mountain, many ancient buildings are built.

And the buildings here are better preserved than the buildings on the periphery, apparently because of the previous formation.

People or demons rushed towards the buildings, looking for their own opportunities.


"Wow, so full.

Ye Xiaofan patted his bulging belly, his face full of satisfaction.

Su Wan'er and Xiong Bold also looked satisfied.

The snake soup made by Ye Xiaofan was so delicious that it made people linger.

Not only did they taste the delicious snake soup, but their strength also broke through.

Su Wan'er broke through from the early stage of awakening to the middle stage, and awakened her natural skill - water control.

Not only can she control the flow of water within a certain range, but she can also elementalize her body and be immune to most physical attacks.

Xiong Bold broke through to the peak of the Divine Power Realm, and was only one step away from reaching the Inscription Realm.

It's normal to have this effect.

After all, in that pot of snake soup, Ye Xiaofan added a lot of precious treasure medicine.

If you don't break through, you'll see the hell.

Ye Xiaofan's harvest was not small, and several golden divine dragons condensed in his body.

He speculated that the next step would be the same as before, and after condensing 1,000 golden divine dragons, they would fuse and merge into a new red gold divine dragon.

And only by condensing the red gold divine dragon can it be gathered outside the body.

Ye Xiaofan speculated that after successfully condensing ten red gold divine dragons, it would be the time for him to break through to the Purple Mansion Realm.

"Come on, Ye Xiaofan, you will definitely be able to break through to the Purple Mansion Realm and become a real martial artist.

Ye Xiaofan clenched his fists, his eyes full of war.

Xiong Bold and Su Wan'er, who heard this next to them, were immediately dumbfounded.

They even suspect they misheard.

Such a powerful Ye Xiaofan actually thought of breaking through to the Purple Mansion Realm.


Xiaofan didn't care about the strange expressions of the two, put away a lot of things, put on a hood, and said excitedly:

"Take a walk, eat and drink enough, it's time to get down to business." Xiong

Bold and Su Wan'er's body shook, the way of nature, what was the right thing that Ye Xiaofan said in his mouth?

Thinking of the scene that might happen next, one person and one bear couldn't help but look forward to it in their hearts.


On the other side, Qin Feng was being chased and killed.

The reason was that he got a very high-quality spirit treasure.

"Boy, hand over the Lingbao and spare you from death. "

The one who chased him was someone from the Li family, one of the four chaebols.

Qin Feng didn't respond at all, and quickly fled with his head down.

"I don't know if I'm alive or dead. The

person headed by the Li family had a cold expression, and originally planned to look at Qin Zhentian's face and leave the other party a small life.

But since the other party does not know how to be evil, it is not necessary.

Saying that, his figure suddenly disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he was already in front of Qin Feng, his big hand reached out, and he went straight to his Heavenly Spirit Cover.

Qin Feng's eyes showed despair.

But at this moment, a cold sound suddenly sounded.

"Where did the miscellaneous bis come from, dare to bully the emperor's apprentices?"

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