Xiong Cai'e's face changed, and she quickly apologized to Ye Xiaofan: "Senior, Xinzhu is impulsive, don't be surprised." She

was really afraid that she would accidentally provoke Ye Xiaofan.

Ye Xiaofan waved his hand and stepped forward to help the girl up.

"Get up and talk."

After Xiong Xinzhu stood up, he continued to ask, "Why do you want to worship the poor road as a teacher?" Aren't you afraid that the poor are bad people?

Xiong Xinzhu raised his head, looked at Ye Xiaofan with clear eyes, and said seriously: "Don't be afraid, and I feel that you are a good person senior."

Ye Xiaofan was stunned, this was the first time someone said that he was a good person.

Meeting the girl's clear eyes without any impurities, Ye Xiaofan coughed and bowed his head gently: "You are right, the poor road has always been kind-hearted, and he never does anything that hurts heaven and reason." "

Master, doesn't your conscience hurt when you say this?

The bear next to him boldly pouted secretly.

If Ye Xiaofan is a good person, then there are no bad people in this world.

Xiong Xinzhu hoped and said, "Then... Can that senior give birth to me as an apprentice?

Meeting the girl's expectant eyes, Ye Xiaofan slowly shook his head: "Sorry, this gate only accepts male disciples." The

hope in Xiong Xinzhu's big eyes disappeared, and just when the girl was disappointed, she listened to Ye Xiaofan say.

"But I know some friends, I can introduce you to them, maybe they will take you as an apprentice."

The flame of hope lit up again in Xiong Xinzhu's eyes: "Really? Thank you seniors.

"A little thing, not enough to hang on."

Ye Xiaofan waved his hand gently, and his face was light.

Xiong Cai'e's eyes also showed gratitude and joy, Ye Xiaofan was so strong, his friend would naturally not be weak.

Then she did not hide it and said the reason.

It turned out that the two were members of the Xiong family of the third-rate family in Donghai Base City.

Speaking of which, this Xiong family is also a third-rate family, and the strength is not bad, there are not only a few Awakening Realm powerhouses in the family, but also an old master of the Cadre Divine Realm.

But just a year ago, everything changed.

Xiong Xinzhu has an older sister, named Xiong Xinting, who is a beautiful girl with good talent, who reached the Purple Mansion Realm at the age of 20 and successfully opened up three Purple Mansions.

Because of her beauty and talent, she attracted the attention of a young master of the first-class family Wang family.

The other party pursued Xiong Xinting, but was rejected, and became angry and angry, and gave Xiong Xinting a hard bow, and filmed a video threatening him not to say it.

But this Xiong Xinting is also a woman with a strong personality, unable to endure such humiliation, and directly committed suicide afterwards.

The Xiong family was extremely angry when they learned of this, and immediately went to the military, wanting to ask for an explanation for the dead Xiong Xinting.

But the Wang family was powerful, mobilized relations between all parties, and finally let this matter go away.

Not only that, half a year after the incident, the Wang family took revenge on the Xiong family.

Countless children lost contact while they went out, and some were ruthlessly assassinated at home.

Even the old master of the half-step Divine Realm was attacked and died by a mysterious person.

In just a few months, the high-ranking members of the Xiong family were almost killed and injured, and in the end, only Xiong Cai'e, a Jindan Realm powerhouse, was left to support the fragmented Xiong family.

It can be said that today's Xiong family is not even a third-rate family.

This time, the two risked their lives to come to Dragon Tiger Mountain, also thinking about whether they could get any opportunity to avenge those dead family members.

Although they knew that the chances were slim, the two still held a glimmer of hope in their hearts.

After listening to Xiong Cai'e's story, Ye Xiaofan was furious.

"Immeasurable fucking Tianzun, what kind of shit Wang family is so arrogant, angry and poor."

Xiong boldly and angrily scolded: "The Wang family of Dog Day, dare to be so excessive, is this bullying my Xiong family no one?"

He immediately looked at Xiong Xinzhu, whose eyes were red, and patted his chest: "Little girl, don't be afraid, wait for this matter, let's go back to Donghai Base City, I will decide for you."

Xiong Xinzhu wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and said boldly to Xiong with gratitude: "Thank you big brother, but... But that Wang family is very strong? The

girl hesitated, afraid that it would affect the bear boldly.

The Wang family is a first-class family in Donghai Base City, there are countless top kings in the family, and there are rumors that even the inscription realm has several statues, and the strength is very strong.

The corner of Xiong Bold's mouth hooked a touch of disdain: "If I want to destroy the Wang family, but with a snap of my fingers, there is no need to worry."

Ye Xiaofan was surprised, that look seemed to say, be careful if the cowhide was blown out.

Xiong boldly smiled and quickly retracted the arrogance on his face.

Xiong Xinzhu's eyes showed curiosity, and the little Daoist boy in front of him, who looked about the same age as her, spoke in such a loud tone.

Could it be that the other party is really some peerless powerhouse?

But it doesn't look like it.

But Xiong Cai'e believed a little, because Xiong Bold gave her a really powerful feeling.

If you sense it carefully, you will find that its restrained aura is very majestic.

Even if the other party is not the opponent of the Wang family, isn't there Ye Xiaofan?

The apprentices are so powerful, then his strength as a master can still be said.

There was hope in her eyes, perhaps, with the help of these two people in front of her, their Xiong family might really be able to take revenge.

The four of them traveled all the way up, spending hours, and finally reached the top of the mountain.

There were also monster attacks on the road, but they were all bold and easily solved by bears.

The clouds on the top of the mountain are shrouded in mist, and the sun shines on it, dyeing the clouds golden, and the scenery is exceptionally beautiful.

Afterwards, the four of them went to Tianmen Mountain, the highest peak of Dragon Tiger Mountain, and successfully arrived soon after.

At the top of Tianmen Mountain, there is a huge square, at the end of the square stands a temple, and on the dilapidated plaque above the gate, three big characters of the dragon flying phoenix dance - Tianshi Mansion.

At this moment, the temple is dilapidated, and the walls and roofs are covered with vine vegetation, which looks like it has been abandoned for a long time.

And that's exactly what happened.

Since the revival of Reiki, countless animals have begun to evolve.

After the animals were born with spiritual intelligence, they began to attack humans.

In the beginning, humans everywhere could hold on.

But as more and more animals evolved, their strength became stronger.

The human beings scattered everywhere simply cannot be stopped, and the army cannot control it.

In the end, the humans gathered together and built the base city, uniting to block the attack of the monsters.

In the sea of clouds behind the main hall, stands an ancient stone gate.

The stone gate is hundreds of meters high, engraved with countless ancient esoteric runes, and the plaque at the top is engraved with four ancient characters - Heavenly Master Secret Realm.

In the center of the plaque, a purple-gold talisman is attached.

Above the square, many forces gathered, both humans and monsters.

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