Seeing that only four people had arrived, all the forces present were surprised.

This time, no matter which force it was, at least ten people came.

At the moment, only four people came, I'm afraid they didn't come to send people's heads?

Some people also immediately recognized Xiong Cai'e and Xiong Xinzhu.

"That's someone from the Xiong family, with their little strength, they actually dare to come here!"

Someone made a mocking sound.

"Who are those two Taoist priests? Are there really Taoist priests in this era? Some

people were also curious about the identities of Ye Xiaofan and the two.

Ye Xiaofan walked up to all the forces and said with a smile: "Immeasurable Tianzun, poor Dao Ye Tiande, I have seen all the Daoists." All

the forces looked at Ye Xiaofan one after another, but they did not sense the slightest aura fluctuation from his body.


All the forces were stunned, but immediately denied this idea.

Being able to come here, how can it be a mortal, it must be hiding cultivation.

A middle-aged man stood up and asked, "This Daoist friend looks a little angry, I don't know where he came from?"

Ye Xiaofan smiled and said, "The poor road is nameless, not enough to hang on."

The man wanted to ask again, but there was a sound of breaking air in the distance.

Everyone looked for a voice, and saw a large group of figures flying over, led by a short-haired woman, wearing a velvet suit, tall and slender, with a heroic air between her eyebrows, like a female general.

Behind the woman, there was also a large group of people dressed in uniforms, and it was obvious that the group in front of them was from the military.

"That's Chief Situ!"

Suddenly someone exclaimed, apparently recognizing the identity of the person.

The woman's name was Situ Jing, and she was the head of Donghai Base City.

Although she is a female stream, she is the No. 1 strong in the East Sea Base, and has led the East Sea Base City to repel countless attacks by sea beasts over the years.

A group of people soon arrived in front and landed on the square.

A group of human forces quickly stepped forward to salute and show respect.

Those who came here in advance were small forces.

There is a saying called what comes, stupid birds fly first.

They knew that their strength was weak and they might get nothing if they came late, so they came here early to wait.

Situ Jing bowed his head slightly to everyone, and then looked at the huge stone gate in the sea of clouds ahead.

Someone immediately stepped forward and explained: "Chief Situ, there is a seal talisman on this stone gate, it needs to be uncovered in order to enter the world behind the stone gate, we have also tried it in the past few days, let alone unveiled, even touching the purple-gold talisman basket can't be done."

Situ Jing bowed his head slightly, and then flew forward, mobilized his whole body spiritual power, and slapped his palm fiercely on the Zijin talisman.

In an instant, the purple-gold talisman burst into brilliant light, shaking her out.

Situ Jing slashed tens of kilometers in the air before stopping, wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, and his eyes showed solemnity.

Everyone below also froze their eyes, and their hearts were extremely shocked.

Even an absolute powerhouse like Situ Jing couldn't break through the defense of the purple-gold talisman.

From this, you can see how terrifying the purple-gold talisman is.

Situ Jing flew back, and a group of military people quickly stepped forward and asked, "Chief, are you all right?"

Situ Jing shook his head slightly, and said in a deep voice: "It seems that we have to wait for the other forces to arrive before we act."

Just as these words fell, there was another sound of breaking wind in the distance.

Everyone looked at it.

"Those are the three first-class families in Donghai Base City, and they actually have so many people here."

Some people recognized the identity of the person who came, and they were all shocked.

This time, the three first-class families added up to more than 100 people.

Situ Jing's face was slightly gloomy, although she was also from a family, she was not cold to these guys.

In the original society, although these family chaebols were also arrogant, they were generally good.

After all, they are all flesh and blood, and they cannot fight against thermal weapons.

But since the revival of Reiki, these family chaebols have become more arrogant.

Because what they have is no longer wealth, but also terrifying strength.

Even thermal weapons are no longer useful for them.

Therefore, these family chaebols are more arrogant in their work.

Although the state intervened, it was still able to suppress most chaebol families.

But in this case, this cannot be done.

Because human beings are already on the weak side in the fight against monsters.

After all, in addition to demon beasts, there are countless sea beasts, and the number is much more than that of humans.

If the living power is consumed again, the consequences are unimaginable.

The three forces soon arrived at the scene.

They are the Wang family, the Zhou family, and the Yang family.

After the arrival of the three parties, they glanced at the forces present, and then the three leaders bowed slightly to Situ Jing, which was regarded as a greeting.

Judging from that perfunctory attitude, the three did not pay much attention to Situ Jing.

Suddenly, the Wang family saw Ye Xiaofan and the four, and immediately showed a sneer.

"Hehe, isn't that someone from the Xiong family, with their little strength, they actually dare to come here, they really don't know whether they are dead or alive."

"Hehe, people may be holding on to the last hope, what if they get a chance here?"

The Wang family laughed wantonly, and did not hide it at all.

Xiong Cai'e and Xiong Xinzhu's faces were extremely ugly, and the latter was even more trembling with anger, staring at a rebellious young man in the Wang family's camp with big eyes.

The other party is Wang Tengfei, the murderer who killed her sister.

Noticing Xiong Xinzhu's eyes, Wang Tengfei compared a gesture of wiping his neck, full of provocation.

Xiong Bold also happened to see this scene, his eyes widened with anger at that time, and he directly scolded: "Little B cub, are you looking for death?" Really think that my old bear family has no one?

As soon as these words came out, the faces of everyone in the Wang family suddenly became ugly.

The rest of the human forces also looked sideways, actually daring to provoke the Wang family, is this too long?

The Wang family, that is a first-class family in Donghai Base City, the strength is so strong, even the military is not willing to offend easily.

Wang Tengfei said coldly: "Little miscellaneous, do you want to die?"

Xiong boldly responded with disdain: "Just because you are a little B cub, you dare to say such a big thing?" It's not me bragging, one finger can crush you.

Wang Tengfei was so angry that his forehead bulged and shouted violently: "Miscellaneous, you are looking for death." He

strode out and boldly killed the bear.

A cold light flashed in Xiong Dao's eyes, ready to teach the other party a lesson.

But at this moment, Situ Jing shouted coldly: "Let me go back." The

majestic momentum swept through, and Wang Tengfei's forward figure suddenly stopped, and his eyes looked at Situ Jing with jealousy.

The faces of everyone in the Wang family also changed slightly, and the old man at the head smiled and said, "Chief Situ, if you make a move against a junior, aren't you afraid of damaging your reputation?"

Situ Jing responded coldly: "Wang Fangshan, don't think I don't know what the Xiong family did, I advise you not to do things too much."

"People are doing, the sky is watching, it's not that you don't report it, the time has not come, don't wait for retribution to come to know regret."

Wang Fangshan laughed loudly when he heard this: "Hahaha, retribution, if that kind of thing really exists, there won't be so many unfair things in this world."

Speaking of this, he looked at Situ Jing with a grin and said arrogantly: "As long as the strength is strong enough, there is no need to fear any retaliation, and my Wang family has that confidence." "


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