After knowing that they could not pull out the iron sword, the two goods immediately hid in the shadows, waiting for this moment to come.

When the four sides are defeated, it is time for them to strike.

The war is in full swing.

In order to get that iron sword, the two sides fought real fire.

The move is fatal, without the slightest retreat.

Although the battle fluctuations of the four were very terrifying, they could not destroy the ancient hall in the slightest.

Obviously, this ancient hall is different from ordinary buildings.

Among the four, Jiang Lao and the Immortal Crane Emperor were stronger, and the old hen and the blood rose were kicked out first.

The remaining one man and one demon continued the big fight.

At this time, the rest of the people and demon beasts also reached the peak.

After seeing the battle in the hall, all the demons only dared to watch outside the hall, and did not dare to get involved in the battle between the inscriptions and the strong.

"Sister Feng, are you all right?" Bai

Susu rushed forward and looked at the old hen with a concerned expression.

At this moment, the old hen was covered in feathers and bloodied, and it looked like she was seriously injured.

"It's not a big problem, help me protect the Dharma. The

old hen shook her head, then closed her eyes and concentrated on healing.

Bai Susu guarded next to it, not allowing anyone to approach.

On the other side, the killer of the Night Rose also quickly guarded next to the Blood Rose.

After a while, the battle in the ancient hall was finally divided into winners and losers.

The final winner was the Crane Emperor.

I have to say that it is really strong, and even Jiang Lao from Kyoto Base City is not an opponent.

"Old thing, get out of here. The

Immortal Crane Emperor struck the severely injured Jiang Lao away with another blow, and then fluttered his wings and went straight to the iron sword on the altar.

The faces of the people and demons outside the ancient hall changed slightly, but they didn't dare to step forward to stop it, and even if they wanted to, it was too late.

"Haha, the ancient sword belongs to this emperor. The

Immortal Crane Emperor laughed loudly, quickly transformed into an adult beast form, stretched out his big hand covered in bird feathers, and wanted to pull out the iron sword, but the iron sword did not move.

"How so?"

the Immortal Crane Emperor's face froze, and just as he was about to use all his strength to pull out the iron sword, there was a sudden sound of breaking wind behind him.

His face changed, and his body instinctively dodged away.

But it's still a step late.

After all, he was seriously injured after all.

In its heyday, you may be able to dodge this blow.

With a bang, the Immortal Crane Emperor was slapped out.

A mouthful of blood spurted out, and the bird's face quickly withered.

The people who suddenly made a move were naturally the two old sixths of Big Black Dog and Jin Wanjin, who were hiding in the secret.

The sudden change in the field stunned all the creatures present.

At this moment, both humans and demon beasts looked at the two black and white figures that suddenly appeared in the hall.

The Immortal Crane Emperor wiped off the blood stains at the corners of his mouth, got up with difficulty, and looked at the two in front of him with frightened eyes: "Who are you, dare to sneak up on this emperor?"

Jin Wanjin smiled and said: "Hehe, it's not bad, in that case, I took the emperor's move, and I actually had the strength to stand up."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of everyone present changed.

It was actually another inscription realm.

Taking advantage of the shock of everyone, the big black dog's paw stepped on the ground.

The next moment, the entire space became dark.

Qin Zhentian's face changed: "It's bad, it's a field, and it's a very strong field."

Jiang Lao, who was healing his injuries, also changed his face, got up and slapped a palm in front of him.

The terrifying flames swept through, distorting the void to burn, but soon disappeared, as if it had been swallowed by some mysterious force.

Old Jiang's face was solemn: "Such a strong field, the old man estimates that he can't break it even if he is not injured." The

faces of the military people changed greatly when they heard this.

The rest of the people and the demon beasts also had ugly faces, and they had a bad premonition in their hearts.

Someone couldn't help but ask: "Who are you, what is the purpose of trapping us?" The

big black dog rubbed his hands and laughed: "Hehe, friends, I think you must have got a lot of opportunities."

Jin Wanjin followed and said, "How about dividing us a little?" Hearing

this, everyone still did not understand the purpose of the two.

It was actually this idea, and he waited here to wait for the rabbit.

It's simply lacking in morality.

Seeing that everyone was silent, the big black dog smiled and said: "Don't be so petty, there are so many resources here, how about dividing us a little?"

Jin Wanjin also said: "That is, this kind of thing needs to be shared by everyone, and it is not interesting to swallow it alone."

Speaking of this, he also pointed to the iron sword shamelessly.

"You have to learn from our brothers, we came here early, but we didn't steal this divine weapon, but wanted to share it with you. When

everyone present and the demons heard this, they almost wanted to curse.

How they couldn't see that the iron sword couldn't be pulled out at all.

Otherwise, the Immortal Crane Emperor would not have failed before.

Qin Zhentian took a deep breath and said in a calm tone as much as possible: "Two seniors, everyone's opportunities were obtained through hard work, is it a little too much for you to do this?" Jin

Wanjin ruffled the hair on his forehead and raised his chin: "Excessive?

"Don't talk nonsense, quickly take out the things, let us brothers pick and choose, maybe I can leave a little for you when we are in a good mood." Blood

Rose got up at this time and said coldly: "Don't go too far, if all of us fight to the death, it is still unknown who killed the deer." "

It's this stinky girl again.

The faces of the big black dog and Jin Wanjin turned cold almost at the same time.

The former teased, "Yes? As

he spoke, a majestic momentum swept away from his body.

Both humans and demon beasts present were shocked by this terrifying momentum and retreated one after another.

"Ming... Inscription Mirror Peak!?" After

personally feeling this breath, the faces of the four major Inscription Realm masters changed drastically.

Even Jin Wanjin looked at the big black dog in amazement.

Looking at his eyes, he seemed to be equally shocked when the big black dog broke through?

Among the four pets.

The big black dog is the strongest and is in the late stage of the inscription mirror.

The other three were all at the peak of the early stage of the Inscription Realm, among which the Ichthyosaurus had almost broken through to the middle stage.

This was still due to Ye Xiaofan's help.

When the three demon kings were just captured, they were only in the Divine Power Realm.

Under Ye Xiaofan's feeding, he soon broke through to the inscription realm.

The feeding here does not refer to the flesh and blood of demon beasts, but to the demon pills of top demon kings and various top treasure medicines.

Although eating the blood and flesh of the demon beast also helps to improve cultivation, it is only when the strength is low, and when it reaches the top demon king, the effect is minimal.

Su Dinghua was able to break through to the late stage of the Divine Power Realm after eating the meat of the Golden Eagle King, first because he himself had been in the middle of the Divine Power Realm for a long time.

The second is because of the efficacy of the millennium treasure medicine.

Jin Wanjin didn't know that the big black dog had actually broken through in secret.

Depend, no wonder he was so fearless just now.

Jin Wanjin complained in his heart, feeling that the big black dog was too insidious.

Under the same roof, neither he nor the others knew that the former had broken through.

Seeing the people who were calmed, the big black dog snorted coldly, and then looked at the blood rose playfully.

"Hehe, woman, do you still want to make a move with this emperor?"

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