A huge dog paw fell from the sky and flew the man out on the spot.

Then, in the shocked gazes of several people in the Li family, one person and one dog fell from the sky.

It was the big black dog and Su Dinghua.

Qin Feng quietly breathed a sigh of relief, and his little life was finally saved.


He flew to the big black dog and saluted respectfully.

The big black dog bowed his head slightly, and looked at the Li family: "You few miscellaneous people dare to bully the emperor's apprentices?" Several people

in the Li family looked terrified, and at this moment they knew that the big black dog that followed Su Dinghua was actually a terrifying big demon.

At this moment, they seemed to understand why the Su family dared to come only two people.

At this time, the Li family who was photographed flew over, and he looked at the big black dog with horror in his eyes.

That claw just now almost cost him half his life.

You know, he is a strong man in the early stage of the Divine Power Realm.

How terrifying the opponent's strength point is.

Thinking of the big black dog's self-proclaim, he couldn't help but be horrified in his heart.

"Senior forgiveness, I don't know that Young Master Qin is your apprentice, and I hope you can be an adult and not remember the villain. Suppressing

the fear in his heart, he held his fist and bowed to the big black dog.

"Hmph, if an apology is useful, then what else should the law do?"

the big black dog snorted coldly: "It's not impossible to live and hand over all the things on your body."

The leader was a little unwilling, and said hard: "Senior, I still hope to see the face of the

Li family..." "I look at your grandmother, what shit Li family, this emperor has never heard of it." The

big black dog shot out with a paw, and this time he didn't keep his hand and smashed the man at the head on the spot.

The blood mist splashed the faces of the rest of the people.

A storage ring fell from the blood mist.

The big black dog reached out and grabbed it, and then dripped blood to recognize the Lord, and when it saw what was inside, it suddenly left the big mouth.

With a smirk, it looked at the rest of the people.

"What about yours?"

one man stood up with fear, "Former... Senior, our things are also on the eighth uncle.

The big black dog looked suspicious: "Is it? Take off all your clothes for the emperor to see?" A

group of people dared to hesitate, and took off their clothes one after another, leaving only their underwear and underwear, and shook hard twice.

Not to mention, several of the girls are quite material.

But there are also a few older ones with some spicy eyes.

The big black dog hurriedly turned his head and waved his paw: "Hurry up." "

How dare a group of people hesitate and quickly flee here with their clothes in their hands.

"Good apprentice, let Master Wei see, what opportunities have you got?"

the big black dog looked at Qin Feng with a grin.

Qin Feng was full of excitement, hesitated, but still took off the storage ring in his hand.

This was still given to him by Ye Xiaofan.

The big black dog snatched the storage ring, and when he saw the contents inside, the boss with a pair of copper bells and big eyes almost couldn't hold back his laughter.

The big black dog quickly converged his mind, and then smiled at Qin Feng: "Good apprentice, you haven't forgotten the promise you made when you first visited the teacher, have you?" Qin

Feng suddenly had a bad premonition, but still nodded hard: "Remember... Remember.

"Good apprentice, Master Wei really didn't mistake you, as a man, the most important thing is to keep your promises. The

big black dog showed appreciation in his eyes, and then took out the precious things in the storage ring and put them into his storage ring, and then returned it to Qin Feng, and said with a smile: "Good apprentice, these are even your filial piety as a teacher."

The corner of Qin Feng's mouth twitched and took the storage ring, and when he saw that it was almost empty, he almost cried.

In order to get these treasures, he encountered several life and death crises, and in the end they were all gone.

He suddenly had the urge to regret it, whether he had agreed too happily in the first place.

"Poor child.

Su Dinghua sighed silently in his heart, only feeling that Qin Feng was too pitiful.

Seeing Qin Feng's eyes reddened, the big black dog grinned: "Good apprentice, your filial piety has touched the teacher, and in the future, the teacher will guide you more attentively in cultivation." Hearing

this, Qin Feng almost spewed out a mouthful of old blood in anger.

Since he worshipped the big black dog as a teacher, the other party has not guided him once at all.

He can have the strength he has now, and he is completely relying on Ye Xiaofan to eat and drink.

It has nothing to do with the other party's half a dime.

Qin Feng only woke up at this moment that he had been deceived.

Just as he regretted and was sad, there was a loud laugh in the distance.

"Haha, finally found you. The

two of them looked sideways and saw two figures flying towards this side quickly.

It was Kim Wanjin and Centipede Ji-sung.

When he got closer, seeing Qin Feng's face full of frustration, Centipede Zhixing couldn't help but ask: "Big nephew, your face is not right, who bullied you again?

The big black dog coughed: "Ahem, just now a group of scum wanted to rob the opportunity of the good apprentice, this emperor has already solved it, so you don't need to worry about it."

Jin Wanjin's eyes turned, as if he understood something, and seeing that Centipede Zhixing still wanted to speak, it slapped the toad down.

"Don't worry about it, didn't you hear?"

Centipede Zhixing glanced at Jin Wanjin resentfully, a little not understanding why he was beaten.

A flash of satisfaction flashed in the eyes of the big black dog, and he pretended to ask: "Old Jin, how are you harvesting?" Jin

Wanjin was very modest: "It's not good, it's just that I picked a few spirit fruits, and I didn't even get a piece of Lingbao, so I was unlucky."

Centipede Zhixing was surprised in his heart, and his heart explained that this was not the case.

Jin Wanjin smiled after speaking: "Brother Black Emperor, you must have gained a lot, right?" The

big black dog shook his head and sighed: "Hey, don't mention it, I haven't encountered any good treasures along the way, I just got a few good treasure herbs and an average quality spirit treasure, I really don't know why my luck is so bad this time?"

Qin Feng and Su Dinghua all looked stunned.

The two were eager to ask.


the expressions of the two, Jin Wanjin understood what was going on, but it did not poke, and sighed: "Maybe we didn't look at the Yellow Calendar this time."

After that, he was curious again: "I don't know where the old chicken wife ran away, and I haven't touched them, I guess they must have harvested a lot." The

big black dog's eyes lit up, and then his eyes rolled around, and he suddenly said: "Old Jin, I suddenly thought of a good idea, do you want to cooperate

?" Jin Wanjin was curious: "What good idea?"

After the latter listened, the toad's eyes widened suddenly.

After a few seconds, he replied: "This is not good, if the owner finds out, we will be miserable." The

big black dog said angrily: "You are afraid of a hammer, there is a saying called wealth and danger, in a word, can you do it?" Seeing

the other party's hesitation, it continued to pout: "That Ye bald head is already as strong as a monster, no matter how many resources he gives him, it is a waste, it is better for us to enjoy it ourselves." The

corners of Jin Wanjin's mouth twitched secretly, and his heart was worthy of being a big black dog, and he even dared to say this taboo.

After a slight hesitation, it gritted its teeth fiercely.

"Okay, done. "


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