The corners of Blood Rose's mouth twitched, wanting to say something, but she was afraid that she would anger Ye Xiaofan, and in the end she could only treat it as if she didn't see it.

"So, senior, can I go in and sit?" She asked cautiously.

"Of course." Ye Xiaofan looked enthusiastic: "Please inside."

As soon as she entered the hospital, several terrifying eyes came over.

"Hey, it's this woman!"

The eyes of the big black dog and Jin Wanjin flashed with surprise at the same time.

They are fairly familiar with blood roses.

After all, there have been contacts.

Blood Rose also saw both, and couldn't help but think of what happened, and the corners of her mouth twitched secretly.

At the same time, he glanced at Ye Xiaofan without a trace.

Sure enough, the owner and the pet are a virtue... She silently complained in her heart, but did not show the slightest thing on the surface.

The fish dragon flew over and said curiously: "Master, who is this girl??" "

It's the only one who doesn't know the Blood Rose.

Ye Xiaofan casually explained: "She is my female fan.

After he said that, he walked towards the villa, ready to bring some fruits out for entertainment.

Yuhualong looked the blood rose up and down, and said with a smile: "Woman, I see that you have such a bit of posture, how about coming over and making a concubine for this emperor?" The

corner of Blood Rose's mouth twitched, and here it was this again.

Without waiting for her to respond, Jin Wanjin, who was not far away, followed and said: "Little chick, don't pay attention to that stinky carp, go to the emperor and be a maid who warms the bed, the emperor will definitely take good care of you." The

corners of Blood Rose's mouth twitched violently, and just wanted to speak, but the big black dog not far away took the lead: "Woman, following a toad is not good, it is better to go to the emperor to be a pet, the emperor will take you to pretend to take you to fly." "

Blood Rose feels that the whole person is not good, what are these guys in front of you?

Just as she was sulking, she heard another voice.

"Beauty, they are not sincere enough, you follow me, be the wife of this emperor, and when this emperor becomes an immortal and an ancestor in the future, he will take you to travel to these heavens and realms."

It was Centipede Zhixing who spoke, and its dark centipede had a human smile on its face, and its eyes looked up and down but rose.

Except for the two women, Huang Ji and Bai Susu, the only one in the field who did not speak was Xiong Bold.

The latter doesn't seem interested in women or anything.

The blood rose silver teeth clenched, both fists clenched tightly, eager to rush up to give the four guys a few big mouths.

Just at this moment, Ye Xiaofan walked out of the villa with a fruit plate.

"Senior, I still have some things, come back to visit another day."

Blood Rose hugged her fists, turned around and quickly left here.

She didn't dare to stay any longer, otherwise she was afraid that she would really not be able to bear it.

Ye Xiaofan was a little confused, what is the situation?

I went into the house myself, why did I leave?

Could it be that he is blamed for his poor hospitality?

Seeing his doubts, Phoenix Ji immediately made a small report.

Ye Xiaofan was a little angry when he heard this: "You guys, how can you join forces to bully a little girl." The

big black dog was ashamed: "Master, how can this be called bullying?" This emperor obviously wants to lift her, that woman is not interesting today, and she will definitely regret it in the future.

Jin Wanjin and Yuhualong also followed closely and spoke: "Brother Black Emperor is right, that woman missed this precious opportunity and will regret it in the future." Huang

Ji and Bai Susu secretly pouted on the side, saying that a few guys could really blow.

I really thought you were masters too.

Ye Xiaofan was a little helpless, what kind of things did he raise here?

He brought the fruit plate back, and then thought of the Zhang family, and a coldness flashed in his eyes.

Originally, he had planned to ignore the earlier incident.

After all, this is in the base city, and it is not good to make a big fuss.

It is still necessary to give the military a little face.

But the other party did not know whether he was dead or alive, and dared to secretly look for the killer.

He looked at the group of pets, swept around and said to Huang Ji: "Xiaohong, you can help me do something later." "


On the other side, the more Blood Rose left, the more she thought about it, the angrier she became.

In the end, she simply killed the Zhang family.

This can not only vent the anger in his heart, but also please Ye Xiaofan.

Kill two birds with one stone.

The high-level members of the Zhang family were immediately brutally killed, and countless core disciples died at the hands of the blood rose.

Among them are Zhang Baishan and Zhang Zhibei.

The blood rose is now an inscription realm, and no one in the Zhang family can stop it at all.

For a time, heavy losses were made.

In the Zhangjia Manor, an old man with a crane hair shouted angrily: "Blood rose, what do you mean by this? I didn't offend you with my family. And you do this without fear of the wrath of the military? Blood

Rose sneered: "Your Zhang family did not offend me, but you offended people who should not be offended." Saying

that, her figure flashed and disappeared in an instant.

The old man was furious, and after this battle, his Zhang family could only be at the bottom of the four major chaebols, and it might even decline from then on.

"This hatred, the old man must repay it."

He gritted his teeth and prepared to go to the military to ask for an explanation.

On the other side, not long after Blood Rose left Zhang's house, she was stopped by the military coming.

After all, the previous fluctuations were so drastic that it was impossible for the military not to notice them.

Qin Zhentian, who was the leader, frowned and said, "Blood Rose, you actually blatantly killed people in the base city, is it really our military decoration?" Blood

Rose said lightly: "Don't be so excited, you will also do it."

Qin Zhentian's eyes froze: "What do you mean?" Blood

Rose said lightly: "Because he offended someone who shouldn't be offended, even if I don't make a move, that existence will take action to destroy the Zhang family."

Qin Zhentian was stunned and said in disbelief, "Are you talking about Senior Ye?" Blood

Rose's beautiful eyes widened slightly, but she immediately thought of Qin Feng, and immediately understood what was going on.

"Hehe, that person from the Zhang family actually dared to ask me the killer of the Night Rose to assassinate the sister of that senior, it was simply looking for death."

After speaking, no matter how Qin Zhentian reacted, a flash disappeared in place.

Seeing this, several military bigwigs wanted to pursue, but they were stopped by Qin Zhentian.


Several people looked puzzled, and only Xiao Qianjue understood what was going on.

Qin Zhentian's face was unprecedentedly gloomy: "Follow me to the Zhang family." A

group of people had just arrived outside the Zhang family, and the head of the Zhang family, the old man with the crane hair before, flew out.

After seeing Qin Zhentian and the others, he immediately said: "Sir, that blood rose has no king's law, and broke into my Zhang family in broad daylight to kill the ring, and I hope that the chief elder will be the master of my Zhang family."

Qin Zhentian's face was as gloomy as water, and he said coldly: "Take him down for me."

The old man was immediately stunned, and said in a deep voice: "What do you mean by this?"

Qin Zhentian said coldly: "Zhang Zhong, I know most of what your Zhang family has done over the years, but in order to make the Western Base City preserve its strength, I didn't care, but you killed yourself, then I can't blame me."

Zhang Zhong was even more confused, he didn't understand what the other party meant by this.

They haven't done anything lately, why did they die themselves?

He wanted to ask again, but Xiao Qianjue had already rushed over with several military bosses.

Now Xiao Qianjue has reached the inscription realm after eating the dragon meat, and he easily captured Zhang Zhong.

Then, under Qin Zhentian's orders, the rest of the core members of the Zhang family were also captured and brought back to the base city prison to prepare for interrogation one by one.

Until the end, the entire Zhang family did not know what had happened.

Okay, why did the military suddenly do something to them?


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