"Little Wang Eight Calves, Benxian fought with you. The

Dragon Pattern Black Gold Ding was even more angry and crashed towards Ye Xiaofan.

Ye Xiaofan quickly dodged, shouting at the same time.

"You can't blame me for this, who called you Ya didn't react for a long time. And I'm a boy pee, very rare, you don't suffer.

As soon as his words came out, the dragon pattern black gold ding not only did not stop, but became even more angry.

"Ah, ah, little king eight calves, this immortal is going to smash your corpse into ten thousand pieces. Seeing

the dragon pattern black gold ding crashing towards him again, Ye Xiaofan was also a little angry.

"Wang Baegg, don't go too far, don't think that I dare not beat you.

"Bah, this immortal crisscrosses the heavens and realms, will you be afraid of you a little king and eight calves?"


Xiaofan slammed into the dragon pattern black gold ding.

When there was a sound, the dragon pattern black gold ding was slapped and flew out fiercely.

"I'll go, is this thing so hard?

Ye Xiaofan's eyes lit up, the force of the blow he had just made was not small, and he couldn't break through the defense.

With a bang, the dragon pattern black gold ding smashed into the distance, smashing the ground out of a big pit.

"I lean, why is this little king eight calves so strong?" a

scolding voice came from the ding.

Subsequently, the dragon pattern black gold ding tried a few more times, and seeing that he couldn't help Ye Xiaofan, he could only give up.

"Little Wang Baegg, count you ruthless, today's Qiu Benxian has written it down. The

dragon pattern black gold ding quickly shrunk, and then turned into a black light and prepared to leave.

Ye Xiaofan's eyes were quick, grabbed a dingjie, and sneered: "Dog thing, you sucked so much blood from me, and you still want to run, really my blood doesn't want money?"


, who was one person tall, continued to tremble, wanting to break free from Ye Xiaofan's hands, but he was never able to do so.

"Stop shouting, push again, believe it or not, I'll throw you into the pit." Ye Xiaofan threatened viciously, and at the same time slapped twice on the top wall.

The dragon pattern black gold ding suddenly became honest, and seemed to be frightened.

Ye Xiaofan smiled and said, "That's right, in the future, I will obediently follow Uncle Ben." The

dragon pattern black gold ding spread a disdainful voice: "Boy, this immortal iron bone, how can he give others as a slave."

Ye Xiaofan pouted: "Less pretend here, didn't you just recognize that black dragon as the master?"

Ye Xiaofan's face was suspicious: "Then why did you suddenly wake up again?"

Needless to say, Ye Xiaofan had already thought of it, and said with a smile: "As long as you follow me, I will feed you a drop of blood every day in the future, how?"

"Two drops. Ye Xiaofan increased the chips.

The dragon pattern black gold ding did not respond, it seemed that he couldn't see it.

"Three drops. Still

no response.

"Four drops. Ye Xiaofan continued to increase his chips.

"Five drops... Nine drops, ten drops!" Ye

Xiaofan added ten drops in a row, but the big ding in his hand still did not respond, and he was a little angry and corrupted.

"Did I guess wrong?"

muttered Ye Xiaofan in his heart, but what he didn't know was that in the inner space of the dragon pattern black gold ding, the black dragon had already blossomed with laughter, and the entire dragon trembled with joy.

"Calm down, wait for that kid to add more. It

forcibly calmed down, with strong anticipation in its eyes.

But it turned out to be a scolding.

"Damn it, it seems that I still threw you into the pit." The

black little dragon immediately cursed angrily: "Little Wang Eight Calves, you dare."

Ye Xiaofan sneered: "Hehe, you wait, then you will know if Laozi dares or not." The

dragon pattern black gold ding suddenly relented: "Little brother, don't be impulsive, for your sake, Benxian will temporarily follow you."

Ye Xiaofan scoffed: "Hehe, don't some guys call themselves iron-boned?"

Ye Xiaofan snorted and said lightly: "Sorry, I was joking just now."

After saying this, he felt the big ding in his hand tremble.

"Xiao Wang Eight Calves, Ben Xian will fight with you even if he enters the Mao Pit today.

Ye Xiaofan hurriedly appeased: "Brother Ding, just kidding, don't take it so seriously." The

dragon pattern black gold ding snorted, did not speak, obviously still angry.

Ye Xiaofan continued to appease, and it took a while for the two sides to reach a settlement.

"Brother Ding, what do you call it?"

Ye Xiaofan slapped Xiao Ding with the baby in his hand.

"Ben Xianxing does not change his name, he does not change his surname, Long Aotian is also. Hearing

this proud voice, Ye Xiaofan's expression was strange.

The name makes it a bit of....

"It turned out to be Brother Aotian, lucky will be lucky.

"Boy, what's your name?"

Ye Xiaofan looked solemn, and his face was full of pride and spoke: "This seat Ye Arc seeks defeat." "

This name is actually even more windy than Benxian's... Dragon Pattern Black Gold Ding complained in his heart, but on the surface he was silent, and commented lightly: "Well, it's a pretty good name, but it's still far worse than Benxian's name."


Xiaofan was speechless for a while, and didn't bother to explain, and then asked: "I want to put away that black jiao's corpse, I don't know if Brother Aotian has a way?"


saying that, the dragon pattern black gold ding suddenly became larger, the ding mouth aimed at the two huge dragon corpses, a suction force came out, the two dragon corpses were suddenly sucked into the mouth and disappeared, and then the dragon pattern black gold ding became smaller again.

Ye Xiaofan caught the dragon pattern black gold ding that flew over, and said in amazement: "Brother Aotian, can you also store objects in your body?"


Just blow it... Ye Xiaofan secretly pouted, and did not bother to respond, ready to put Xiaoding into the storage ring.

But the dragon pattern black gold ding seemed to know what he thought, and suddenly turned into a black light, disappeared into his body and disappeared.

"Can it still be like this?" Ye

Xiaofan was a little surprised, then he discerned the direction and rushed towards the direction where the main peak was.

Although he can't fly, with every jump, he can run a distance of 10 kilometers, or even farther, and the speed is not slower than flying.

The dragon pattern black gold ding rushed in Ye Xiaofan's body for a while, and before he knew it, he went to the gray space.

"Huh, this is ??"

It looked around, and soon saw the huge and boundless red gold divine dragon and those golden divine dragons.

The Dragon Pattern Black Gold Ding trembled violently, and a terrified sound came from the mouth of the Ding.

"This is..."

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