Under the leadership of Chen Jiangnan, all forces once again joined forces.

Ye Xiaofan mixed in the crowd and also punched out.

This punch he used with great force.

The main thing is that the dragon pattern black gold ding just said, what kind of purple gold town talisman, even what kind of crossing the robbery realm may not be able to break through.

So he didn't keep his hand.

The fist followed everyone's attack and blasted towards the purple-gold talisman above the stone gate.

Under everyone's nervous gaze, countless attacks hit the purple-gold talisman.

Then, the purple-gold rune basket could not hold up for even a second, and it turned into a pile of powder on the spot, and even the stone door engraved with countless occult runes was blasted out of a large hole.


Everyone was a little confused.

Just now, everyone worked together, but they couldn't shake the slightest purple-gold talisman, and this time it was broken so easily?

Could it be that the Xuangui King and the Frog King who joined later were so powerful?

Or did they say that they had already consumed most of the energy in the purple-gold talisman before.

After a little thought, people still prefer the latter possibility.

Ye Xiaofan was also very confused, didn't he say that even that crossing the Tribulation Realm might not be able to break through? Now what's going on here?

Did I just guess wrong? That crossing the realm is actually very rubbish.

The corner of Ye Xiaofan's mouth twitched, and he felt that the answer should be like this.

"Depend, you don't explain clearly, so I used so much force, what if I break the treasure inside?"

He secretly scolded the dragon pattern black gold ding in his heart, so that it would brag less in the future.

The dragon pattern black gold ding was too lazy to respond at all.

In this scene in front of him, only the pets who have hidden their identities know what is going on.

There is no doubt that it must be Ye Xiaofan who is secretly making a move.

It just made them wonder that there was no Ye Xiaofan among the forces present at all.

When did the owner become such a clever means of hiding?

In the team of demon beasts, Phoenix Ji thought secretly in her heart.

In the other demon beast team, Jin Wanjin was also surprised in his heart.

"Did the master get some powerful magic weapon again? No, the good baby in Emei Mountain last time was basically snatched away by me and the dog.

Suddenly, it thought of Centipede Zhixing.

The former storage rings they did not rob.

And at the beginning, Centipede Zhixing also scavenged a lot of things with him.

Subsequently, all the forces present rushed towards the stone gate.

Ye Xiaofan pulled Xiong Xinzhu, who wanted to follow: "Don't worry, let them go first."

Although the girl was puzzled, she nodded obediently.

After a while, all the forces entered behind the stone gate.

"Let's go too."

Ye Xiaofan jumped forward, like a cannonball, accurately shooting into the hole in the stone gate.

Xiong Xinzhu and Xiong Cai'e looked dazed, not understanding what Ye Xiaofan was doing?

Why not fly?

"Don't look, let's hurry up."

Xiong boldly reminded, and then quickly followed with the two women.

After Ye Xiaofan spun around for a while, he fell into a wooded jungle with a thud.

Roll over and climb up, jump on the branch of an ancient tree, and look around.

It's a vast and magnificent world.

It is surrounded by endless mountains full of primitive atmosphere.

In the mountains, from time to time, birds, beasts and insects chirped.

At the end of the eastern skyline, there are countless towering peaks.

The mountain peaks are shrouded in white clouds.

Ye Xiaofan also vaguely saw that above that cloud, there seemed to be magnificent palaces suspended.

"Could it be the rumored Heavenly Master Mansion?"

Ye Xiaofan's eyes showed curiosity, and then he looked around, and did not notice the figure of Xiong Dao.

"Damn, it's random teleportation again, how do these ancient sects always like to engage in this thing."

Ye Xiaofan scolded his mother in his heart, and he came in hand when he knew it.

Where did he know that anyone who forcibly entered the secret realm would be scattered.

The purpose is to divide the enemies who have entered the secret realm, and then divide and annihilate them.

Then, Ye Xiaofan headed towards the Heavenly Master Mansion at the end of the sky.

He is fast and constantly jumps among the peaks.

Like Mount Emei, there are almost no monsters here except for some ordinary animals.

I remember that Qin Zhentian told him later that the spiritual energy in the secret realm was extremely thin, and it was completely incomparable with the outside world.

"Why is that? Could this be the reason why those ancient sects disappeared back then?

Ye Xiaofan was puzzled in his heart, at the moment, this secret realm was almost intact like Mount Emei, and it didn't look like it had been attacked.

In other words, the ancestors here should have moved away en masse.

As for why? I think it was because of the depletion of aura.

A monk cannot leave the aura, just as a fish cannot leave water.

Just as he was thinking and hurrying, there was a sudden sound of fighting ahead.

He fixed his eyes and saw a group of guys fighting a tall golden giant.

The golden giant was 100 meters tall, dressed in golden armor, and even his skin was pale gold, as if it was pure gold.

Holding a giant sword in his hand, every time the sword goes down, a huge ravine will appear on the earth, which looks extremely terrifying.

It is fought by monsters and humans, the most powerful of which is a woman in a purple dress and a black panther.

Ye Xiaofan recognized the other party, it was Purple Rose, one of the leaders of the Night Rose.

As for the black panther, he remembered that it seemed to be one of the great demons under the tiger king.

Ye Xiaofan found a place to hide, did not step forward to help, ready to take a closer look at what this golden giant came from.

After observing for a long time, he saw that the golden giant did not look like a real creature, because its face had not changed its expression, and it was also mechanically stiff when fighting, like a robot.

"Xiao Ding, what is this?" Ye Xiaofan asked the dragon pattern black gold ding in his heart.

The dragon pattern black gold ding did not hide it, and quickly gave the answer.

"This thing is called the Yellow Turban Lux, and it is also transformed by a talisman, which should be used by the Heavenly Master Mansion to guard the mountain gate."

"Yellow Turban Lux, isn't this a legendary thing? It really exists.

Ye Xiaofan was shocked, and at the same time a little puzzled: "Why doesn't it look very powerful?" Isn't the rumor describing the Yellow Turban Lux as powerful?

"Nonsense, how many years has the aura been exhausted here? The energy of this yellow turban lux in front of you is almost exhausted, otherwise you think that you can also get through it with that group of scum? The

dragon pattern black gold ding's angry voice sounded in his mind.

"So it is."

Ye Xiaofan's eyes showed abruptness, and then leisurely watched the battle between the two sides, without the slightest intention of going up to help.

After a bitter battle, the Yellow Turban Lux was finally defeated, and it exploded with a bang, turning into a cloud of golden light, and when the golden light disappeared, revealing a yellow talisman.

Everyone and the demons suddenly flew towards the golden talisman, among which the purple rose and the black panther were the fastest.

The next moment, the two fought fiercely for the yellow talisman.

Ye Xiaofan was a little curious: "Xiao Ding, that yellow turban warrior has been burst, that talisman is still useful?"

"As long as the origin of the talisman is not damaged, it can be passed down forever, and as long as it is taken to the outside world, it can absorb the aura on its own, and when the aura is refilled, it can be re-transformed into a yellow turban lux, and before that, it can be used as long as it is spilled blood to recognize the lord."

Ye Xiaofan's eyes lit up, and he suddenly had an idea in his heart.

On the other side, the battle between Purple Rose and Black Panther became more and more intense, but in the end, the former was better and defeated Black Panther.

The purple rose landed and spewed out a mouthful of blood, but looking at the yellow talisman in her hand, a flash of joy flashed in her watery eyes.

Although there were some injuries, the harvest was not bad.

Just as she was about to put the talisman into the storage ring, a voice suddenly came from a distance.

"Taoist and slow."


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