Ye Xiaofan jumped and jumped in front of the black jiao's head, grinning and revealing a mouthful of snow-white teeth.

"Goodbye, little bug.

In Hei Jiao's terrified gaze, Ye Xiaofan smashed down with a punch.

The black moth's head shattered, and blood shot out.

A black dragon ball shot out and fled into the distance.

Ye Xiaofan, who had already been prepared, dodged to block it, and slapped it out heavily.

The black dragon ball was slapped down on the spot, smashing the ground out of a hole.

Ye Xiaofan quickly rushed over and jumped into the hole to take the dragon ball out.

But at this moment, a dragon phantom came out of the dragon ball, shot towards Ye Xiaofan, and burrowed into his body in the blink of an eye.

"Depend, it's over, should I not be taken away, right?" Ye

Xiaofan was shocked, these strange things, he had no means to deal with them.

Just when he was worried, the dragon soul of the black jiao had entered the depths of his body and came to a gray space.

"Wang Baegg, if you destroy the body of the main seat, don't blame the main seat for taking you.

Black Jiao thought viciously.

There was also a reason why it dared to burrow into Ye Xiaofan's body.

In the previous battle, Hei Jiao also saw that something was wrong.

In addition to his amazing strength, Ye Xiaofan didn't seem to have other means.

After all, the other party can't even fly.

It guessed that perhaps Ye Xiaofan had a special physique and would only be brute-forced.

As long as he occupies this powerful body, he won't be a cock in the future.

Just as it was fantasizing about a better future, a terrifying coercion suddenly appeared.

Hei Jiao's body trembled, only feeling that something behind him seemed to be staring at him, slowly turning his head, and a picture that made it frightened appeared in his eyes.

In the gray space, there was a huge and boundless red gold divine dragon.

It resembles a sacred mountain of red gold.

Next to the red gold divine dragon, there are several golden divine dragons.

"That's a real dragon ??"

At this moment, the dragon soul of the black jiao was trembling, and an unprecedented fear appeared in his heart, as well as horror.

Everything in front of it was beyond its realization, making it feel extremely frightened.

At this moment, the red gold divine dragon slowly opened his eyes.

The black jiao only felt a roar in his brain, and then his whole consciousness fell into darkness.

If Ye Xiaofan was here, he could see that the dragon soul of the black jiao was slowly dissipating.

After its dragon soul dissipated, the eyes of the red gold divine dragon slowly closed.

Outside, Ye Xiaofan worried for a long time, but found that there was no change in his body.

Did I overthink it?" he


"Forget it, don't care. Then

he took the Dragon Ball out and gently placed it on the ground.

The Black Dragon Ball is huge, like a round hill.

Looking at the black dragon ball in front of him, Ye Xiaofan's eyes showed excitement.

His punch just now did not aim at the dragon's head, precisely for this dragon ball.

The demon pills of the demon beasts of the inscription realm can make him increase a lot of strength, so wouldn't the demon pills of this ancient demon be more powerful.

Ye Xiaofan punched out.

The Dragon Ball shattered in response and turned into countless pieces.

Ye Xiaofan picked up one of the pieces and stuffed it into his mouth.


It's like chewing an old popsicle.

That's called a crisp.

A large piece of Dragon Ball was quickly eaten by him.

After eating, Ye Xiaofan only felt that a majestic energy appeared out of thin air in his body, swimming among the hundreds of limbs.

The next moment, a familiar gray space appeared in front of you.

The red gold divine dragon in front of him was still so domineering.

Next to it, golden energy gathered, followed by golden divine dragons condensing out of thin air.

After a while, nearly a hundred golden divine dragons were condensed.

"I leaned, this is sent.

Ye Xiaofan was in ecstasy, he had just eaten a small fragment and condensed so many golden divine dragons.

If you eat it all, you must not condense a red gold divine dragon again.

Then consciousness retreated.

Ye Xiaofan put all the Dragon Ball fragments in front of him into the storage ring.

These are the crystallization of Hei Jiao's lifelong cultivation, and they are extremely precious.

"Hehe, eat slowly later.

Ye Xiaofan laughed, and then looked at the two huge dragon corpses.

"Depends, how do you take it this big?"

he was a little troubled.

Suddenly, he thought of the dragon pattern black gold ding just now.

"Wouldn't that be a treasure too?" his

gaze searched around, and then he found the figure of the dragon-patterned black gold ding in the distance.

He stepped on the ground and rushed towards the Dragon Pattern Black Gold Ding.

Before and after getting closer, Ye Xiaofan looked at the dragon pattern black gold ding that was larger than the mountain, and he was a little surprised in his heart.

"What kind of treasure is this, can it become so big!?" He

jumped to the top of the dingkou, looked down into the dingkou, but found that it was pitch black, as if it contained a mysterious power, and he couldn't see anything.

After thinking about it, Ye Xiaofan bit his fingertip and dripped a drop of blood on the top wall.

"I don't know if this blood is useful for confessing the Lord?"

he muttered softly, feeling a little bottomless in his heart.

What made Ye Xiaofan feel happy was that the blood melted into the top wall and quickly disappeared.

"Huh, it seems to work.

He was pleasantly surprised, and then began to wait for the other party to confess the Lord.

But after waiting for a long time, the big ding under his feet did not react at all.

"What's the matter, is it that there is less blood?" Ye

Xiaofan was suspicious for a while, and then bit off a finger and dripped blood towards the top of the wall.

The blood was quickly absorbed by the pitch-black wall.

Ye Xiaofan continued to wait, but there was still no reaction.

"Damn, I don't believe I can't subdue you today. Ye

Xiaofan got angry and bit all 10 of his fingers, causing blood to drip continuously onto the wall.

Visible to the naked eye, Yin Hong's blood was continuously absorbed by Dingbi.

It wasn't until Ye Xiaofan felt that his body was a little collapsed that he stopped dripping blood.

As his mind moved, the wound on his finger healed instantly.

By the way, Ye Xiaofan's body has not been able to be injured at present except for his own destruction.

"It should be useful this time.

Ye Xiaofan's eyes showed expectation, feeling that he was so sincere, he would definitely make this mouth recognize him as the master.

But after waiting for a long time, there was still no fart reaction.


Ye Xiaofan almost cursed in anger, ready to jump down and leave here.

But the more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and he simply turned around and unfastened his trouser belt.

"Damn it, if you are not kind, don't blame me for being unrighteous. "

The next moment, snow-white water spray shot out.

At this moment, a verse is the most appropriate way to describe it.

The stream plummeted 3,000 feet.

It is suspected that the Milky Way fell for nine days.

In the internal space of the dragon pattern black gold ding, there is a small black dragon, which is the instrument spirit of the dragon pattern black gold ding.

At the moment it looked intoxicated.

"Ah, what kind of fairy taste is this, it's so delicious, and it can recover from injuries, no, I have to drink more before the kid reacts."

Suddenly, it felt another liquid falling from above, and quickly opened its dragon's mouth, its eyes slowly closed, ready to enjoy the delicious taste that was about to come to its mouth.

"Well, why is the taste a little wrong this time? how is it a little astringent, and why so much?" the

black little dragon was suspicious in his heart, and quickly opened his eyes.

When I saw the yellowish liquid, and a smell of urine coming from the tip of my nose.

The black dragon seemed to understand something, and quickly moved his mouth away, vomiting into the air.

Outside, when Ye Xiaofan was halfway through urinating, the big ding under him suddenly trembled violently, and he flew out directly.

"Depend, Xiaowang Eight Calves, you engage in sneak attacks, don't talk about martial virtue. An

angry and corrupted voice suddenly sounded.

The big black ding suddenly flipped over, turning the mouth down, as if he wanted to shake something out, but there was nothing.

Ye Xiaofan looked surprised: "Lying groove, this dog thing can actually talk?" The

dragon pattern black gold ding shook for a long time and saw that there was no effect, so it flipped over again and fell to the ground with a bang.

A human face appeared above the wall, and you can see that there is boundless anger above the face.

A pair of eyes glared angrily at Ye Xiaofan.

"Little Wang Baegg, you actually dare... Dare..." The

face squirmed, and a voice came out that was almost mad with anger.

Ye Xiaofan was puzzled for a while, wondering why the other party was so angry?

He tentatively asked: "That, you shouldn't have drunk me just now..."

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