Ye Xiaofan and his group galloped all the way and soon entered the eastern region.

When he came to the Gannan region and wanted to approach Dragon Tiger Mountain, Ye Xiaofan said to the group of pets: "Let's go separate next."

Qin Feng was a little puzzled: "Senior, why is this?"

Ye Xiaofan explained, "Didn't your Laozi say that? If people from other places pass, it will cause hostility among the locals, and if we pass like this, eighty percent will cause unnecessary conflicts.

Qin Feng blinked.


With their strength, do you need to be afraid?

Seeing what he thought, Ye Xiaofan said angrily: "Haven't you heard of playing pig and eating tiger?" Let's hide the strength first, and then strike at the critical moment to make a blockbuster. Hearing

this, Qin Feng had roughly understood what Ye Xiaofan meant.

"Got it, senior."

Ye Xiaofan bowed his head lightly and ordered the group of pets: "You guys act separately, it's best to mix with other demon beast teams, don't let people see the clue."

The pets nodded, and then all separated.

Yuhualong and Bai Susu together, Big Black Dog and Qin Feng together, Jin Wanjin and Huang Ji acted alone.

As for Xiong Bold, he was naturally with Ye Xiaofan.

After the demons left, Ye Xiaofan immediately took out a variety of faces, changed his appearance, and transformed into a middle-aged Taoist priest with a fat body.

"Immeasurable Tianzun, Dragon Tiger Mountain, the poor road is coming."

He recited a sergeon with a mean smile on his face.

The bear on the side looked at it boldly and was surprised: "Master, what kind of treasure is this?"

Ye Xiaofan took out another one and handed it to Xiong Bold: "This is called a variety of faces, you can also wear it and try it." The

bear boldly first transformed into a human-animal form, then took the mask and put it on his face, transforming into a tall black-faced man.

"What kind of shape is this? Ugly dead, turn into a Taoist priest to see.

Ye Xiaofan said with a look of disgust.

Xiong boldly immediately changed his appearance and transformed into a tall burly Taoist priest.

"This is too strong, become a Dao boy."

Finally, at Ye Xiaofan's request, Xiong boldly turned into a little Daoist boy with red lips and white teeth and a round face.

Looking at the white and tender skin, Xiong Bold felt a pang of shame in his heart.

Thinking that it was the best man in Qinling, he actually became this weak look.

It's really hard to accept.

"Let's go."

Afterwards, the two continued to Longhu Mountain.

It finally arrived shortly after.

Ahead, a majestic mountain stands between heaven and earth, and above the peak, clouds and mist are shrouded.

The mountain is majestic and atmospheric, covered with verdant vegetation, like a green giant, standing between heaven and earth, giving people a strong sense of oppression.

Ye Xiaofan did not go directly up the mountain, but found a place to hide at the foot of the mountain.

Xiong was boldly puzzled: "Master, let's not go up?"

Ye Xiaofan shook his head: "No hurry, we need to find a local force together." "

When they go up now, the local forces ask them where they come from, and they can't say anything at all, and then there will only be unnecessary conflicts."

For the next few days, the two hid at the foot of the mountain.

During this period, I saw several waves of forces flying to the top of Dragon Tiger Mountain, including monster beasts and humans.

Every time a force came over, Ye Xiaofan would let Xiong boldly sense the strength of the other party.

Too strong naturally can't do, otherwise you can't fight in advance.

On the third day, Xiong Bold suddenly pointed to the two figures in the sky and said: "Master, those two are very strong, just them."

Ye Xiaofan looked in surprise, and sure enough, he saw two figures in the sky flying towards this side.

Doubts flashed in his eyes, and there were more than 10 people with the least forces in front of him.

Why are there only two people at the moment?

"Get them down for me." Ye Xiaofan immediately ordered.

Xiong nodded boldly, and when the two reached directly above, his big hand suddenly reached out and directly grabbed the two of them.

With two bangs, the two fell in front of Ye Xiaofan.

Looking at it, it was a middle-aged beautiful woman and a young girl.

The girl is about two decades old, with a double ponytail, a round face, plus not tall, looking a little cute and cute.

The middle-aged beauty has a plump figure, looks about 30, hair shawl, smooth and fair goose egg face, delicate facial features, is a rare beauty.

The eyes of the two were shocked, and the middle-aged beauty immediately blocked in front of the girl, and asked politely to Ye Xiaofan: "Dare... Dare to ask the two seniors are?

Ye Xiaofan held the dust in his hand and said with a smile: "Immeasurable Tianzun, the two of you are going to Dragon Tiger Mountain?" The

beautiful woman hesitated and nodded slightly.

Ye Xiaofan continued: "I'm waiting to come from afar, I don't know the way to Dragon Tiger Mountain, I wonder if I can go with the two of you? The

beautiful woman glanced at the majestic mountain in front of her, and then at Ye Xiaofan, her eyes were a little strange.

There is something wrong with the person in front of him.

Xiong boldly scolded: "The master asked you something, answer quickly." The

beautiful woman trembled, suddenly came back to her senses, and quickly nodded: "But... OK. "

Although I don't know what the purpose of the two people in front of me is?

But she knew very well that the strength of the two people in front of her was terrifying, and it was not something she could afford to offend.

The little Taoist priest with red lips and white teeth gave her a very dangerous feeling, and as for the middle-aged fat Taoist priest, it was even more terrifying.

She didn't feel any breath on the other party, just like a mortal.

"Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable, thank you two housekeepers."

Ye Xiaofan recited a word of passage, and then motioned for the two to lead the way ahead.

The two just wanted to fly, but were stopped by Ye Xiaofan: "The weather is so good, let's walk." The

two looked even more strange, and they all felt that Ye Xiaofan was afraid that there was no serious illness.

Although they were at a loss, the two did not dare to disobey.

Then the group of four walked towards the Dragon Tiger Mountain in front.

On the way, Ye Xiaofan was curious: "I wonder where the two laymen come from?" Who is the last name? The

middle-aged beauty hesitated and said: "Senior, my name is Xiong Cai'e, this is my niece Xiong Xinzhu, we are from Donghai Base City. Xiong

Da's eyes were surprised, and he was still the same as his family.

Ye Xiaofan nodded slightly, and also introduced himself: "Poor Dao Ye Tiande, this is my apprentice Pan Xiaocat." Xiong

Da's face froze, and he really wanted to refute it, but finally held back.

Xiong Xinzhu looked at Xiong Bold curiously, as if he didn't expect the former to have such a cute name.

Feeling the girl's gaze, Xiong boldly said viciously: "What to see?" Believe it or not, I beat you up.

The girl shrunk her neck in fright, and whispered in her heart: "What is fierce, isn't it just a few glances?" And no less meat.

Ye Xiaofan continued to ask, "Poor Dao heard that this Dragon Tiger Mountain is extremely dangerous, why don't you two bring more people?" Xiong

Cai'e and Xiong Xinzhu suddenly fell silent when they heard this, and the latter's eyes showed a trace of sadness, as if he had thought of something unhappy.

Ye Xiaofan's eyebrows wrinkled slightly: "What is the unspeakable hidden thing about the two housekeepers?"

Without waiting for Xiong Cai'e to speak, Xiong Xinzhu plopped down in front of Ye Xiaofan and pleaded, "Senior, you... Can you take me as an apprentice? Ye

Xiaofan was a little confused, and said in his heart, what is the situation?


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