"Da Hei, you must not be fine.

Ye Xiaofan's voice was full of worry.

The body of the big black dog was still cracking, and the red blood spilled all over the sky, staining the pitch-black hair.

"This emperor has not become an immortal and an ancestor, how can he die?"

the big black dog roared, and the sound shook Jiuxiao.

It tries its best to control the violent energy in its body and refine it.

With its unremitting persistence, the injury was finally brought under control and the body stopped cracking.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xiaofan was slightly relieved in his heart.

Soon after, the breath of the big black dog began to become majestic, and then climbed.

Phoenix Ji was surprised: "This breath is the peak of the Inscription Realm, when did it break through?" Jin

Wanjin also pretended to be surprised: "That is, when did Brother Black Emperor break through?

"Could it be too coincidental?" it whispered in his heart.

The forces in the distance were also shocked.

Qin Zhentian smiled bitterly: "It is actually the peak of the Inscription Realm, I really dare not imagine that in the base city, there is such a strong person hidden, I didn't even notice it before."

Qin Ruyu comforted: "Dad, I can't blame you for this, if such a strong person wants to hide, don't talk about you, even Grandpa Jiang doesn't want to find out."

Jiang Lao nodded helplessly: "That's true. As

time went on, the aura on the big black dog became more and more terrifying, and it kept climbing upward.

It seems that some barrier has been breached.

A terrifying aura permeated from the big black dog.

This breath is much stronger than before.

"Is this breath beyond the inscription realm!?"

someone exclaimed, his eyes full of incredulity.

Before this, everyone had not heard of anyone who had transcended the inscription realm.

They actually saw and witnessed this scene with their own eyes.

At this moment, in the sea of knowledge of the big black dog, a demon pill is emitting brilliant light, and the heaven and earth inscriptions on it are constantly squirming, and finally slowly condensed together, turning into a mini puppy with a big palm.

That's its baby.

Above the inscription realm, is the Yuan baby.

At the moment when the Yuan baby took shape, the breath on the big black dog's body became more majestic, and the injuries on the body surface also recovered quickly.

The hair keeps falling out, and then new hairs grow.

The new hair is darker and shinier, like the finest satin.

After a while, the breath of the big black dog stabilized.

At this moment, it looks like it has been given a new lease of life.

Not only is the hair shinier, but the body shape is also more burly and powerful.

The big black dog quickly shrunk its body, jumped in front of Ye Xiaofan, and said happily: "Master, what good things did you just give me to eat?"

Ye Xiaofan slapped his hand on its brain, and said angrily: "You are a dog who does not have a long memory, you almost died just now, and you dare to worry." The

big black dog grinned, and there was a hint of palpitation in his eyes.

I almost almost died just now.

Jin Wanjin also came up: "Master, bring me a little too." Seeing

this scene, several other pets also came together, all wanting the Dragon Ball fragments.

Although it is very dangerous, who can endure the temptation to break through the inscription realm.

"Stew dragon meat first, and talk about it when we go back."

Ye Xiaofan rolled his eyes, didn't pay attention to a few guys, and turned to look at Su Dinghua: "Old man, you come and try it with this demon slashing sword."

Su Dinghua was a little afraid, after all, the big black dog was not lightly injured just now.

Ye Xiaofan comforted: "Don't be afraid, this sword is called the Demon Slashing Sword, and it can only be used by humans."

Su Dinghua breathed a sigh of relief, stepped forward to take the demon sword, and under Ye Xiaofan's guidance, injected spiritual power into it.

But the demon slashing sword did not react.

"Senior, this is ???" Su Dinghua was a little confused.

Ye Xiaofan was also very confused, and quickly asked in his mind what happened to the dragon pattern black gold ding?

"This little old man is too weak, you can find another human in the inscription realm to try." Dragon Pattern Black Gold Ding immediately gave feedback.

"Your body is somewhat weak, and when you have time another day, I will stew you another ten complete soup to make up for it."

Ye Xiaofan patted Su Dinghua's shoulder, then took the demon sword back, and turned to look at the major forces in the distance.

Su Dinghua looked dazed, and he didn't understand what Ye Xiaofan meant.

Centipede Zhixing stood up in time and explained: "Little old man, the master means that you are too weak to even use a sword.

Su Dinghua silently went to the corner on the side, and seemed to have suffered a lot of blows.

Su Wan'er hurriedly stepped forward to comfort.

Ye Xiaofan's gaze swept for a while, and finally stopped his gaze on a red dress and a hot blood rose.

"That chick in the red dress, come here. He

hooked his finger at the Blood Rose.

The body of the blood rose in the distance trembled, and her heart was a little scared.

After hesitating for a while, he still flew towards Ye Xiaofan.

Before and after coming closer, he first saluted Ye Xiaofan respectfully, and then asked carefully: "Senior, what are your orders?" Ye Xiaofan

smiled kindly: "Don't be afraid, I am a very gentle person and never bully the weak." Blood

Rose's eyes were stunned, and she subconsciously thought of the previous things, and the corners of her mouth twitched slightly.

I really don't know how the other party has the face to say such words?"

"Here, take this sword and go and cut the dragon over there for me." Blood

Rose took the demon sword and walked towards the dragon corpse.

She injected spiritual power into the Demon Slashing Sword, and it was not until the spiritual power was almost exhausted that the Demon Slashing Sword had a reaction.

Blood Rose raised the demon sword and slashed it down hard.

The dragon corpse was cut off a small piece.

The demon sword fell to the ground, Blood Rose's face was pale, and her forehead was dripping with sweat.

Just before, her whole body collapsed.

Ye Xiaofan patted the other party's shoulder and admonished: "Little girl, your body is too weak, you still have to pay more attention in the future, some things, or just enough, doing too much is very hurtful to the body." Blood

Rose was stunned for a moment, but then reacted.

His face suddenly turned red, and his eyes were full of shame.

Bastard king bastard, the old lady is still ice and jade, pay attention to a ghost.

She cursed in her heart, but on the surface she had to nod respectfully: "Much... Thank you seniors for reminding me, I will pay attention when I go back.

Ye Xiaofan smiled and bowed: "For your sake, I'll stay and drink soup later." The

blood rose suddenly showed excitement, it was the flesh and blood of the ancient demon, and it was definitely beneficial to eat it.

"Thank you, senior. Her face was full of gratitude.

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