Western Base City, in a more secluded courtyard.

Blood Rose hung up the phone, her brows furrowed slightly.

Just now, he reported Ye Xiaofan's information.

The leader was extremely shocked when he learned this, and asked her to investigate in detail, and it was best to get in touch with Ye Xiaofan.

Through the big black dog, Blood Rose also guessed that Ye Xiaofan was hiding in the Western Base City.

But the population of Western Base City is tens of millions, where is she going to find it?

Isn't this tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack?

And she couldn't get official help.

Just as she was frowning and pondering, a subordinate walked in and reported: "Chief, there is a yellow killer who said that he has something to report to you. Blood

Rose was a little impatient: "Yellow word killer, what big can it be?" Let him not bother me.

The subordinate hesitated for a moment and said, "Chief, the other party has said that it is a very important and important matter, and I must personally report it to you." Blood

Rose's brows furrowed deeper, and she said coldly: "Let him in, I want to see what is wrong?" The

men turned and left the courtyard, and soon after walked in with a young man who looked like Sven.

"I've seen the chief." The young man Sven bowed slightly to the blood rose.

If Ye Xiaofan was here, he would definitely be able to recognize the man in front of him.

Because it was the killer named Black Impermanence who failed to assassinate him last time.

Blood Rose said lightly: "Say, what's the matter?" Black

Impermanence organized the language and spoke: "Leader Qiyu, I have discovered a senior hidden in the base city, I want to talk to the leader, let the killers in our organization take over the task in the future, don't provoke that senior."

Blood Rose scoffed, "So you came to me for this little thing?"

In her opinion, the western base is worth noting, and there are only a few people.

Except for the few bigwigs in the military and the owners of several chaebols, as long as the others give enough price, there is nothing to be reluctant to.

No, now it seems to have added another bit.

She suddenly thought of Ye Xiaofan, and thought of the hidden predecessor power that Hei Impermanence said.

At this time, he heard Hei Impermanence say: "But that senior's power is really extraordinary. Blood

Rose didn't dare to be careless, and asked, "How is it not ordinary, you can talk about it."

Hei Impermanence's face was solemn: "That senior raised several demon kings, and I also saw the helmsman of the Su family come to visit him." Blood

Rose's eyes froze, and she immediately asked, "What demon king did he raise?" Hei

Impermanence did not dare to hide it, and said a few pets raised by Ye Xiaofan.

After hearing that the other party had a big black dog, Blood Rose's expression was lifted, and she was already eighty percent sure in her heart, and she endured the excitement and said: "Quick, tell me everything you know, remember, I want all, and it must be detailed." "

Black Impermanence is a little confused, why is the former so excited?

But he did not dare to hide it, and immediately told it.

It turned out that not long ago, Hei Impermanence took over the task issued by the Zhang family to assassinate Ye Xiaoman.

With the lesson of the last time, Hei Impermanence became extremely careful in doing things.

He investigated Ye Xiaoman's situation in detail and learned that the other party was Tianjiao of the Southern District Martial Arts Academy, and also learned that the other party lived in the Nanshan villa area.

This immediately aroused his vigilance, and he felt that Ye Xiaoman's background might not be ordinary.

So, he entered the Nanshan villa area as a security guard.

Because there are many masters living in the Nanshan villa area, he does not dare to sneak in at will.

In the name of patrolling, he secretly observed Ye Xiaoman, and found that the other party lived in villa No. 1 on the top of the mountain.

Later, he was even more shocked to find out that the other party was actually Ye Xiaofan's sister.

This almost didn't scare him to death, fortunately he didn't have the impulse, otherwise this time he would definitely die.

Because of curiosity, he observed for a few more days, and as a result, he accidentally saw the picture of Su Dinghua and Su Wan'er going to visit Ye Xiaofan, and immediately determined that Ye Xiaofan's origin was not simple.

After returning, he thought about reporting this matter to the organization, lest some unlucky killer accidentally receive a task related to that one like him.

After listening to Hei Impermanence's story, Blood Rose's eyes showed excitement, and she was 100% sure that the senior's power in the former's mouth was the existence in the ruins.

"You're doing a good job."

Blood Rose looked appreciative, and ordered the female killer next to him: "Peony, bring him down to cultivate as the heir of the organization."

"Yes, Chief."

The female killer bowed her head gently, and then left with a confused black impermanence.

"It's really hard to find a place to step on iron shoes, and it doesn't take any effort to get it."

Blood Rose whispered, and then the figure flashed and disappeared into the distance.


Soon after, she came outside Villa One.

Taking a deep breath, she rang the doorbell.

After a while, the door was opened, and a bald head poked out.

When she saw the familiar face in front of her, Blood Rose's eyes froze, and she couldn't help but think of what happened, and then smiled bitterly.

She really guessed correctly, the bald young man who wanted to catch him as an errand maid was the one who came later.

After all, besides the other party, who can fight that kind of terrifying attack?

And the panda that followed him.

It's just that there were too many changes at that time, and I didn't think too much about it.

Ye Xiaofan looked surprised: "Why are you?" Without

saying a word, Blood Rose bowed to Ye Xiaofan and saluted: "I have seen the senior."

Ye Xiaofan's eyebrows jumped slightly, wondering why he was exposed again?

He was a little suspicious: "How do you know I live here?" Blood

Rose did not dare to hide it and told the truth about the situation.

When he learned that the Zhang family had asked someone to assassinate Ye Xiaoman, Ye Xiaofan's face suddenly became cold.

Seeing that his face was wrong, Blood Rose immediately said: "If the seniors don't dislike it, the younger ones of the Zhang family are willing to do it for them."

Ye Xiaofan looked wary: "You are so diligent, shouldn't it be for another purpose?" Blood

Rose quickly explained: "Senior, you misunderstood, I just simply worship you."

Ye Xiaofan's eyes lit up: "How much worship?" Would you like to get you an autograph? The

corners of Blood Rose's mouth twitched secretly, and she found that some could not keep up with the rhythm of the other party.

"Nope... Not required. She said with a forced smile.

Ye Xiaofan frowned: "Do you still want to take a group photo?"

"I don't usually take pictures with people, but for your sake, I'll take a picture of you."

After speaking, regardless of whether Blood Rose agreed or not, he took out his mobile phone, put his arm around the other party's shoulders, and came to an intimate group photo.

"Here, add a friend, I'll send it to you."

Blood Rose took out her mobile phone in a daze, added a friend with Ye Xiaofan, and received the group photo.

Looking at the confused self in the photo, Blood Rose was a little speechless.

Then she subconsciously clicked on Ye Xiaofan's avatar, checked the information and circle of friends, and just saw the latest news posted by the other party, and then the whole person was not good.

The dynamic content is, My pretty maid....


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