A meteor cut through the sky and then disappeared.

"Hmph, ant, this is the price of provoking Honza.

Hei Jiao snorted coldly, and then looked at the people and demon beasts present, ready to taste the delicious blood food.

At this moment, both humans and demon beasts were terrified to the extreme.

But just then, a curse sounded in the distance.

"Damn beast, you actually dare to destroy my hood and cape. Shortly

after the voice fell, a figure rushed from the end of the sky.

It's like a cannonball, it's extremely fast.

The person who came was Ye Xiaofan, and the clothes and hood on his body were brand new, obviously new.

Seeing this scene, the corners of everyone's mouths couldn't help but twitch violently.

I didn't see it, this eldest brother is still a fastidious person.

The black moth's pupils shrank, and it was a little surprised in its heart, it did not stop before, but it actually did not kill the ant in its eyes.

Just as it was shocked, Ye Xiaofan had already arrived in front of it, jumped after landing, and instantly arrived behind it, grabbing the dragon's tail.

The black dragon's tail shook, wanting to throw Ye Xiaofan away.

But it was surprised to find that a terrifying force suddenly came from above the dragon's tail.

The force was so great that it was terrified.

Then Hei Jiao felt that his body began to spin uncontrollably.

From time to time, something was bumped, followed by a roar.

If you look at it from a distance, you can see that Ye Xiaofan is carrying the tail of the black moth in the air at this moment.

It looked like it was shaking a black leather whip.

The peaks closer to the main peak all suffered.

While everyone and the demons were shocked, they were also very happy, because they had just retreated far enough, otherwise they would probably be affected at this moment.

But Qin Feng and the others were not so comfortable, they only felt that there was a whistling wind blowing overhead, blowing their clothes hunting.

They didn't retreat just now, and they landed not far from the main peak.

Fortunately, Ye Xiaofan had a sense of proportion, otherwise they would be miserable.

After turning 10 times in a row, Ye Xiaofan suddenly let go.

The huge black moth flew out, like a shooting star, and disappeared at the end of the sky.

Only a roar was heard in the distance.

Ye Xiaofan kicked his feet on the ground, his body rushed out like an off-string arrow, and disappeared in front of everyone's eyes in the blink of an eye.

As the black moth disappeared, the coercion also disappeared.

All the forces got up from the ground one after another, and their eyes couldn't help but look into the distance.

"The man to... Who the hell is it? How... How could it be so strong?" someone

couldn't help but sigh, if they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they really couldn't believe everything before.

That's the Great Ancient Demon.

The Immortal Crane Emperor looked palpitated.

It had just dared to speak to Ye Xiaofan like that.

Fortunately, the other party did not calculate with it, otherwise the slap would not have cost it half a life, but the whole life.

Elder Jiang's face was solemn: "It seems that the rumors are correct, and the heavens and the earth are about to undergo great changes again." "

Recently, some top experts have speculated that heaven and earth are about to undergo great changes again, and the future world pattern will undergo major changes.

The last great change in heaven and earth was the revival of Reiki.

Since the revival of Reiki, the world pattern has changed dramatically.

Qin Zhentian said worriedly: "Elder Jiang, should we leave here first, and I don't know if that one is Hei Jiao's

opponent?" Qin Ruyu speculated: "It should be fine, looking at the situation just now, Hei Jiao doesn't seem to be the opponent of that one at all."

Jiang Lao also nodded: "Ruyu is right, Hei Jiao should not be that one's opponent."

Qin Zhentian's eyes condensed slightly, and the former's tone actually carried a trace of affirmation.

How did he know that Jiang Lao, as the high-level of the Dragon Kingdom, naturally saw the picture transmitted back from the satellite.

It was someone who had seen the true power of Ye Xiaofan's punch.

The rest of the people also guessed who would win in the end?

"Master, can the senior win that black jiao?"

Qin Feng looked at the big black dog with some concern.

The big black dog hesitated, "It should be fine." "

It's also a little uncertain, after all, this time the enemy is extraordinary.

It is not at all comparable to those monster beasts before.

On the other side, Ye Xiaofan was fighting with Hei Jiao.

"Ants, this throne will kill you today. The

black jiao was extremely angry, and opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of black gold.

The black gold ding has three legs and two ears, and the dragon-shaped pattern is engraved on it, with a breath of time, which seems to come from ancient times.

As soon as it appeared, it rose to the storm, and finally turned into a giant statue of the sky.

With unparalleled might, he descended towards Ye Xiaofan.

The mountain peak collapsed, the earth cracked, and it could not withstand the coercion of the dragon pattern black gold ding.

"Depend, what is this thing?" Ye

Xiaofan jumped up and slapped out, and when he spoke, the dragon pattern black gold ding was slapped out by it.

Hei Jiao was stunned and lost his voice: "This... How is this possible?" Just

as it was stunned, an impatient voice suddenly sounded.

"Little bug, I'm going to be serious next, I hope you can take this punch." After

Ye Xiaofan landed on the ground again, his expression became solemn, his dantian was heavy, his knees were slightly bent, his right hand was clenched into a fist and pulled behind him, his eyes locked on the dragon, and then he blasted out hard into the air.

In an instant, the wind was raging, and the fist exploded into the void, sweeping away against the dragon in the sky.

For a moment, Hei Jiao only felt a deadly crisis struck.

It wanted to use a means to dodge, but found that its body could not move, and it seemed to be fixed by a mysterious force.

In its horror and despair, most of the dragon's body exploded under this terrifying fist, and blood and flesh flew all over the sky.

With two booms, the dragon's head and tail fell down, and the earth trembled.

Although the black moth was seriously injured and dying, the fist did not disappear, shattering all the clouds in the sky, and finally even tearing a crack in the blue sky.

Behind the crack was a pitch-black nothingness.

The black jiao, who was not yet dead, saw this scene, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

"How is it possible, it actually pierced the space!!" It

had a thick horror in its voice, as if everything in front of it made it feel unbelievable.

Ye Xiaofan didn't pay attention to the black jiao, his gaze at the moment was attracted by the crack in the sky.

This is the first time he has seriously shot, but he didn't expect to blast out the space.

Looking at the crack in the sky that was slowly healing, Ye Xiaofan was a little suspicious.

He just seemed to be behind the crack and saw a light source.

"Is there something behind that?"

he muttered in his heart, a little curious about what the light source was

, and then he turned his head to look at the battered black jiao, and saw that the other party's two bodies were slowly squirming, as if they wanted to reconnect.


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