After a while, Ye Xiaofan came to the location of the main peak.

Seeing him return alone, the hearts of all the forces trembled, and their eyes showed horror.

The other party came back alone, and there was only one result, that ancient demon was dead.

"Haha, I know that the master is through heaven and earth, and will definitely return."

Centipede Zhixing's face was full of excitement, and his voice was full of respect for Ye Xiaofan.

Xiong Bold looked disdainful, and said in his heart that you didn't say that just now.

It turned out that when Ye Xiaofan fell from a height earlier, the two demon kings were afraid of being affected, and they broke away from Ye Xiaofan at the first time.

After Ye Xiaofan left, the two demon kings were not hiding, and they converged with the big black dog for the first time.

Seeing Xiao Fan's delay in returning before, Centipede Zhixing and Xiong Bold, who had just recognized the Lord, inevitably had a hint of the idea of finding another way out.

Qin Feng and the three of them breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts.

"It is worthy of being a senior, and even the Ancient Great Demon is not an opponent.

Su Wan'er sighed softly, once again recognizing Ye Xiaofan's strength.

The old hen snorted softly: "It also needs to be said that since I knew the master, he has not failed a single time." From

its voice, he could hear that he had great respect for Ye Xiaofan.

Ye Xiaofan jumped a few times and came to the front of the Demon Township Tower.

"This thing must be a treasure too."

He muttered in a low voice, ready to spill blood to confess the Lord, but listened to the voice of the dragon pattern black gold ding ringing in his mind.

"Boy, don't work in vain, this town demon tower belongs to Shushan, and it has been sacrificed by that group of old things for countless years, don't think about it.

Ye Xiaofan was a little unconvinced, and dripped a drop of blood on it, but there was no reaction, and the blood did not integrate into the tower.

He was a little disappointed, didn't try again, turned and walked towards the big black dog.

What he didn't notice was that the moment he turned around, the drop of blood was slowly disappearing, and finally all merged into the Demon Township Tower.

"Damn, I'm hungry after beating for a long time.

Ye Xiaofan touched his stomach, thinking of the black jiao corpse in the ding, his eyes suddenly lit up.

He immediately summoned the Dragon Pattern Black Gold Ding and asked it to take out the black jiao corpse.

The dragon pattern black gold ding instantly became larger and spit out the dragon tail in it.

Then it shrunk back into Ye Xiaofan's body.

When the big black dog saw this scene, they all looked envious.

Damn, this is called a real Lingbao.

The forces in the distance were also full of envy.

But they also only dare to envy, and do not dare to give birth to other thoughts.

Ye Xiaofan took out a few large iron pots from the storage room and instructed Qin Feng: "Find a way to make some water, let's taste what dragon meat tastes like today." Several

people were overjoyed when they heard this, and their eyes showed strong expectation.

This is dragon meat, and it is also dragon meat at the level of the ancient demon.

Although some dragons have evolved above the blue star, they are simply not comparable to the previous black moth.

The former has not only grown dragon horns, but has also evolved into three claws, and the level is obviously many times higher.

Ye Xiaofan came to the corpse of the dragon and glanced at it a few times: "How do you cut this thing?"

After thinking about it, he took out the rusty iron sword from the storage ring.

"Hope this thing works. He

swung his iron sword and slashed down fiercely.


except for cutting out a white mark, the egg is useless.

"Lean, what a broken thing.

Ye Xiaofan cursed angrily, ready to throw away the iron sword.

"Boy, the spirit of this demon slashing sword is sealed, you don't even input spiritual power, you also want to use it?" Hearing

the mocking voice of the dragon pattern black gold ding, Ye Xiaofan's mind was full of black lines.

He wanted to use spiritual power, but the key was that there was no such thing.

He immediately beckoned to the big black dog.

The big black dog ran over quickly: "Master, what are your orders?" "

Using this sword requires spiritual power, you can use it." The

big black dog was overjoyed when he heard this, and quickly took the demon sword.

Just as it was excitedly injecting spiritual power into it, the Demon Slashing Sword suddenly burst into a brilliant black light, directly shocking it out.

"Depend, what's going on?"

Ye Xiaofan's face was full of doubt.

"Hahaha, boy, do you want to laugh at Ben Xian, actually let a demon beast use the demon sword, that stupid dog was not shocked to death is already shit luck.

Ye Xiaofan's mind was full of black lines, and he was a little angry: "Do you know why you didn't say it earlier?"

Ye Xiaofan was too lazy to argue with an instrument spirit, and stepped forward to check the injuries of the big black dog.

It was found that he was covered in blood, and it was obvious that the injury was not light.

He hurriedly took out a large pile of treasure medicine from the storage ring and fed it, but it was of little use.

Ye Xiaofan was a little anxious: "Dog, don't die." Jin

Wanjin and the other pets and Qin Feng quickly rushed up.

"Senior, what happened to him?"

Qin Feng's voice was worried, although the big black dog was very unreliable, it was also his master no matter what.

Ye Xiaofan kept his face calm and did not say a word.

Suddenly, he thought of the dragon ball fragment, and quickly took a piece as large as a porcelain bowl and stuffed it into the mouth of the big black dog.

Halfway through the stuffing and then stopping abruptly, he took it back and forcefully wrenched it into two pieces, feeding the small one into the big black dog's mouth.

"Eat it, it's a good thing. "

Needless to say, the big black dog also felt it.

With the last of his strength, he swallowed the Dragon Ball fragments.

The next moment, the body of the big black dog suddenly trembled.

It only felt a furious energy swimming through its body.

"Wang!" A

dog bark shocked the earth, and the big black dog instantly returned to its appearance as a demon beast and turned into a big black dog comparable to a mountain.

A furious aura rushed out from its body, and terrifying waves of qi spread out, and everyone except Ye Xiaofan was blown back.

The next moment, the body of the big black dog began to crack, and blood shot out, staining the hair red.

"Brother Black Emperor, what's wrong?" Jin Wanjin's face was shocked.

Ye Xiaofan was also extremely worried, and quickly asked in his mind what happened to the dragon pattern black gold ding?

"You kid is really a tiger, this little dog is only inscribed in the realm, you actually dare to give it the demon pill of the ancient demon, fortunately it eats less, otherwise the violent energy can definitely support it."

Ye Xiaofan almost cursed angrily.

Damn, since you know why didn't you say it earlier.

"Da Hei, hold on, you can definitely do it.

Ye Xiaofan cheered for the big black dog, his eyes full of worry.

Big black dogs are different from other pets.

It was a close family member who had accompanied him for more than twenty years.

The big black dog not only saved Ye Xiaoman, but also saved him.

When the aura had just revived, Ye Xiaofan was an ordinary person, and several times he encountered danger, and it was the big black dog that saved him.

The forces in the distance were also taken aback by this sudden scene.

Among the military, someone exclaimed: "This breath, is it the big black dog that saved Base City last time?" Qin

Zhentian suddenly looked at the person who spoke and asked: "Are you sure?

Qin Ruyu exclaimed: "So, that existence also lives in the base city??"

In the Western Base City, there were actually such masters hidden

!!! Qin Zhentian did not care about the exclamations around him at all, he suddenly thought of something.

At the beginning, Xiao Qianjue told him that someone had raised the Golden Toad Demon King.

At that time, he did not believe it and directly denied it.

Because he understood the strength of the Golden Toad Demon King, he felt that that kind of existence could not be nurtured by people.

But if it is the one in front of you, it seems that the Raising Demon King is not a rare thing.

Even if he raised the Demon Emperor, he would not find it strange.

"Shouldn't there be any connection between the two?" Thinking

of this, his heart trembled, and he couldn't wait to immediately return to Base City to find Xiao Luoli to confirm.


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