The big

black dog suddenly looked at Su Dinghua and said: "Little old man, you take the good apprentice around, see if you can find some opportunities, I have something to do with Old Jin, I need to leave."

Jin Wanjin also spoke at the same time: "Little brother, follow them too, I will go with Brother Black Emperor to do some personal affairs." After

the two demons finished speaking, they didn't care if the other party agreed or not, and the figure disappeared in place like lightning.

By the time the two demons came back to their senses, they had disappeared.

Centipede Zhixing's face was full of doubts: "Boss, what the hell are they doing?

Su Dinghua and Qin Feng were equally curious.


On the other side, Big Black Dog and Jin Wanjin stopped in a place where no one was.

Jin Wanjin asked: "Brother Black Emperor, are you sure that the two of us are sure to defeat those guys, and the old chicken wife may also be among them?"

The big black dog grinned: "Don't worry, unless that bald head makes a move, no one here is the opponent of this emperor."

As he spoke, he took out two masks from his storage ring.

"This is a set of spirit treasures that I just got, you can transform at will, you can try it on. Jin

Wanjin immediately took it, dripping blood to recognize the Lord, and put it on his face.

As soon as its mind moved, a brilliant light suddenly erupted on its face.

By the time the light dissipated, it had already turned into a son.

Dressed in white, with black hair like a waterfall, a tall figure, handsome facial features, and a dusty temperament around his body, he is like a nine-heavenly immortal.

"Haha, this is what King Ben looks like.

Jin Wanjin had a smile on his face, feeling very satisfied with his appearance at the moment.

Not only has the appearance changed, but even the voice has become mellow and magnetic.

You're so shameless... The big black dog complained in his heart, and then put his face on his face.

After a burst of light, he turned into a tall man in black.

Wearing a straight black suit, a coat, a big back, sunglasses, and a cigar in his mouth.

Like a triad boss.

A smile appeared in the eyes of the man in black: "This emperor is now called Hei Wuji, your kid is called Bai Wuji, and we are collectively called Yin Yang Wuji Thief." Jin

Wanjin complained, but he didn't quarrel with the big black dog because of this little thing.

Subsequently, the two went straight to the main peak in the center.

On the way, Jin Wanjin hesitated and asked

, "What if the owner is also over there?" The big black dog shook his head: "Let's sneak over and secretly observe first, if the bald head is also there, we will retreat immediately."

"But from what I know about him, he will probably stay under the main peak and wait for the rabbit, and it is unlikely that he will go to it."

Jin Wanjin nodded, which he believed.

With Ye Xiaofan's lack of morality, it is really possible to do this.

The two galloped all the way and soon reached the peak of the main peak.

At the top of the main peak, stands a magnificent ancient hall, in front of which is a wide black square, paved with unknown stones.

In the middle of the square, there is an ancient sword of Tongtian inserted.

It's just that at this time, the ancient sword has cracked through the cracks, and a trace of black qi invisible to the naked eye escapes out.

"Let's go, let's first search for all the opportunities in that ancient hall, and then wait here for the rabbits, wait for those guys to arrive, and then come to a pot." The

big black dog greeted and quickly rushed towards the ancient hall, and Jin Wanjin also followed.


For all this, all the people and demons who were searching for opportunities on the main peak did not know, they were afraid that they would never dream that someone would dare to rob them on the top of the mountain.


There are two sides to the story.

On Ye Xiaofan's side, he was still riding a bear boldly and searching slowly with Su Wan'er in the ruins.

He was in no hurry.

Because he and the big black dog have the same idea, wait for everyone to get the opportunity, and then go over and pick it up.

After this time, you have to find it yourself, how troublesome.

The day passed in the blink of an eye.

At noon on the second day, Ye Xiaofan and they finally arrived at the foot of the main peak.

Looking at the main peak that is thousands of meters high, and the countless temples and pavilions on it.

Ye Xiaofan said with a smile: "Look, I really said right, so many places, if you rely on a few of us to find it, then you have to find the Year of the Monkey."

Su Wan'er smiled and agreed: "Or the seniors have foresight." The

bear boldly also followed the rainbow fart: "The master is wise, and he can follow the extremely smart master, and the old bear is really lucky in three lives."

Ye Xiaofan took off his hood and touched his shiny bald head, with a smile in his eyes, feeling that these words had reached his heart.

Why did he go bald at a young age?

"Well, sometimes being too smart isn't a good thing.

Ye Xiaofan shook his head and sighed.

"Well, don't go, I'm hungry, get something to eat, just so you can stay here and wait for the rabbit." Ye

Xiaofan took out the pots and pans, as well as the meat of all kinds of demon beasts hunted on the road.

Next, he began to pick out the ingredients.

Su Wan'er and Xiong Bold looked helpless, and then their eyes showed expectation.

Along the way, they had become accustomed to Ye Xiaofan's Buddhist lineage.

This buddy, what do you really think of?

But there is one thing to say, the other party's cooking skills really don't have to say.

No matter what food you make, it will be endless.

It's just that after seeing the food Ye Xiaofan selected, Su Wan'er's pretty face was slightly red.

Because Ye Xiaofan finally picked a huge bullwhip.


It is said that above the main peak at this time, all the forces have begun to fight and fight.

The main peak is different from other peaks, leaving several times more chance on it.

There are various texts, spirit treasures, formation maps, spirit pills and so on.

Each of them is worth a lot of money, and it is much better than the chance on other peaks.

It may be because of the formation, so the original Shushan Sword Sect did not take everything with it when it left.

The forces fought all the way, and finally came to the square on the top of the mountain, straight to the ancient hall in front.

No need to think about it, everyone also knows that the best thing should be in the ancient hall ahead.

The first to rush inside were naturally the four major inscription realm powerhouses.

Crane Emperor, Ginger Lao, Blood Rose and Old Hen.

In the ancient hall, it was empty.

Only in the center, there is a huge octagonal altar, and in the center of the altar, a rusty iron sword is inserted.

The four great inscription realm masters immediately rushed towards the iron sword.

The iron sword that can be placed here is an extraordinary thing.

Must get your hands on it.

The Immortal Crane Emperor was the fastest, the first to arrive at the altar, and seeing that he was about to approach the iron sword, a blood-colored sword light on the diagonal side suddenly split.

It was the Blood Rose that shot.

"Human, you look for death. The

Immortal Crane Emperor was furious, dodged the sword light, opened his mouth and spewed out a snow-white sword radiance, heading straight for the blood rose.

The latter did not dare to be careless and hurriedly blocked with his sword.

On the other side, the old hen and Jiang Lao also fought together.

The latter is worthy of being from Kyoto Base City, and its strength is extremely strong.

Even if the old hen has broken through the inscription realm for a short time, she still only tied with the other party.

It's very difficult to overcome.

Then a scuffle broke out in the hall.

Each of the four wanted to get the iron sword, but none of them would give in.

As long as one side approaches the iron sword, the other three will rise up and attack.

What they didn't know was that in the corner of the ancient hall, the big black dog and Jin Wanjin converged their whole body breath and hid in the darkness.

If you can see their expressions, you can see that they all have a depressed look on their faces.

It turned out that the two goods had rushed into the ancient hall excitedly, but found that there was nothing in the ancient hall, only a rusty iron sword.

What made the two goods feel even more depressed was that the iron sword could not be pulled out at all.

They had just exerted their strength to eat, and they were stunned.

I don't know if the few people who are fighting know this situation, will they spew out a mouthful of old blood?


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