Centipede Zhixing looked unfathomable: "How about knowing a little?" Do you want to trade?

After hesitating for a long time, Phoenix Ji nodded slightly: "You said."

Centipede Zhixing did not tell you immediately, but said first: "You have to swear first, and it is the most ruthless oath, after getting the news, you must divide half of my resources, and you must not regret it."

Phoenix Ji frowned slightly: "What if the information you provided is useless?"

Centipede Zhixing smiled and said, "It's up to you to judge this."

Phoenix Ji nodded, and then swore solemnly in her voice: "I, Phoenix Ji, swear, if the information you provide is useful, the opportunity I got this time to go to Dragon Tiger Mountain will be divided among you, and if I violate it, I will not be able to become a true Phoenix in this life." "

Evolving into a true phoenix is Phoenix Ji's ultimate dream in this life.

It can be said that this is a poisonous oath.

Centipede Zhixing nodded slightly, and finally said: "Last time in Emei Mountain, that stinky toad and that dog secretly left for a while, saying that they went to do something private? What personal affairs do you think they can do in the secret realm?

Phoenix Ji's eyes froze, in fact, it had long been suspicious.

The man in black at the beginning was the peak of the Inscription Realm, and the big black dog also happened to be the peak of the Inscription Realm.

After that, the Yin and Yang Immortal Thief never appeared again, as if he disappeared out of thin air and never came to the secret realm.

This is strange no matter how you look at it.

It's just that because there is not enough evidence, it didn't think much about it later.

Now that it heard the news, it was a little more convinced in its heart.

The two people at the beginning were mostly the two old sixths of Big Black Dog and Jin Wanjin.

It's not surprising that both can do that kind of thing.

Because of all the pets, those two old six lack virtue the most.

It can be said that the two have completely obtained Ye Xiaofan's true biography.

Although saying this may be a little disrespectful to Ye Xiaofan.

But it is.

Phoenix Ji suppressed the thoughts in her heart and said lightly: "Sorry, I don't think your news can be worth the price you said."

Centipede Zhixing did not panic at all, and said with a smile: "Then I will give you another idea, maybe you can specify them with eighty percent certainty."

Phoenix Ji's heart moved slightly: "You said."

Centipede Zhixing spoke eloquently: "I dare to conclude that they will probably make a move this time, and you will leave a vague mark on some inconspicuous spirit treasures in advance, and when the time comes, when you come back, you will secretly check whether it is on them or not, everything will not be clear."

Phoenix Ji's eyes lit up, this is indeed a good way.

Centipede Zhixing continued: "If the thing is really on them at that time, you don't make a noise first, secretly tell the master, just say that if you know who is the Yin Yang Infinite Thief, the master will definitely ask who you are?" Just say that after telling him, can you get your share of chance back?

"I'm sure the master will definitely agree, you not only saved your chance, but also took revenge, it's the best of both worlds."

Phoenix Ji's eyes lit up, if he did what the other party said, there was a high chance that he could catch the two old sixths.

"Okay, I promise you."

Eventually, it agreed to the deal.

"Another point, you must not tell outsiders about this."

Centipede Zhixing instructed, and then left without a trace.

I was relieved to find that no one noticed me.

Both were secretly transmitted, plus kept a distance, so no one found out that the two had secretly made a deal.

Centipede Zhixing glanced at Jin Wanjin, who was chatting with the big black dog, and silently said in his heart: "Boss, you can't blame me, the centipede is not for itself, the sky is destroyed."

"Prepare well, let's leave tomorrow morning."

Ye Xiaofan ordered, and went into the house to cook.

Yuhualong looked into the distance, a flash of coldness flashed in his eyes, and whispered: "It's time to go back to the East China Sea." "


Early on the morning of the 2nd, Qin Feng, who had received the news, rushed over early.

After learning that he was going to Dragon Tiger Mountain, he couldn't sleep last night with excitement.

Ye Xiaofan checked the storage ring in detail again, and after finding that there was nothing missing, he immediately announced his departure.

The two and a group of demon beasts secretly left the base city.

On Ye Xiaoman's side, Ye Xiaofan directly sent a text message to the other party, saying that he was going on a business trip and would not come back in a few days.

Ye Xiaoman, who was fighting with demon beasts somewhere in Shushan, heard a mobile phone prompt.

After killing the demon beast, she took out her mobile phone to check.

"Brother is going out again, and he brought a pet??"

The girl frowned, and a hint of suspicion flashed in her eyes.

If you leave twice in a row, the other party will take the pets with you.

This is all strange no matter how you look at it.

And an ordinary person actually has to go on a business trip to other places.

This is also strange.

"Is there really something that the old brother is hiding from me?"

The girl had a pang of doubt in her heart.

She was young and ignorant before, and she didn't feel anything.

But lately, she always felt that something was wrong with her brother.

There are several main manifestations.

Every time you go far away, you have to take your pet with you, but you don't bring all of them, and you keep one at home every time.

It's like keeping it as a housekeeper.

If she left the big black dog at home, she could understand.

After all, dogs are housekeepers.

But what the hell is leaving a fish at home?

Can that thing watch the house?

In addition to this, it is also strange to travel to other places.

You know, Ye Xiaofan is just an ordinary person.

And the outside of the base city is dangerous, an ordinary person is very easy to encounter danger.

Even if there is a warrior to protect, it is a drag oil bottle.

Generally, if there is no special situation, when the warrior goes out, he will hardly take ordinary people with him.

She only recently learned this.

The most important point is that with the financial resources of the Su family, you can find any job at will, why do you have to let Ye Xiaofan go on a business trip outside as an ordinary person?

Aren't you afraid that the other party will be in danger?


Just as Ye Xiaoman was thinking about it, a flying demon beast rushed over from the oblique side.

A force of qi and blood struck, killing the flying demon beast on the spot.

Then a figure in white flew from the side.

"Xiao Man, what are you in a daze?"

The person who came was Su Qingxue.

Ye Xiaoman came back to his senses and subconsciously shook his head: "No... It's okay.

"Stinky old brother, you wait, I will definitely pick up all your secrets."

Ye Xianman thought secretly, and finally put away his thoughts and continued to hunt demon beasts.


On the other side, at the same time that Ye Xiaofan and the others rushed to Dragon Tiger Mountain.

The major forces of the two major base cities of Donghai and Jiangnan also rushed to Longhu Mountain one after another.

At the same time, the temples of the gods also acted secretly.

Deep in the East China Sea, somewhere in the valley, there is a crystal palace.

Around the palace, countless demon beasts with a powerful aura patrolled back and forth.

This place is the Dragon Palace of the Red Dragon Emperor, the overlord of the East China Sea.

At this moment, inside the palace, the Red Dragon Emperor, the head of the dragon, looked at the group of demon soldiers and demon generals below.

"How's it going?" A thick voice resounded in the hall.

A demon general with a crab head stepped forward and reported: "Your Majesty, everything is ready, just wait for your order, the army can go."

The Red Dragon Emperor bowed his head slightly: "Okay, as soon as the news from the human side comes, set off immediately." "


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