Faced with Ye Xiaofan's broken mouth and cursed.

Present, whether it was a human or a demon beast, in addition to shock, but also shock.

Absolutely no idea what to say.

Because the shock in their hearts can no longer be described in words.

What kind of monster is this guy in front of you?

Just when everyone was silent in shocked emotions.

A crisp click suddenly sounded.

I saw that the altar was actually cracked, and countless cracks were like spider webs.

After just a few moments, the entire altar shattered.

Countless black qi permeated from the cracks.

Then the entire ancient hall trembled violently.

"How... What's going on?" All

the forces present were shocked and rushed towards the outside of the ancient hall.

As a result, it was found that not only the ancient hall was shaking, but the entire main peak was shaking violently.

It was like a magnitude 10 earthquake, the main peak that was thousands of meters high trembled violently, and countless mountains and rocks tumbled down.

Click, click, click....

In the center of the square, the Heavenly Ancient Sword shattered, turning into dust and disappearing into the air.

Seeing this scene, all the forces had a premonition that something was wrong, and they flew into the air to watch the development.

Some people speculated: "Shouldn't we have opened some kind of seal?" Everyone

immediately thought of the iron sword, and their hearts couldn't help but chill.

Having said that, that iron sword is most likely the sword of sealing.

The Immortal Crane Emperor seemed to remember something, and his voice trembled: "Is the legend true?" Everyone

brushed together, and the blood rose couldn't help but ask: "What legend

?" The Immortal Crane Emperor did not hide it, and said truthfully: "I once overheard the ancestors say that under the Shushan Sword Sect, there is a demon town tower, and it is rumored that all the people suppressed in it are ancient peerless demons, and if they come out at random, they will destroy the living beings." "


countless people gasped.

If this is the case, then the Dragon Kingdom, no, should be the entire Blue Star is about to suffer.

The peerless demon of antiquity is definitely not something that today's Blue Star can compete with.

Booming, as the shaking intensified, the entire main peak began to collapse.

Even more terrifying black qi gushed out.

The forces felt an extremely evil aura from that black qi.

"I lean, what is the situation?" Ye

Xiaofan stood on the back of the old hen that had grown into shape, his eyes looking down curiously.

Some have not recovered from this sudden change.

In the end, the entire main peak collapsed.

In the majestic black qi, a pitch-black ancient pagoda loomed.

The Immortal Crane Emperor's voice was horrified: "It's really the Demon Suppression Tower! The

rest were shocked and moved away.

Only Ye Xiaofan and a few people stayed.

Qin Feng stepped forward and hesitated and asked, "Senior, should we also retreat first?"

Ye Xiaofan was not only not afraid, but his voice was full of excitement.

The forces retreated very far away before stopping, and then turned their heads to look curious.

Although I was a little scared, I was also curious.


this moment, the ancient tower in the black mist suddenly trembled, and then an excited voice came from within.

"Hahaha, how many years?

As the words fell, the black fog that surrounded the heavens and the earth suddenly converged towards the Demon Township Tower, and it only took a moment to enter the Demon Township Tower.

Then with a creak, the tower door on the first floor of the Demon Zhen Tower slowly opened, and then an even more viscous black mist gushed out.

In the black fog, two huge red lanterns flickered.

In the horrified gazes of all the forces, the black mist slowly condensed in the sky, and finally turned into a black giant moth thousands of feet long.

The black jiao was covered in scales, like molten iron, his eyes were blood-red, as if he had a magical power, and the dragon's claws were sharp, as if he could tear this heavenly dome.

Only then did the forces see clearly what kind of red lantern was, and it was clearly the eyes of this giant moth.

At the moment when the giant jiao appeared, a terrifying coercion spread out, whether it was humans or monster beasts, all of them could not resist this coercion, and their bodies fell downwards, and finally they were pressed to the ground, unable to even move.

The eyes of the humans and monsters showed horror and fear.

Is this the Ancient Great Demon,

they can't even withstand the coercion exuded by the other party.

Hei Jiao looked at the creatures crawling on the ground, and laughed wildly from his mouth.

"Hahaha, there was a group of blood food just came out, it seems that Honza is lucky.

Speaking of this, it stuck out its tongue and licked its lips: "I haven't tasted blood for a long time, I really miss it." Hearing

these words, the eyes of the creatures below showed deep fear.

They tried to escape, but they couldn't move, not even make a sound.

Just when everyone and the demons were afraid and desperate in their hearts, a cursing voice suddenly sounded.

"Old chicken mother, what kind of plane are you engaged in?" A

figure rushed out from the collapsed main peak, it was Ye Xiaofan.

He was still holding a giant bird in his hand.

Exactly the old hen that gets bigger.

Previously, due to the sudden fall of the old hen, he did not react, and also fell down, smashed on the collapsed main peak, and fell all over the mud.

"It's him!?"

When they saw the strangely dressed figure, everyone and the demons were shocked in their hearts.

It can actually resist the coercion of the ancient demon.

What is the strength of the other party?

The black moth in the sky also looked over, his eyes looked at Ye Xiaofan in amazement, and he immediately made a happy sound.

"Haha, there is actually a good strength ant, it seems that this seat has a blessing today."

Ye Xiaofan casually threw the old hen out into the distance.

With a bang, the old hen fell on the top of a mountain in the distance, smashing an ancient temple on the spot, and her body was covered in masonry and rubble.

With a tragic roar, the old hen's head passed out.

"Master, can you be lighter next time?"

was the old hen's voice before she fell into a coma.

"Hey, if you are not careful, you will use more strength again.

A touch of guilt flashed in Ye Xiaofan's eyes, and then he looked at the huge black moth in front of him, and muttered in a low voice: "I wonder what the meat of this ancient demon tastes like?"

This eldest brother really dares to say anything

!!! Hei Jiao's blood-red eyes were suddenly cold, and he couldn't help but think of some bad memories from a long time ago.

"Ants, dare to be rude to this throne, today this throne will crush your corpse into ten thousand pieces, and the divine soul will be used to light the sky lantern, so that you will never be able to live beyond life." The

voice was cold, as if floating out of the Nine Nether Hell.

Ye Xiaofan pouted: "Don't brag, you have that ability and will not be suppressed here." "

Ants, die. The

black moth was furious, and the huge dragon tail swept abruptly, and the speed was extremely fast, like a black lightning.

Just in the blink of an eye, Ye Xiaofan was pumped out.


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