This time, there were a lot of people, hundreds of people.

In addition to the military and families of Jiangnan Base City, there is also a special squad from Kyoto

led by a group of soldiers dressed in uniform.

The leader was a middle-aged man with a resolute face.

He wears a black power suit, has inch hair, and his resolute face is extremely ordinary.

If it is placed in the crowd, it belongs to the kind of extremely ordinary passers-by.

If you don't look closely, you can't remember that ordinary face.

Although his face is ordinary, the middle-aged man has an extraordinary temperament.

After seeing the person coming, whether it was a human or a demon beast, the faces of the people present became solemn.

Even the previously arrogant Tiger King's face became solemn.

The Peacock King's pupils erupted with brilliant light, and his eyes stared at the middle-aged man.

His name is Chen Jiangnan, a legendary figure.

Before the revival of Reiki, Chen Jiangnan was just an ordinary retired soldier, but after the revival of Reiki

, he rose against the sky, killed countless strong enemies along the way, saved Jiangnan Base City several times, and was called the first hero of Jiangnan by the people of the Dragon Country.

There is a comment that says so.

I have never seen Chen Jiangnan in my life, even if I call it a hero, it is useless.

The most terrifying battle was two years ago, when two demon emperors led countless demon beasts to attack Jiangnan Base City, but in the end, he successfully repelled and forcefully killed one of the demon emperors, known as the Dragon Kingdom.

Known as the first powerhouse in the eastern part of the Dragon Kingdom.

With him sitting in the Jiangnan base, few people dare to invade.

Even those arrogant family chaebols can only converge in front of him and dare not be arrogant.

No, those chaebol families, who came with behind at this moment, did not dare to act privately.

A group of people soon arrived closer.

"Chief Situ, long time no see."

Chen Jiangnan greeted Situ Jing.

Situ Jing bowed his head slightly and explained the situation at the scene.

Chen Jiangnan looked at the purple-gold talisman on the stone door, and then blatantly struck, but it also ended in failure.

"What a terrifying talisman!"

He was horrified.

The Peacock King smiled and said, "Chen Jiangnan, it seems that your strength has not grown much over the years.

Chen Jiangnan looked at him and said lightly: "You can still be defeated."

The Peacock King snorted coldly: "That's not necessarily, after entering the secret realm, this emperor will definitely avenge the revenge of the year."

Chen Jiangnan stood with his hands in his hands and said lightly: "I hope your strength has improved over the years, and you will not let me down."

"Don't worry, I won't let you down." The Peacock King's voice was cold and arrogant, and his eyes showed high fighting intent.

Ye Xiaofan secretly pouted, always feeling that this new guy could pretend better than him.

"The two guys of Old Turtle and Frog don't know when they will arrive, let's try it first."

Chen Jiangnan spoke directly, not intending to wait any longer.

Then, all the forces present made a concerted effort to strike at the purple-gold talisman.

But what shocked everyone was that even if they worked together, they would not be able to shake the purple-gold talisman.

Of course, Ye Xiaofan did not make a move, otherwise he would have opened it long ago.

He had to wait until all the forces had arrived before he started.

Seeing this, such people can only continue to wait.

Soon after, there were forces present, both demon and terran.

But it's all small forces.

The two demon emperors that Chen Jiangnan said had not arrived.

Ye Xiaofan's eyes lit up because he saw the pet.

Among the newly arrived demon forces, Jin Wanjin and Phoenix Ji are hidden in it, as well as Yuhualong and Bai Susu.

However, he did not see the figures of the big black dog and Qin Feng.

I don't know where the two guys ran.

After waiting for a while, two top powers arrived.

To be precise, it is a force.

It was two groups of black-robed people, led by a woman in a white dress and a woman in a purple dress.

They are the people of the Dark Night Rose of the two base cities, and the two people led by them are the White Rose and the Purple Rose of the Dragon Kingdom.

Although Night Rose is a killer organization, not many people hate it in the Dragon Kingdom.

Because they're not the kind of organization that kills.

It's not all about the task.

For example, people who assassinate the military, or people who have great achievements, such tasks are never accepted.

Moreover, when there is danger in the base city, Night Rose will also secretly strike to help repel the enemy.

With the arrival of the two, everyone once again couldn't resist and joined forces again, but they still failed to break the seal of the purple-gold talisman.

"This group of guys is such rubbish, they can't even get a broken talisman."

Ye Xiaofan secretly pouted, he had listened to those guys blow one more than the other.

What the first strong in the east, what a powerful demon emperor.

The result?

"Boy, you think everyone is a freak like you, do you know what kind of talisman it is?"

A voiceless voice sounded in his mind, it was the dragon pattern black gold ding that had not reacted for a long time.

After this period of getting along, Dragon Pattern Black Jinding found that Ye Xiaofan was a complete freak.

As long as you eat and exercise, the strength in the body will continue to increase.

It's also well-informed, but he's never seen anything like this.

Ye Xiaofan was curious: "What is it?" "

That's the Purple Gold Town Mansion Talisman of the Heavenly Master Mansion, which can protect the tranquility of the family mansion and not be disturbed by outsiders, I am afraid that even the strong people who have crossed the Tribulation Realm will be difficult to break, just with this group of little cultivators in front of them who have not even cultivated the Yuan Baby, they also want to break it, it is simply a fool's dream."

The Dragon Pattern Black Gold Ding quickly gave the answer, but with undisguised contempt in his voice.

Ye Xiaofan's attention was attracted by the words of the Tribulation Realm, and he said curiously: "The Tribulation Realm, what realm is that?" Is it awesome? The

Dragon Pattern Black Gold Ding said proudly: "Nonsense, of course it is powerful, even when it is in the peak of cultivation back then, the cultivators who can reach the Tribulation Realm can be called a hero."

Ye Xiaofan's eyes showed a hint of fighting intent: "So powerful, then I don't know how many punches you can take from me?" The

dragon pattern black gold ding suddenly lost his voice.

"Hey, you talk."

"Damn, I shouldn't have told this freak."

In the inner space of the dragon pattern black gold ding, the black little dragon qi secretly rolled its eyes.

A few punches with a hammer, I'm afraid I can't take half a punch.

Seeing that the dragon pattern black gold ding did not take care of himself, Ye Xiaofan did not ask more.

Guessing in his heart, he may not be an opponent, and the dragon pattern black gold ding should be afraid of hitting him so he didn't say.

No, it seems that I am not strong enough, I have to exercise more.

Ye Xiaofan secretly thought in his heart, ready to wait for the return from here, then increase his exercise intensity.

If you let the Dragon Pattern Black Jinding know what he thinks, I don't know how it will feel?

Unable to break the purple-gold talisman, the forces had to continue to wait.

After waiting for several hours, the other two demon emperors were late.

They are none other than the Xuangui King and the Frog King who are active in the east.

Of course, it is time to call the demon emperor.

"I'm sorry, guys, we've had a bit of a delay."

After the arrival of the two demon emperors, they spoke apologetically to everyone.

Although he said this, there was no half apology in his eyes.

Chen Jiangnan said lightly: "Okay, don't talk nonsense, let's strike together." "


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